
"Say Goodnight"

*Jamie smiles at Con her eyes so big and bright. The feeling linger in her tummy, but the feeling of happyness and love over taking it.*

"Ok I'll call you around supper time. Take care Con and see you again soon."

*Jamie smiles at Con as her gets out of the car and watches him enter his house. Jamie back out of her driveway and heads for home.*

"Ya ok Mom....ok...I'm home now, I'll talke to you later...tell dad I love him. Bye."

*Jamie hangs up her phone as she pulls into her diverway. Jamie was always happy to come home but on this peticuler day her house looked extra dark and extra eery. Shaking her head she laughs.*

"I guess everything that happend to Con shook me up alittle more than exspected."

*Grabing her bags and files from her car she shuts her car door and heads into the house. Bypassing the living room and office Jamie heads to the kitchen to put her stuff down. Thinking her hurd a noice she turn quickly only to see nothing. Shaking her head she trys to tell her mind to stop imaging stuff. Once seting everything down Jamie heads for her bed room to get her laundry ready than head to the basment. After puting everything in and seting the timer again Jamie hears something that sounds like the slaming of a door. Thinking its only her mom she yells.*

"Mom I am down in the laundry room, I'll be right back up."

*Only silence greeted her. Strange, her mom would of at least said Hi. Heading up the steps Jamie movies with caustion.*

"Mom, are you ok?"

*Jamie makes her way into the livingroom flicking on the light, only to stop dead in her tracks. This was wrong, this wasent good. Everything in the living room was over turned. Backing away Jamie heads to her office, only to be greeted by the same mess, her files scattered across the floor. Her desk draws ripped out and the desk flpped over.*

"No, this cant be happing."

*As Jamie back away and turns around she runs smackdab into a till masked figure. As the figure reaches down to grab Jamie she kicks him in the shin and makes a dash for the front door, reaching out to grab the handle Jamie feels a strong arm wrap around her wast. Kicking and screaming Jamie trys to get free but the figures strength was to much to over powering. With in minutes Jamie is pinned to the floor and a cloth covering her hand and mouth. The smell was sweet and breath taking, Jamies eyes grew tired as everything went black a deep voice eckoing in her head.*

"Say GoodNight."

*The ride back to the hospetal is long but everyone trys to make small talk to lighten the mood.*

"Do did ya get a chanse to talk to eveyone about the fundraiser? I actully am excited and nervouse. I never sang infront of people or read my poem alowd. Its for a good cause though and thats what matter. I want the hospetal to be able to help other people like they are me. I want them to be able to help Jen walk again too. I have wonderful pictures in my mind of us all together. I want her to shair in the happyness of walking again."

*Pulling the visor mirror down Katie glances at Jason in the back to make sure they are ok. As the truck hits a pothole Katies whole body tensins, as her heart starts to race. Starting to feel a bit sick she leans her head back. "Get a hold of yourself Katie come on it was only a potwhole and Kyle is a safe driver." Katie trys to assure herself everything is fine. Her voice a bit shaky she trys to keep up the talking and take her mind off the driving.*

"Jason and I were thinking of going over to Mom and Pop's tomarrow and we though maybe some of our friends could come along to if you want to see if Jen, Mick, Phil and yourself want to come. Maybe if Con is feeling better we can get him and Jamie to come too. It might be a nice time. What do you think J?"

*Katie keeps her eyes close and her head back, still keeping her ears open.*

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