
Texas Files?

*For a moment Katie is stuned at the mention of a date. Was he searouse, or kidding around. Katie couldent tell but decieded if he was kidding she would play along that way if he wasent she wouldent feel stupid eather. Beaming and gring ever so slightly Katie looks back into Jason eyes.*

"It sure sounds like one to me too. If you offering it to be one anyways I'm game."

*Stairing into Jason eyes Katie searches for answers. What was going on in Jason's head. The feeling Katie had for Jason seemed so long ago but they were still alive beging to come out. What Jason had said seemed to stir something inside of her. Her feeling for him they were emerging again, but He said he has only wanted to be friends. If she took that chanse one more time what would happen. For now Katie thought it bed to play it safe and see what Jason had in mind.*

"Well are we gonna go on that date or stand here all day."

*Katie smiles and sticks out her toung at Jason, her face glowing even though she is tring to hid her feelings her eyes could not lie and could not be hidden. They new every emotions, the eyes the window to the soul.*

*Nate's eyes widen with fear. He had only been in Navada a short time now but he had become friends with many people at TJY. He was an easy fun loving guy to get along with. Jamie and Con had been the first 2 of his friends made. Now this was happing. So many thought ran through his mind. Why Jamie she was so sweet and never would hurt a fly. Nate gives a nod to Reese as he stands.*

"I'm on it boss. I'll see what I can find."

*Nate heads out of the office and makes his way to Jamie's desk starting with her computer to see what is on there. Sifting though many of her files on the desk top he comes up with nothing. Moving now to her fileing cabnit. Nothing seemed out of place sept the files for Texas. That was intresting He new Con and Jason were on that case but not Jamie. As Con stops next to him Nate looks up.*

"Hey, I dident know Jamie was working on the Texas case with you guys!"

*Nate holds up the files he found.*

"Thats about the only out of place thing I found."

*Jamie wakes again a sharp pain corsing through her body. The pain is unbearable as she squirms it worsens. All of a suddon a soft female voice on the other side of the room can her hurd.*

"Dont move around, you will just make it worse. You have several differnt pins in differnt part of your legs and feet. Its there way of making sure you CANT get out. The more you move the more tis going to hurt. Just relax and you wont feel much of anything."

*Jamie trys to squint throuh the dark at the sound of the voice but cant see anything. Was this parson a friend or fo. If she was one of the bad guys to why was she helping Jamie. Trying her best Jamie mummbles through her gag.*

"mf...are...mfmmMmm..you? Mfmshm....are..mfmfshhhmmm...we?"

*Only silence talks to Jamie back. Where had that person gone. Was Jamie just imaging she hurd a voice? As the pain over takes Jamie she once again pass out.*

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