

A smile forms on Jason's face as Katie tells him what the doctor said. "Hey, that's great. Laura's been saying it's just not the same at her place without you, and I guess Henry is missing you pretty bad too." He chuckles.

Once inside and back into Katie's room, Jason helps her get onto her bed. He himself sinks down into the chair, feeling completely drained. He'd made it appear to the others that he had recovered quickly, when in reality, his mind was so full of memories and frightening images that he was struggling not to let them overtake him again.

Jason glances up at the clock and is surprised to find how much time has passed. It didn't seem like that long, but it was already getting into late evening and neither he or Katie had had supper. He wasn't very hungry, but knew better than to skip.

Looking over to Katie, he's about to say something, but pauses for several moments, just letting his eyes linger on her face. Something was happening to him...and he wasn't sure what. But he was on the verge of losing something precious if he didn't do something about it, and soon.

Switching gears, he moves on. "Got any preferences for supper?"

Con hangs up the phone, a little perplexed. Picking it up once again, he dials Jamie's house. No answer there either. A strange worry begins to descend. Jamie was always good about answering her phone...even if she was out and about, she usually would answer her cell. Surely everything was fine...

Con opts to call the auto shop, though figuring they're closed. Surprisingly enough, someone is still there, and Con arranges for someone to come by and pick him up and take him to the shop to get his car, even though it's late.

It doesn't take long before he's leaving the shop in his own car, finished with all the paperwork and payments. While driving, he hits the speed dial on his cell phone and tries Jamie again on her own cell and home. Still nothing. It had been over an hour since he'd tried last...he couldn't help but feel something wasn't right.

Turning down a side street, he heads for Jamie's. It was probably nothing, but he'd rather be safe than sorry. Arriving to her house, he parks and heads for the porch, knocking on the door. Nothing...the interior was dark. But Jamie's car was there. Surely she wouldn't be in bed already...

The hair on the back of Con's neck bristles and he wishes for a moment that he'd brought his handgun. Trying the door, he finds it unlocked, and he lets himself in. "Jamie?" he calls, and strains to listen. Nothing. He wanders until he enters the living room. As he switches on the light, he comes to a sudden stop. The place was a mess. His eyes scan the room, his pulse starting to quicken. "Jamie?" he calls louder, and heads for her office. It was the same. Ransacked, with articles all over the place. Con rushes from room to room, panic starting to kick in as he receives no answers to his calls. He takes to the stairs two at a time just to find the upstairs vacant as well. Barreling back downstairs, he goes for his phone and lets himself out, hitting the ground running. Within seconds, he's peeled out of the driveway, his tires squealing as he steps on the gas. His phone to his ear, he hears Reese's voice. "Reese. It's Con. Jamie's place has been ransacked and she's missing. Get someone on it NOW. I'm coming in." He doesn't even give time for Reese to respond as he ends the call. His gut tightens into knots. This couldn't be happening...

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