

*Katie picks up her cell to be greeted by Mike's Voice. Katie does her best to sound at least a bit happy and enjoyable to talk with.*

"Hey Mike. Ya Jason relized he left it there this morning...yaa...He got put on a pritty heavy case this morning. He might be around at Night or in the afternoons to do practice with you guys. I just wanted to let ya know so you dont like he vanishes."

*Katie giggles.*

"Ya if you want to drop it off I'll be here. Thx Mike. See ya later."

*Katie hangs up her phone and leans her head back closing her eyes.*

"Please God keep Jamie safe, Keep her strong with her head held to you. If in anyway God help me be of use as well. Amen."

*After finishing her praying Jamie gets herself ready for the day and heads over to her therapy sestion pushing herself to the limit today.*

*Nate looks up at Wyatt and nods trying to throw him his normaly cocky smile.*

"Ok lets get over there before whoever was there in the first place. I'll fill ya on what I know on the way."

*Nate slings her arm around Wyatt shoulder and heads for the door and to the car. Making there way to Jamie's.*

*As Mable heads the bell open she comes out from the back room whiping her hands on her aprin.*

"Hey Jason you here early this morning. Doing a coffee run?"

*As Herb peeks out from the back room he sees the look on Jason's face. There was no denying something was wrong. Coming out from the back and steps up next to Mable and puts an arm around her, bracing her for the bad news.*

"Hotshot, whats wrong? What's happend?"

*Jamie wakes to the feel of a gental hand on leg. Jumping with a start Jamies eyes fly open. A soft brused face smiles back at her the best she can though her cracked lips. Her hair was fire red and matted like it hadent been brushed in ages.*

Girl: "Oh...take it easy. I'l trying to clean up these wounds on you legs the best I can with the water they brang you. I'm Sam."

*Jamie looks at Sam her eyes glazed over and the dazed look in them.*

"I'm Jamie. How come..how come your not tired up? Can you help me out of here please?"

*Sam lowers her eyes and shakes her head bring the glass of water to Jamies lips so she can drink.*

"I tryed to stop escaping about the fith time I got the crap kicked out of me. Its no use anyways. That door is solid metal and wont open from ourside. There arnt any windows eather."

*Sam lowers the glass of water from Jamie lips and pats them dry with a rag.*

"I cant untie you eather for your own safty. If I do they will think you tryed to escape and probley beat you up pritty good too. Just tell them what they want to hear and they will leave you alone for now."

*Jamies head drops as everything starts to spin.*

"But....I honestly dont know....I dont know any...anything."

Unwanted Job

Jason shakes his head. “Reese didn’t give any details. He only mentioned something about Con and the Agency. I have to go find out what’s happening.”

He turns to head for a clean set of clothes, when Katie’s hand on his arms stops him as she asks him to be careful. He looks down at her, flashing her one of his old cocky grins. “Always” He takes her hand to give it a squeeze, then aims for his bag.

After only a couple minutes in the bathroom, Jason’s ready for the day and takes a moment to lace up his boots and grab his gear. “I’ll call you as soon as I know something substantial, and if there’s anything you can do, I’ll let you know.”

Jason goes for the door and doesn’t stop until he’s at his bike, then he’s on his way to TJY. Once there, he’s quick to get inside. He aims straight for Reese’s office, though sees Con and Nate off to the side, and wonders just exactly what was happening.

Retrieving the briefing from Reese, Jason not only can’t believe Jamie’s been taken, but can’t imagine that he’s been chosen to tell her parents. But he can see in Reese’s eyes that he’s in no mood to be argued with.

Finally having his orders, Jason heads back out onto the floor and aims for Con. Seeing the circles under Con’s eyes and the bloodshot stare he holds on the files in front of him, Jason is slightly taken aback. He’d never seen Con as weary looking as this. “Con?” Not receiving an answer, he steps closer, raising his voice slightly. “Con?”

Con jerks his head to the side, not having realized anyone had come up behind him. “Jase… Glad you’re here. Talk to Reese?”

“Yeah.” Jason crosses his arms casually. “He said you thought it was the Agency and that they’d taken Jamie to get to you. That doesn’t make sense to me.”

“Well it does to me,” Con states flatly, chucking another folder across the table. “And they’re gonna pay for this.”

Jason raises an eyebrow at the anger in Con’s tone. Something else he’d rarely picked up on. “Hey, take it easy. We’ll find her.”

“Would people stop telling me to take it easy?!” Con looks up at Jason with irritation. “All I’m trying to do is my job!”

“Reese told me about your hearing…” Jason shifts the conversation slightly. “He said he didn’t want you out on this case.”

“Well he can take his advice and shove it.”

“Con!” Jason frowns. “What is the matter with you?”

“This whole thing is my fault, alright?!” Con slams another folder shut. “If I hadn’t….” He rolls his eyes, not even knowing what he’s saying anymore. “Look I’ve got to be on this case. I don’t care what Reese says, and I don’t care what you say.”

Jason simply can’t understand Con’s behavior. This was not like him at all. “But why would the Agency take Jamie to get to you?” Jason searches his friend for answers. “I know Jamie is our friend, but for pete’s sake settle down. We’ll find her. Why has this gotten to you so bad?”

Con finally stops what he’s doing and looks Jason in the eye. His tone comes out quieter, etched with dead seriousness. “Have you ever seen a smile that was warmer than the sun? Or felt a touch that could send an electrical shock through your body, but that was soft enough to calm any fear? Or looked into eyes so deep that you get lost, but you don’t even care about finding the way back out again?”

Jason’s eyes widen at Con’s meaningful words. He was shocked. “You…you’re in love with her.”

Con swallows hard and turns back to his files. “And as such, I put her in danger.”

Jason suddenly comes to a new realization about the whole situation. He could relate…but even with Katie, she’d been on the case, knowing full well the dangers. Jamie had been an innocent bystander of the Agency. Katie was attacked because she was on the case. Jamie was taken in order to get to Con. “Man, I’m sorry…I had no idea. How long have you…felt this way?”

Con flips over another picture, desperate to stay on top of his emotions. “Not long enough.”

Jason has a hard time seeing Con like this. Not only had he never seen his friend having feelings for a woman, but he’d never seen him this distraught over anything either. “Con…Reese is right…you shouldn’t be on this case. You’re too close to it.”

“Don’t give me that,” Con retorts, throwing Jason a glare. “You can’t tell me that if something else happened to Katie, you wouldn’t be the first on the scene.”

“You’re not well, Con,” Jason argues. “You just about died only two days ago, you haven’t had any sleep, and you’re way too involved. Just let Nate, Wyatt and I handle this.”

Con forces a scoffing laugh. “You and Reese wish.”

Disappointed and frustrated, Jason leaves Con alone, not knowing what else he can say. All he can do is as he was told…and that was the worst part of all. He throws a sloppy salute in Nate’s direction as he heads for the door. Mom and Pop’s should be opening right about now…

“Hey, Nate.” Wyatt approaches Nate’s desk quickly. “Dad called me and said what was going on. He said you and I were heading over to Jamie’s. I’m ready when you are.”

Jason parks in front of the small restaurant and takes a deep breath. How had he ended up with this job? Finally he steps off his bike, takes off his helmet and heads inside. Like Con, he almost has to duck to miss the bell above the door, and he slowly approaches the front counter. He knows the look on his face will give away that something is wrong, but maybe that was okay to signal that before he had to speak. “Herb? Mable?”

Mike picks up his phone and dials, fidgeting with a closed cell phone in his other hand. “Hey, Katie! This is Mike…Jason left his phone here last night. You wanna let him know it’s here?”


*Nate nods at Reese.*

"I'll have Wyatt head over to Jamie's but I would rather he dident go alone. I would of said Katie could go to but since her is still not able to I'll go with him, have Jason go to Jamie's parents and than come back here and Help Con. I know Con and Him are close so maybe he can talk some sense into him."

*Nate lets out a long sigh.*

"I'm sorry this is happoning Reese. Just remember God has his planes and things will be ok. He'll keep Jamie safe for us."

*Nate heads out of the office and heads to his own desk waiting for Jason and Wyatt to show up.*

*Katies smiles she would like it if they did it more as well. Soon it is to fade though as the new of Jamie hits her ears. The fear the horror, this couldent be happing. Not to Jamie.*

"What? How? I dont understand? After you find out more J please please call me. Ask Reese if there is anything I can do as well. I hate just siting here not being able to do anything to help."

*As Jason pass her Katie takes his arm.*

"Please becarfel Hun."

*Katie smiles up at Jason the best smile she can.*

*Jamies eyes flutter open as a door is slamed, the pain the corsed through her though out the night is now gone only leaving a dull tinngling. She was no longer standing she but now laying out the ground her arms still behind her tied. Pounding on the steps makes Jamie look upi squinting. Coming down the steps was Joe with another shorter fater man.*

*Joe looks over at Jamie than elbows the the fat man.*

"Looks like she is awake now boss."

*The fat man looks to Jamie with files in his hand. Then nods to Joe.
Coming up behind Jamie, Joe hoists Jamie to her feel.
Wincing in pain Jamie trys her best to make her legs work.
In a deep gruf voice the Fat man looks down at Jamies legs and bair feet than looks back at Joe.*

"Dear L....its looks like you used her as a pin custion Joe. When I told you to make sure she dident get away I dident mean stab her all over. We need her to still be able to talk."

*Joe says nothing as he takes Jamie over to a chair and pushes her into it. Standing beside Jamie with his arms crossed.
For the first time since taken Jamie glaces down at her jeans in horror seeing all the blood that stained her jeans.*

Fat Man: "So now Jamie, these files we got from your house are quite intresting. It says something about the Computer chips we put in a few people years back. However we run into a problem there is a page missing, so now we need you to tell us where the chips are now and if they were all taken out, or not."

*Jamie wearly lifts her head and looks at the Fat Man. Confustion on her face. In a horse dry voice Katie replys.*

"I dont know where they are I dont even know anything about them. I havent read those files yet."

*The Fat Man leans forword in his chair noding again at Joe.
Joe steps infront of Jamie and squats down but not in the way so the fat man can still look Jamie in the eyes. Joes reaches on a table and pulls a long needle from it. Taking it in his hand he lines the tip up with one of the already made holes on her leg jabing it through her.
The Fat man gets a sinister smile on his face.*

"You see my dear we have many ways of making you talk. Most of them arnt pleasent so I would sujest you just us us the info we want and get it over with."

*Jamie shreeks out in pain as the needel enters her leg but says nothing only tears roll down her face.*

Fat Man: "Fine have it your way but I wont be pasent for long."

*The Fat man stands and heads for the steps.*

"Get her some water or something and come on. We will be back later."

*Joe pulls Jamie up and gives her a push aganst a beam heading for the steps.
Pain corses though Jamie as she hits the beam sending her world in darkness once again.*


Reese sighs at Nate and shakes his head. “No leads thus far. I want someone to go over to Jamie’s and sweep the place this morning to see if anything can be found. Con doesn’t believe there will be any clues…he’s probably right, but its worth a try. He’s still trying to find out who poisoned him, thinking it will be a lead…I’m not convinced.”

He shakes his head and rubs a hand over his face. “Someone also needs to tell Jamie’s parents. I would have sent Con, but I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He’s obsessing, and it’s not like him. I’ll probably end up sending Jason over there once he comes in. If he doesn’t show up here soon, I’ll call Katie’s room.” He shrugs. “In the meantime, if you can get some sort of profile out of Con, I suppose you could help him look for this guy. I really don’t know what else to do. We can’t notify the authorities, so there can’t be a full-fledge search…this just doesn’t usually happen.”

Jason can’t help the smile that spreads, despite his weariness. “I don’t feel so hot either. Reese would kill me, but maybe I could get away with calling in.”

His eyes reflect mutual enjoyment in reference to the evening before. “Good. I had a great time too. We should do it more often.” He throws her a wink and finally musters up enough energy to roll out of bed and stand up, stretching tall and yawning. “Alright, Reese…” he shuffles in his stocking feet to the phone and picks it up, dialing. “Hey, Reese. Jason. Yeah. I had a rough night last night and…” Jason is cut off, his heart leaping into his throat. “What? How?” He spins around and glances to his bag, noting his phone isn’t there. “Well what….yeah…okay. I’ll be right in.”

Hanging up, he turns to Katie. “Looks like I’m not taking the day off. Jamie’s been kidnapped.”

Back to work

*Katie smiles as Jason Makes his way to the other bed. Watching him till finally he falls asleep and his mind is at peace. Still facing Jason, Katie closes her eyes and lets her ownself dift to sleep. Dreams, smiles dancing though her mind.*

*As Nate makes his way back into TJY he lets out a long sigh. He had, had a sleepless night. Jamie ran though his mind. It was one thing to have someone he dident know taken, it gave hime restless night and hardly anysleep, but it was so much differnt when it someone he new. It hit home hard. Glancing around the floor Nate shakes his head as Con is siting in the same spot he left him yesterday. Making his way to Reese office he opend the door.*

"Is Wyatt and Jason here yet? I dident see them and i need there here. Con is my friend but he like a lose cannon ready to blow. I'm worry about him Reese. All this on top of him being sick."

*Nate reverts his mind back to the task on hand. He needed to consintrat on what was going on now.*

"Do we have any word? Any leads?"

*From the other side of the bed Katie smiles at Jason after he rooms over. She has been drawing on her sketch pad. Puting it down.*

"Hey sleepyhead. You dont look so hott. You sure you can call off today?"

*Katie face glows in the light of the new day. Not being able to stop her smiles from exscaping.*

"Thank you for the date last night by the way. I have a great time. One of the best I have ever been on."

Night to Morning

As Katie’s hand takes Jason’s, he looks over in surprise, not having realized she was awake. He doesn’t draw away though, and allows her comfort to seep into his veins. Closing his eyes, he feels the tenderness of her touch on his face, and knows that it will be okay, even though there are rough times…and he doesn’t have to go through it alone. He opens his eyes to meet Katie’s, gazing into them as if he were looking straight through to her very heart. He was sheltered…he was safe.

No words need to be said, and he returns the squeeze to her hand before finally pulling away. He rises noiselessly from the chair and walks to the other bed to sink down on the mattress, his face turned towards Katie. He simply watches her, the moonlight caressing her face….until his eyes cannot stay open any longer and sleep overtakes him once again, this time offering mercy to his mind and allowing him to rest through the night.

With his eyes to the table, Con doesn’t catch all that Nate said, and just looks at him for a minute, trying to process what he’d been asked. “The Agency is a mob of…” Con bites his tongue from saying what he really wants. “A mob of wolves, devouring those on the list of one Dr. Medridge. There’s no escape, there’s no answers, and there’s no way out.”

The anger that is usually suppressed begins to boil, and Con doesn’t try to hide it. He looks back down at the pictures, continuing to sift through them. “The Agency itself ran a bogus adoption agency that was involved with illegal actions. There was some strange experimentation with some kids, including the implantation of computer chips, of which we still don’t know the purpose.” He pauses just a moment as he summarizes everything into a tiny nutshell. “They got a crazy loon, this Medridge, who they give free rein to. Apparently he likes to experiment with people – see how far he can go with them…see how much they can take…how much torture he can apply until they break. He studies those he tortures from a distance…he has people from the Agency working under him who do whatever he wants, and they have eyes wherever they want to. And when you least expect it…” Con’s eyes narrow as he focuses on nothing particular on the table, thinking only of Jamie. “…they strike.”

He grits his teeth and looks again at the pictures. He had to find the man…it was their only lead. He knew they would find nothing at Jamie’s house to lead them anywhere...

“Con, you’ve been at it all night! How many more files are you going to go through until you decide you need some rest?”

Con doesn’t even look up from the table that he’s been sitting at for hours. “As many as it takes until I find who I’m looking for.”

Reese rolls his eyes. He’d left late the night before, and had come back at six the next morning. He had to admit that he was surprised Con was still at it. “How do you even know the guy you saw at the auto shop has a record? If he’s never been arrested for anything, you could spend the next year going through files and not find him!”

Con looks up at his boss with bloodshot eyes. “And if he does have a record then I’m one step closer to finding Jamie.”

“I’m sorry Jamie got taken, and it makes me sick to think it was the Agency,” Reese admits. “But we’ve got to treat this case the same as any other. We can’t go off half-cocked and draw attention. If the police get involved, you know it could be disastrous.”

“Since when are we willing to sacrifice a life to preserve secrecy?” Con’s eyes dare Reese for an answer.

Reese frowns at him. “You know good and well that’s not what I meant. Now I know Jamie was a friend of yours, but I don’t understand why you’re killing yourself over this. We’ll get a handle on it, we’ll find her, and everything will be fine. Just give us time!”

Con returns his focus to his files, unwilling to discuss the issue further.

Reese sighs and shakes his head, aiming for his office. “Wyatt will be in any minute, and I’m expecting Jason sometime too. If you and them and Nate can’t handle this, come see me.”

Jason rubs his eyes with the palm of his hand, squinting in the light that’s coming in through the window. After yesterday, his body just didn’t want to get up. Glancing at his watch, he gives a little groan. Reese was expecting him, and he was going to be late now, no matter how he hurried. With that in mind, he doesn’t even move. He rolls over onto his side to see if Katie is awake yet. He wished he had the day off…he just didn’t feel like doing much at all.

A gental Hand

*Katie opens her eyes feeling Jason's pain. Siting up slowly there is enough moonlight shinning through the window the light reflects off Jason's tear. Slowly Katie reaches out her hand finding Jason. Wraping her fingers around his she gives a gentil squeeze leting him know its going to be ok. Turning twords her Jason her other hand find his face and gently whipes his tear away. Staring deep into his eyes Katie smiles.*

*Nate shakes his head and sighs at Reese.*

"I'll keep an eye on him as much as I can boss."

*Nate finishes looking through the files at Jamies desk but dosent find anything alse. Looking back over at Con dilagently looking at the Agency files. He never had seen Con like this before. He new Jamie was on of his close friends but the look in Con's eyes ran deeper than that. Standing Nate makes his way over to Con. pulling a chair up and stratling it leaving his arms aganst the back.*

"So tell me all you can about The Agency and why they would be after you, or even Jamie for that matter. This is imporant if I am going to help Con. I'm one of your good friends talk to me. I need to know all I can."

*The night seems to drag for Jamie the pain the tears. Time seems to mush into one. Her mouth dry, dry blood caked on her lip. What had happend to cause this nightmare. She though she had only been here a few hours but it seemed like ages. The darkness, creeping over her, No light, no sound it was enough to drive someone crazy.*


Jason's eyes dance back and forth between Katie's as she speaks, searching for truth of emotions. Her stare was like a pool with such depths one could not reach the bottom, yet so clear as to see every detail. The look in her eye, Jason recognized. He'd ignored it so many times...shrugged it off as a fleeting emotion she maybe felt for him. But it was still there...it hadn't left...it hadn't changed. His pulse quickens just a little.

Standing up, he shakes his head. "Nope. Tonight the date is coming to us." He grabs the television remote and tosses it to her. "I'm going down to get the food, and you're finding the movie."

Jason turns and heads for the door, but stops and turns halfway back around, glancing to Katie once more, his voice still with a teasing edge, yet softer...truer. "But don't worry...I think you'll get that date yet."

Fifteen minutes later, he returns with a tray of their supper and divvies out the food, grabbing the chair and pulling it up next to Katie's bed at an angle where he can see the television too. He says nothing more about the night or the future, wanting only to enjoy the evening until he had to sleep.

As the movies play, Jason's eyes grow heavier and heavier and he slides down further in the chair, leaning his head back. He tries to concentrate on the plotline instead of his own thoughts, but it becomes harder as the minutes pass. Finally he loses the battle and drift into sleep...

Jason feels himself being dragged to the room, the carpet burning his bare feet...his hands grabbing at Alex's legs out of desperation to stop him. The door halts his momentum as he's slammed into it, his shoulder taking the brunt of the shove. Alex's voice screams in his ear, and a kick to Jason's ribs punishes him for having ventured outside on his own. Jason doubles over, but isn't allowed time to recover before he's dragged into the room. The tears didn't even want to come any more. This torture would never end. No one was coming. Life, as he knew it, was over. The click of the lock on the door seals the fate of his night.

A cry makes its way to the surface and Jason sits bolt upright, almost falling off the chair. Beads of sweat trickle down the side of his face, his eyes wildly searching the room. The television was off...it was dark...it was late. He'd been sleeping for some time before the nightmare had finally hit. His pulse racing, the dream replays in his mind, and he leans his elbows on his knees, burying his face in his hands. Alex had won again...how many more times would he win...

A tear escapes to run down through Jason's finger, making a trail on his arm. No matter how much control he had...not matter how much time passed...there would always be pain there. He'd tried to ignore it...he'd tried to bury it...he'd tried to destroy it. He'd succeeded in moving past it, but just because it was left behind, didn't mean it no longer existed, and he knew that it would catch back up to him when least expected as long as he lived. If only it wasn't so hard every time... If only it didn't continue to be a shock...

Con frowns as he looks at the files in Nate's hand. "What? She wasn't. I mean...she wasn't that involved...maybe she did some work back here, but..." His voice trails off as he thinks. His mind reels with possibilities of who would have taken Jamie and why. The Texas case...the Agency.

The blood drains from Con's face. "It's me," he whispers. "They're after me." All of a sudden he feels like he's going to be sick and he leans on the cubicle wall for support. He'd been seen in public with Jamie a lot just recently... "The Agency...it's all my fault..." They'd just tried to kill him, and now Jamie was missing. It was a direct hit to him, personally. He closes is eyes, feeling unable to take this. "God, please no."

Putting a hand to his mouth, he thinks in desperation. There had to be a lead. There had to be something. Anything. He spins around and scans the floor, completely ignoring Nate's presence, and he heads to the row of filing cabinets on the wall. They'd tried to kill him...someone had injected him in his arm...someone had touched him.... He racks his brain as pictures emerge from the last few days. ...The auto shop...the man had bumped him...he'd had dark hair...his eyes...Con could almost see the face. He had to find that face again.

His walk becomes a jog and he reaches the filing cabinets, his eyes searching the alphabetized listings. Pictures...pictures...mug shots...convictions.... Con grabs several folders. He had to find that face...he had to find out who that had been.

Reese emerges from his office and heads in Con's direction. "Con...what are you doing? I've got Nate starting this thing, and Wyatt has been called. I tried Jason, but someone else answered his phone - apparently he left it at a friend's house after a bad spell, so I won't bother him until tomorrow. You, on the other hand, should be at home recuperating."

"I'm not going anywhere," Con states flatly, and begins to sift through the files.

"Con, it's late," Reese argues. "We can't do anything tonight. We're going to have to wait until morning when we can have someone sweep Jamie's house to figure out what happened."

"It's the Agency." Con keeps his eyes glued to the pictures.

"The Agency?" Reese is confused. "Why would they want her?"

Con finally looks up at him, emotion filling his eyes. "Because they want me."

"But why...just because she's a friend of yours? Why not Jason? Or Laura?"

Con doesn't answer, but shifts his gaze back to the file. He had to concentrate...he had to find out who had done this...he had to find her. It was all his fault...

"Con..." Reese moves closer. "Go home. We'll find her. You're in no shape to be here."

"I said I'm not going anywhere." Con throws his boss a glare.


"Make me," Con challenges. He spins on his heel and walks to a nearby table, sinking down in a chair and spreading out pictures in front of him.

Reese looks over to Nate and throws his arms up in the air, showing his frustration. They had to treat this with caution like any other case...Wyatt was coming in to help, Nate was already on it... there wasn't much more they could do until morning. But apparently Con really didn't have any intention of leaving. Why it was so important to him, Reese wondered. He'd never seen Con quite so worked up before.

Texas Files?

*For a moment Katie is stuned at the mention of a date. Was he searouse, or kidding around. Katie couldent tell but decieded if he was kidding she would play along that way if he wasent she wouldent feel stupid eather. Beaming and gring ever so slightly Katie looks back into Jason eyes.*

"It sure sounds like one to me too. If you offering it to be one anyways I'm game."

*Stairing into Jason eyes Katie searches for answers. What was going on in Jason's head. The feeling Katie had for Jason seemed so long ago but they were still alive beging to come out. What Jason had said seemed to stir something inside of her. Her feeling for him they were emerging again, but He said he has only wanted to be friends. If she took that chanse one more time what would happen. For now Katie thought it bed to play it safe and see what Jason had in mind.*

"Well are we gonna go on that date or stand here all day."

*Katie smiles and sticks out her toung at Jason, her face glowing even though she is tring to hid her feelings her eyes could not lie and could not be hidden. They new every emotions, the eyes the window to the soul.*

*Nate's eyes widen with fear. He had only been in Navada a short time now but he had become friends with many people at TJY. He was an easy fun loving guy to get along with. Jamie and Con had been the first 2 of his friends made. Now this was happing. So many thought ran through his mind. Why Jamie she was so sweet and never would hurt a fly. Nate gives a nod to Reese as he stands.*

"I'm on it boss. I'll see what I can find."

*Nate heads out of the office and makes his way to Jamie's desk starting with her computer to see what is on there. Sifting though many of her files on the desk top he comes up with nothing. Moving now to her fileing cabnit. Nothing seemed out of place sept the files for Texas. That was intresting He new Con and Jason were on that case but not Jamie. As Con stops next to him Nate looks up.*

"Hey, I dident know Jamie was working on the Texas case with you guys!"

*Nate holds up the files he found.*

"Thats about the only out of place thing I found."

*Jamie wakes again a sharp pain corsing through her body. The pain is unbearable as she squirms it worsens. All of a suddon a soft female voice on the other side of the room can her hurd.*

"Dont move around, you will just make it worse. You have several differnt pins in differnt part of your legs and feet. Its there way of making sure you CANT get out. The more you move the more tis going to hurt. Just relax and you wont feel much of anything."

*Jamie trys to squint throuh the dark at the sound of the voice but cant see anything. Was this parson a friend or fo. If she was one of the bad guys to why was she helping Jamie. Trying her best Jamie mummbles through her gag.*

"mf...are...mfmmMmm..you? Mfmshm....are..mfmfshhhmmm...we?"

*Only silence talks to Jamie back. Where had that person gone. Was Jamie just imaging she hurd a voice? As the pain over takes Jamie she once again pass out.*

Sounds like...

Jason smiles a little at Katie's enthusiasm for tacos. Being with her right now was just enough of a distraction from his own disturbing thoughts to get him through the evening. He wasn't so sure about what the night would bring after today's episode, but for now...for now he was okay.

As she mentions it being a perfect night, he can't help but agree. But suddenly a thought strikes him. How much longer would he be able to have these evenings with Katie? He knew they would always be friends and that he was allowed that freedom, no matter what paths they each took. But what would happen if another Wyatt showed up in her life? Jason could still be her friend...but if Katie began seeing another man again, Jason would be forced to take a backseat, no matter how close he and Katie were. It was only right...it wouldn't work any other way, and if Katie loved another man, that man would be entitled to be her priority, not Jason.

In an instant, Jason's mind is propelled into the future, taking things one step further. What about a year from now? Five years from now? Where would Katie be? Who would she be with? Jason had realized today that whether or not he could function without Katie's presence, he really didn't want to. Katie brought him a sense of comfort...a sense of peace...he couldn't deny that she was a wonderful young woman, who had helped him see so much in life. But...what would happen to that relationship if she moved on? Jason would be alone, and he knew it. No matter how good of friends they were, if she found her love in another man, Jason would be the one standing alone. ...Is that what he really wanted?

He thinks about his previous decision to remain only friends with Katie. At the time, it had been wise. He hadn't come to these realizations yet, and hadn't been able to commit to anything. It had been the right decision. But what about now? What about after these events? What about after he was coming to this realization about his feelings for her? Could he, after this, continue to deny his feelings? Not only would that be hard, but it would be stupid, and Jason knew it. As fearful as he was of failure or of anything ruining his friendship with Katie, if he didn't make a move now, it might be too late.

This decision is like a lightbulb turned on in his mind. Surprisingly enough though, it doesn't hit him as hard as he thought. Perhaps he'd known these things all along, but only now was willing to look at them and understand them. But...what would Katie think?

His thought-process takes but an instant of time, providing only a brief pause in the conversation, and he looks Katie in the eye, stepping out on a limb to test the waters. He had to find out.

He cocks his head, quirking an eyebrow with ever-so-slight of a grin toying with his mouth. "Sounds an awful lot like a date to me."

Reese stares up at Nate, still shocked. "That was Con. He said Jamie's been taken." Confusion lines his face. "I don't understand...she wasn't on any major cases...she hasn't been for a while... and that trial she was at, the guys are all behind bars. I don't..." He looks at Nate with concern. "I... I've got to get someone on this. Since you just finished with that case over in Junction, I want you to stay late tonight and go through Jamie's desk. Pull out anything that looks suspicious. Any correspondence or anything that's come from someone we don't know."

Con pushes the speed limit, and barely takes time to check in with security before getting into TJY's parking lot. Parking, he jumps out and sprints for the door. In seconds he's down the stairs and bursting through the door onto the office floor. It's quiet tonight...not many people are still working.

His long legs carry him at a fast walk between the cubicles as he heads for Reese's office. His mind is a blur as he tries to figure everything out. What had happened? Why? How? Who? Was this all a mistake? How serious was this?

Shaking his head, he skids to a stop as he's just passing Nate at Jamie's desk. "Nate." He looks to him with worry coursing through his eyes as he knows Reese has put Nate on the task. "Anything?"


*As Katie snuggles down under her covers and turns twords Jason smiling. Her eyes meeting his gaze. That look, what was he thinking about? As Jason mentions food Katie tummy grumbles.*

"Oh ya food...mm....lets see what havent I had in a while? How about tocos I could go for some tocos. What do ya think J? Tacos and a movie or two. Sounds like an almost perfect night to me."

*Katie beams at Jason.*

*Jamie wakes again this time the cloth removed from her mouth. Slowly she lifts her head comeing face to face with to men.*

Man #1: "Hey Joe she is awake."

*A fall slender fellow looks up from some files he was skimming though. Jamie takes in his face trying to figure out if she knows who he is or not. As the Man known as Joe stands he is very all. About Jason hight with brownish red hair. Coming over to Jamie her take her face in his hands and lifts her head so she is looking at him in the eyes. In a horse shaky voice Jamie manages to say*

"Why, why are you doing this?"

*Joe gets a sinister smile on his face as he looks down at Jamie.*

"Cuz you know the information we want. and if taking you, the people we want will also come."

*Jamie eyes fill with panic at the relization of what is going on. This was no joke this was the agency she was in the hands of now. Anything could happen at anytime, people would come to try and find her and thats what they wanted.*

*Joe walks back over to his files and picks one up studding it closly.*

"Thank you for these files you left in your house by the way. The boss will very intrested to know about this stuff. I am sure he will have some questions for you."

*Jamie starts to shake her head.*

"I dont know anything I havent even looked at those files yet."

*Joe holds up a finger and shakes it at Jamie.*

"You say that now but in time my dear you'll tell us everything we want to know. We have our ways. Spike gag her again we dont need her screaming."

*Joe makes his way up the steps as Spike makes his way to Jamie gag in hand again. After he is finish her as well makes his way upstairs shuting off the lights. Leaving Jamie in darkness. Leting her eyes ajust Jamie looks around the room. It was pitch black, no windows nothing yet the feeling of someone still being there lingered. Closing her eyes Jamie says a soft prayer at a time like this thats all she could do.*

*Nate stratens in his chair as he see the look of horror pass though Reese eyes. Nate has been around enough to know what that look ment. Once Reese hand up the phone Nate speaks in a low deep voice.*

"Whats going on Boss? Whats the low down this time?"


A smile forms on Jason's face as Katie tells him what the doctor said. "Hey, that's great. Laura's been saying it's just not the same at her place without you, and I guess Henry is missing you pretty bad too." He chuckles.

Once inside and back into Katie's room, Jason helps her get onto her bed. He himself sinks down into the chair, feeling completely drained. He'd made it appear to the others that he had recovered quickly, when in reality, his mind was so full of memories and frightening images that he was struggling not to let them overtake him again.

Jason glances up at the clock and is surprised to find how much time has passed. It didn't seem like that long, but it was already getting into late evening and neither he or Katie had had supper. He wasn't very hungry, but knew better than to skip.

Looking over to Katie, he's about to say something, but pauses for several moments, just letting his eyes linger on her face. Something was happening to him...and he wasn't sure what. But he was on the verge of losing something precious if he didn't do something about it, and soon.

Switching gears, he moves on. "Got any preferences for supper?"

Con hangs up the phone, a little perplexed. Picking it up once again, he dials Jamie's house. No answer there either. A strange worry begins to descend. Jamie was always good about answering her phone...even if she was out and about, she usually would answer her cell. Surely everything was fine...

Con opts to call the auto shop, though figuring they're closed. Surprisingly enough, someone is still there, and Con arranges for someone to come by and pick him up and take him to the shop to get his car, even though it's late.

It doesn't take long before he's leaving the shop in his own car, finished with all the paperwork and payments. While driving, he hits the speed dial on his cell phone and tries Jamie again on her own cell and home. Still nothing. It had been over an hour since he'd tried last...he couldn't help but feel something wasn't right.

Turning down a side street, he heads for Jamie's. It was probably nothing, but he'd rather be safe than sorry. Arriving to her house, he parks and heads for the porch, knocking on the door. Nothing...the interior was dark. But Jamie's car was there. Surely she wouldn't be in bed already...

The hair on the back of Con's neck bristles and he wishes for a moment that he'd brought his handgun. Trying the door, he finds it unlocked, and he lets himself in. "Jamie?" he calls, and strains to listen. Nothing. He wanders until he enters the living room. As he switches on the light, he comes to a sudden stop. The place was a mess. His eyes scan the room, his pulse starting to quicken. "Jamie?" he calls louder, and heads for her office. It was the same. Ransacked, with articles all over the place. Con rushes from room to room, panic starting to kick in as he receives no answers to his calls. He takes to the stairs two at a time just to find the upstairs vacant as well. Barreling back downstairs, he goes for his phone and lets himself out, hitting the ground running. Within seconds, he's peeled out of the driveway, his tires squealing as he steps on the gas. His phone to his ear, he hears Reese's voice. "Reese. It's Con. Jamie's place has been ransacked and she's missing. Get someone on it NOW. I'm coming in." He doesn't even give time for Reese to respond as he ends the call. His gut tightens into knots. This couldn't be happening...


*Katie smiles and nods at Kyle.*

"I'll do what I can. I wont let thing happen to him for you guys. See ya tomarrow."

*Katie waves and the truck disapears. Turning to Jason Katie smiles. Her eyes twinkling. Now that she was out of the truck her body was relaxing and her mind setaling. Sooner or later her fear had to go away right? Katie takes in a deep breath of night air. How nice it was out.*

"Ya lets get you on inside you need to rest. Oh ya, the doc said next week i can go home. I'm excited."

*Katie smiles and heads with Jason into the hospetal.*

*A deep voice than can only be Herb's answers the phone.*

"Hello thank you for callin Mom and Pop's! What can we do for ya?...Oh Hey Con...Mmmmm...Mable talked to Jamie about a few hours ago. She seems ok than. Mable went to drop some stuff off to her earlyr and there was no answer so we just figured she was with you. uh huh....yeah...If we here from her we will let ya know. Ok...ok take care Con."

*Herb hangs up the phone and looks over at Mable.*

"Con said he called Jamies phone and she dident answer.t Was everything ok when you called before?"

*Mable nods her head.*

"Yes Jamie seemed fine. Maybe she is just out spending some ME time."

*Herb nods.*

"Maybe this is a rough time for her."

*Jamies eyes flutter and open slightly. Everything is still foggy, what happend, where was she. The tast of blood and cloth invade Jamie's mouth. Everything was spinning. Before Jamie new it, she was in totel darkness blacking out again.*

No Answer

Kyle keeps up the conversation with Katie, keeping his eyes on the road. "Yep. All of us think the fundraiser is a fantastic idea, and Mike was gonna call the administrator tonight to see if we could get in on it." He throws a quick glance in her direction, followed by a smile. "Whether we play or not, I can't wait to hear you sing and read - I bet you're gonna get up there and be a natural."

Jason looks up from the backseat as he sees Katie looking at him in the mirror. As they hit the pothole, he sees her tense, and immediately picks up on the reasoning for her sudden tension. Though still feeling a bit detached from reality, he focuses on the conversation to keep his mind busy. He leans forward in between the two front seats, his body language conveying to Kyle that he's simply getting closer to join in without needing to talk loudly, but his hand makes its way to Katie's shoulder as he tries to get her to relax. He gives her a light squeeze of encouragement, and lets his hand stay resting on her shoulder. "I think that sounds like fun. I'd like the band to meet Con and Jamie too...I know they'd love it as well. I haven't talked to Con about JetStream yet, but I know he's heard what's going on and I'm sure he's dying to know more."

The hospital finally comes into view and the two vehicles park. Once everyone is out on the ground, Jason takes the lead, despite his slight fogginess. "Thanks guys...I know you said not to apologize, but I'm sorry things got cut short."

Kyle shakes his head. "No worries. Call any of us if you need anything at all alright?"

"I will...thanks." Jason nods his gratefulness. "I'll at least let you know if I'll be able to practice tomorrow night or not...I'll have to see how tonight goes."

"Sounds good." Phil heads for the truck after handing Jason back the motorcycle keys. "Good night, you two."

Kyle reaches down to give Katie's chin a playful tweak. "Take care of this guy," he instructs. "See you soon."

Jason watches the taillights of the truck disappear down the street, then looks down at Katie. "Well...you ready to go up?"

Con opens his eyes and stares into the dimness of his living room. He sits up groggily, not having intended on falling asleep like he had. He felt a bit more revived though, and was sure he'd needed the rest. Getting up, he notices his answering machine blinking. Someone had called? It's then he realizes that he'd been sleeping on his right side. With his good ear buried in the pillow, he'd heard nothing. Great. Well, it was something to remember not to do.

He plays the message, glad that it was the repair shop, telling him his car was ready. At least he'd have his own transportation again. Glancing t the clock, Con suddenly realizes that Jamie hasn't called. It's nearing eight o'clock... she'd said she would call him around supper time... that was just a little strange.

Con picks up his phone and dials Jamie's cell. Getting her voice mail instead of an answer, he opts not to leave a message. Odd... Hanging up, he makes another call, this time to Mom and Pop's. They might still be closing up the restaurant. Maybe Jamie was down there.

"Say Goodnight"

*Jamie smiles at Con her eyes so big and bright. The feeling linger in her tummy, but the feeling of happyness and love over taking it.*

"Ok I'll call you around supper time. Take care Con and see you again soon."

*Jamie smiles at Con as her gets out of the car and watches him enter his house. Jamie back out of her driveway and heads for home.*

"Ya ok Mom....ok...I'm home now, I'll talke to you later...tell dad I love him. Bye."

*Jamie hangs up her phone as she pulls into her diverway. Jamie was always happy to come home but on this peticuler day her house looked extra dark and extra eery. Shaking her head she laughs.*

"I guess everything that happend to Con shook me up alittle more than exspected."

*Grabing her bags and files from her car she shuts her car door and heads into the house. Bypassing the living room and office Jamie heads to the kitchen to put her stuff down. Thinking her hurd a noice she turn quickly only to see nothing. Shaking her head she trys to tell her mind to stop imaging stuff. Once seting everything down Jamie heads for her bed room to get her laundry ready than head to the basment. After puting everything in and seting the timer again Jamie hears something that sounds like the slaming of a door. Thinking its only her mom she yells.*

"Mom I am down in the laundry room, I'll be right back up."

*Only silence greeted her. Strange, her mom would of at least said Hi. Heading up the steps Jamie movies with caustion.*

"Mom, are you ok?"

*Jamie makes her way into the livingroom flicking on the light, only to stop dead in her tracks. This was wrong, this wasent good. Everything in the living room was over turned. Backing away Jamie heads to her office, only to be greeted by the same mess, her files scattered across the floor. Her desk draws ripped out and the desk flpped over.*

"No, this cant be happing."

*As Jamie back away and turns around she runs smackdab into a till masked figure. As the figure reaches down to grab Jamie she kicks him in the shin and makes a dash for the front door, reaching out to grab the handle Jamie feels a strong arm wrap around her wast. Kicking and screaming Jamie trys to get free but the figures strength was to much to over powering. With in minutes Jamie is pinned to the floor and a cloth covering her hand and mouth. The smell was sweet and breath taking, Jamies eyes grew tired as everything went black a deep voice eckoing in her head.*

"Say GoodNight."

*The ride back to the hospetal is long but everyone trys to make small talk to lighten the mood.*

"Do did ya get a chanse to talk to eveyone about the fundraiser? I actully am excited and nervouse. I never sang infront of people or read my poem alowd. Its for a good cause though and thats what matter. I want the hospetal to be able to help other people like they are me. I want them to be able to help Jen walk again too. I have wonderful pictures in my mind of us all together. I want her to shair in the happyness of walking again."

*Pulling the visor mirror down Katie glances at Jason in the back to make sure they are ok. As the truck hits a pothole Katies whole body tensins, as her heart starts to race. Starting to feel a bit sick she leans her head back. "Get a hold of yourself Katie come on it was only a potwhole and Kyle is a safe driver." Katie trys to assure herself everything is fine. Her voice a bit shaky she trys to keep up the talking and take her mind off the driving.*

"Jason and I were thinking of going over to Mom and Pop's tomarrow and we though maybe some of our friends could come along to if you want to see if Jen, Mick, Phil and yourself want to come. Maybe if Con is feeling better we can get him and Jamie to come too. It might be a nice time. What do you think J?"

*Katie keeps her eyes close and her head back, still keeping her ears open.*


Con can’t help the warm feeling that rushes over him as Jamie’s kiss lingers on his lips. Still not used to her affection, though unable to resist it, he returns the motion, pulling her in close, his hand resting behind her head to feel the softness of her hair.

He holds her hug as long as she stays, his strong arm wrapped around her, not wanting to let go either. As she draws away though, he lets her go, letting his eyes rest on hers. “Naw…I’ll be all right. Just give me a call later maybe…I feel fine, but I better have you check on me in case something happens again.”

Con looks at Jamie for a long moment before finally exiting the car. “Thanks for everything Jamie. Talk to you later.”

Kyle catches Katie’s eye and gives her a short wink. If asked, he might say he knew what the future looked like, and was most satisfied with the picture he saw. “Alright. We’ll take a rain check on that dinner tonight too.” He gives her a gentle smile, conveying that he believes Jason is more important.

Jason nods to Katie. “Yeah…if I can get my legs up under myself, I should be all right.” As he tries to stand up, Kyle is quick to come over and give him a hand until he knows he’s steady.


“Yeah.” Jason takes a deep breath.

Kyle looks to Katie and squats down next to her. “Next!” He takes her in his arms and in one swift motion, scoops her up to stand, and sets her down in her chair. He glances at her knees that had been scraped on the floor. “Don’t forget to take care of that when you get back either, huh?”

“Hey, Jase, here ya go.” Mike holds out a glass of juice for him.

Jason accepts it gratefully. “Thanks.”

Once Jason is able to function well enough to get outside, Kyle leads the way, getting Katie back into the truck. Phil takes Jason’s helmet and bike keys, and though the motorcycle is built a bit tall for him, he manages, and follows them back to the hospital.