

*Katie picks up her cell to be greeted by Mike's Voice. Katie does her best to sound at least a bit happy and enjoyable to talk with.*

"Hey Mike. Ya Jason relized he left it there this morning...yaa...He got put on a pritty heavy case this morning. He might be around at Night or in the afternoons to do practice with you guys. I just wanted to let ya know so you dont like he vanishes."

*Katie giggles.*

"Ya if you want to drop it off I'll be here. Thx Mike. See ya later."

*Katie hangs up her phone and leans her head back closing her eyes.*

"Please God keep Jamie safe, Keep her strong with her head held to you. If in anyway God help me be of use as well. Amen."

*After finishing her praying Jamie gets herself ready for the day and heads over to her therapy sestion pushing herself to the limit today.*

*Nate looks up at Wyatt and nods trying to throw him his normaly cocky smile.*

"Ok lets get over there before whoever was there in the first place. I'll fill ya on what I know on the way."

*Nate slings her arm around Wyatt shoulder and heads for the door and to the car. Making there way to Jamie's.*

*As Mable heads the bell open she comes out from the back room whiping her hands on her aprin.*

"Hey Jason you here early this morning. Doing a coffee run?"

*As Herb peeks out from the back room he sees the look on Jason's face. There was no denying something was wrong. Coming out from the back and steps up next to Mable and puts an arm around her, bracing her for the bad news.*

"Hotshot, whats wrong? What's happend?"

*Jamie wakes to the feel of a gental hand on leg. Jumping with a start Jamies eyes fly open. A soft brused face smiles back at her the best she can though her cracked lips. Her hair was fire red and matted like it hadent been brushed in ages.*

Girl: "Oh...take it easy. I'l trying to clean up these wounds on you legs the best I can with the water they brang you. I'm Sam."

*Jamie looks at Sam her eyes glazed over and the dazed look in them.*

"I'm Jamie. How come..how come your not tired up? Can you help me out of here please?"

*Sam lowers her eyes and shakes her head bring the glass of water to Jamies lips so she can drink.*

"I tryed to stop escaping about the fith time I got the crap kicked out of me. Its no use anyways. That door is solid metal and wont open from ourside. There arnt any windows eather."

*Sam lowers the glass of water from Jamie lips and pats them dry with a rag.*

"I cant untie you eather for your own safty. If I do they will think you tryed to escape and probley beat you up pritty good too. Just tell them what they want to hear and they will leave you alone for now."

*Jamies head drops as everything starts to spin.*

"But....I honestly dont know....I dont know any...anything."

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