
Night to Morning

As Katie’s hand takes Jason’s, he looks over in surprise, not having realized she was awake. He doesn’t draw away though, and allows her comfort to seep into his veins. Closing his eyes, he feels the tenderness of her touch on his face, and knows that it will be okay, even though there are rough times…and he doesn’t have to go through it alone. He opens his eyes to meet Katie’s, gazing into them as if he were looking straight through to her very heart. He was sheltered…he was safe.

No words need to be said, and he returns the squeeze to her hand before finally pulling away. He rises noiselessly from the chair and walks to the other bed to sink down on the mattress, his face turned towards Katie. He simply watches her, the moonlight caressing her face….until his eyes cannot stay open any longer and sleep overtakes him once again, this time offering mercy to his mind and allowing him to rest through the night.

With his eyes to the table, Con doesn’t catch all that Nate said, and just looks at him for a minute, trying to process what he’d been asked. “The Agency is a mob of…” Con bites his tongue from saying what he really wants. “A mob of wolves, devouring those on the list of one Dr. Medridge. There’s no escape, there’s no answers, and there’s no way out.”

The anger that is usually suppressed begins to boil, and Con doesn’t try to hide it. He looks back down at the pictures, continuing to sift through them. “The Agency itself ran a bogus adoption agency that was involved with illegal actions. There was some strange experimentation with some kids, including the implantation of computer chips, of which we still don’t know the purpose.” He pauses just a moment as he summarizes everything into a tiny nutshell. “They got a crazy loon, this Medridge, who they give free rein to. Apparently he likes to experiment with people – see how far he can go with them…see how much they can take…how much torture he can apply until they break. He studies those he tortures from a distance…he has people from the Agency working under him who do whatever he wants, and they have eyes wherever they want to. And when you least expect it…” Con’s eyes narrow as he focuses on nothing particular on the table, thinking only of Jamie. “…they strike.”

He grits his teeth and looks again at the pictures. He had to find the man…it was their only lead. He knew they would find nothing at Jamie’s house to lead them anywhere...

“Con, you’ve been at it all night! How many more files are you going to go through until you decide you need some rest?”

Con doesn’t even look up from the table that he’s been sitting at for hours. “As many as it takes until I find who I’m looking for.”

Reese rolls his eyes. He’d left late the night before, and had come back at six the next morning. He had to admit that he was surprised Con was still at it. “How do you even know the guy you saw at the auto shop has a record? If he’s never been arrested for anything, you could spend the next year going through files and not find him!”

Con looks up at his boss with bloodshot eyes. “And if he does have a record then I’m one step closer to finding Jamie.”

“I’m sorry Jamie got taken, and it makes me sick to think it was the Agency,” Reese admits. “But we’ve got to treat this case the same as any other. We can’t go off half-cocked and draw attention. If the police get involved, you know it could be disastrous.”

“Since when are we willing to sacrifice a life to preserve secrecy?” Con’s eyes dare Reese for an answer.

Reese frowns at him. “You know good and well that’s not what I meant. Now I know Jamie was a friend of yours, but I don’t understand why you’re killing yourself over this. We’ll get a handle on it, we’ll find her, and everything will be fine. Just give us time!”

Con returns his focus to his files, unwilling to discuss the issue further.

Reese sighs and shakes his head, aiming for his office. “Wyatt will be in any minute, and I’m expecting Jason sometime too. If you and them and Nate can’t handle this, come see me.”

Jason rubs his eyes with the palm of his hand, squinting in the light that’s coming in through the window. After yesterday, his body just didn’t want to get up. Glancing at his watch, he gives a little groan. Reese was expecting him, and he was going to be late now, no matter how he hurried. With that in mind, he doesn’t even move. He rolls over onto his side to see if Katie is awake yet. He wished he had the day off…he just didn’t feel like doing much at all.

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