

*As Katie snuggles down under her covers and turns twords Jason smiling. Her eyes meeting his gaze. That look, what was he thinking about? As Jason mentions food Katie tummy grumbles.*

"Oh ya food...mm....lets see what havent I had in a while? How about tocos I could go for some tocos. What do ya think J? Tacos and a movie or two. Sounds like an almost perfect night to me."

*Katie beams at Jason.*

*Jamie wakes again this time the cloth removed from her mouth. Slowly she lifts her head comeing face to face with to men.*

Man #1: "Hey Joe she is awake."

*A fall slender fellow looks up from some files he was skimming though. Jamie takes in his face trying to figure out if she knows who he is or not. As the Man known as Joe stands he is very all. About Jason hight with brownish red hair. Coming over to Jamie her take her face in his hands and lifts her head so she is looking at him in the eyes. In a horse shaky voice Jamie manages to say*

"Why, why are you doing this?"

*Joe gets a sinister smile on his face as he looks down at Jamie.*

"Cuz you know the information we want. and if taking you, the people we want will also come."

*Jamie eyes fill with panic at the relization of what is going on. This was no joke this was the agency she was in the hands of now. Anything could happen at anytime, people would come to try and find her and thats what they wanted.*

*Joe walks back over to his files and picks one up studding it closly.*

"Thank you for these files you left in your house by the way. The boss will very intrested to know about this stuff. I am sure he will have some questions for you."

*Jamie starts to shake her head.*

"I dont know anything I havent even looked at those files yet."

*Joe holds up a finger and shakes it at Jamie.*

"You say that now but in time my dear you'll tell us everything we want to know. We have our ways. Spike gag her again we dont need her screaming."

*Joe makes his way up the steps as Spike makes his way to Jamie gag in hand again. After he is finish her as well makes his way upstairs shuting off the lights. Leaving Jamie in darkness. Leting her eyes ajust Jamie looks around the room. It was pitch black, no windows nothing yet the feeling of someone still being there lingered. Closing her eyes Jamie says a soft prayer at a time like this thats all she could do.*

*Nate stratens in his chair as he see the look of horror pass though Reese eyes. Nate has been around enough to know what that look ment. Once Reese hand up the phone Nate speaks in a low deep voice.*

"Whats going on Boss? Whats the low down this time?"

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