
Sounds like...

Jason smiles a little at Katie's enthusiasm for tacos. Being with her right now was just enough of a distraction from his own disturbing thoughts to get him through the evening. He wasn't so sure about what the night would bring after today's episode, but for now...for now he was okay.

As she mentions it being a perfect night, he can't help but agree. But suddenly a thought strikes him. How much longer would he be able to have these evenings with Katie? He knew they would always be friends and that he was allowed that freedom, no matter what paths they each took. But what would happen if another Wyatt showed up in her life? Jason could still be her friend...but if Katie began seeing another man again, Jason would be forced to take a backseat, no matter how close he and Katie were. It was only right...it wouldn't work any other way, and if Katie loved another man, that man would be entitled to be her priority, not Jason.

In an instant, Jason's mind is propelled into the future, taking things one step further. What about a year from now? Five years from now? Where would Katie be? Who would she be with? Jason had realized today that whether or not he could function without Katie's presence, he really didn't want to. Katie brought him a sense of comfort...a sense of peace...he couldn't deny that she was a wonderful young woman, who had helped him see so much in life. But...what would happen to that relationship if she moved on? Jason would be alone, and he knew it. No matter how good of friends they were, if she found her love in another man, Jason would be the one standing alone. ...Is that what he really wanted?

He thinks about his previous decision to remain only friends with Katie. At the time, it had been wise. He hadn't come to these realizations yet, and hadn't been able to commit to anything. It had been the right decision. But what about now? What about after these events? What about after he was coming to this realization about his feelings for her? Could he, after this, continue to deny his feelings? Not only would that be hard, but it would be stupid, and Jason knew it. As fearful as he was of failure or of anything ruining his friendship with Katie, if he didn't make a move now, it might be too late.

This decision is like a lightbulb turned on in his mind. Surprisingly enough though, it doesn't hit him as hard as he thought. Perhaps he'd known these things all along, but only now was willing to look at them and understand them. But...what would Katie think?

His thought-process takes but an instant of time, providing only a brief pause in the conversation, and he looks Katie in the eye, stepping out on a limb to test the waters. He had to find out.

He cocks his head, quirking an eyebrow with ever-so-slight of a grin toying with his mouth. "Sounds an awful lot like a date to me."

Reese stares up at Nate, still shocked. "That was Con. He said Jamie's been taken." Confusion lines his face. "I don't understand...she wasn't on any major cases...she hasn't been for a while... and that trial she was at, the guys are all behind bars. I don't..." He looks at Nate with concern. "I... I've got to get someone on this. Since you just finished with that case over in Junction, I want you to stay late tonight and go through Jamie's desk. Pull out anything that looks suspicious. Any correspondence or anything that's come from someone we don't know."

Con pushes the speed limit, and barely takes time to check in with security before getting into TJY's parking lot. Parking, he jumps out and sprints for the door. In seconds he's down the stairs and bursting through the door onto the office floor. It's quiet tonight...not many people are still working.

His long legs carry him at a fast walk between the cubicles as he heads for Reese's office. His mind is a blur as he tries to figure everything out. What had happened? Why? How? Who? Was this all a mistake? How serious was this?

Shaking his head, he skids to a stop as he's just passing Nate at Jamie's desk. "Nate." He looks to him with worry coursing through his eyes as he knows Reese has put Nate on the task. "Anything?"

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