

*Nate nods at Reese.*

"I'll have Wyatt head over to Jamie's but I would rather he dident go alone. I would of said Katie could go to but since her is still not able to I'll go with him, have Jason go to Jamie's parents and than come back here and Help Con. I know Con and Him are close so maybe he can talk some sense into him."

*Nate lets out a long sigh.*

"I'm sorry this is happoning Reese. Just remember God has his planes and things will be ok. He'll keep Jamie safe for us."

*Nate heads out of the office and heads to his own desk waiting for Jason and Wyatt to show up.*

*Katies smiles she would like it if they did it more as well. Soon it is to fade though as the new of Jamie hits her ears. The fear the horror, this couldent be happing. Not to Jamie.*

"What? How? I dont understand? After you find out more J please please call me. Ask Reese if there is anything I can do as well. I hate just siting here not being able to do anything to help."

*As Jason pass her Katie takes his arm.*

"Please becarfel Hun."

*Katie smiles up at Jason the best smile she can.*

*Jamies eyes flutter open as a door is slamed, the pain the corsed through her though out the night is now gone only leaving a dull tinngling. She was no longer standing she but now laying out the ground her arms still behind her tied. Pounding on the steps makes Jamie look upi squinting. Coming down the steps was Joe with another shorter fater man.*

*Joe looks over at Jamie than elbows the the fat man.*

"Looks like she is awake now boss."

*The fat man looks to Jamie with files in his hand. Then nods to Joe.
Coming up behind Jamie, Joe hoists Jamie to her feel.
Wincing in pain Jamie trys her best to make her legs work.
In a deep gruf voice the Fat man looks down at Jamies legs and bair feet than looks back at Joe.*

"Dear L....its looks like you used her as a pin custion Joe. When I told you to make sure she dident get away I dident mean stab her all over. We need her to still be able to talk."

*Joe says nothing as he takes Jamie over to a chair and pushes her into it. Standing beside Jamie with his arms crossed.
For the first time since taken Jamie glaces down at her jeans in horror seeing all the blood that stained her jeans.*

Fat Man: "So now Jamie, these files we got from your house are quite intresting. It says something about the Computer chips we put in a few people years back. However we run into a problem there is a page missing, so now we need you to tell us where the chips are now and if they were all taken out, or not."

*Jamie wearly lifts her head and looks at the Fat Man. Confustion on her face. In a horse dry voice Katie replys.*

"I dont know where they are I dont even know anything about them. I havent read those files yet."

*The Fat Man leans forword in his chair noding again at Joe.
Joe steps infront of Jamie and squats down but not in the way so the fat man can still look Jamie in the eyes. Joes reaches on a table and pulls a long needle from it. Taking it in his hand he lines the tip up with one of the already made holes on her leg jabing it through her.
The Fat man gets a sinister smile on his face.*

"You see my dear we have many ways of making you talk. Most of them arnt pleasent so I would sujest you just us us the info we want and get it over with."

*Jamie shreeks out in pain as the needel enters her leg but says nothing only tears roll down her face.*

Fat Man: "Fine have it your way but I wont be pasent for long."

*The Fat man stands and heads for the steps.*

"Get her some water or something and come on. We will be back later."

*Joe pulls Jamie up and gives her a push aganst a beam heading for the steps.
Pain corses though Jamie as she hits the beam sending her world in darkness once again.*

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