
No Answer

Kyle keeps up the conversation with Katie, keeping his eyes on the road. "Yep. All of us think the fundraiser is a fantastic idea, and Mike was gonna call the administrator tonight to see if we could get in on it." He throws a quick glance in her direction, followed by a smile. "Whether we play or not, I can't wait to hear you sing and read - I bet you're gonna get up there and be a natural."

Jason looks up from the backseat as he sees Katie looking at him in the mirror. As they hit the pothole, he sees her tense, and immediately picks up on the reasoning for her sudden tension. Though still feeling a bit detached from reality, he focuses on the conversation to keep his mind busy. He leans forward in between the two front seats, his body language conveying to Kyle that he's simply getting closer to join in without needing to talk loudly, but his hand makes its way to Katie's shoulder as he tries to get her to relax. He gives her a light squeeze of encouragement, and lets his hand stay resting on her shoulder. "I think that sounds like fun. I'd like the band to meet Con and Jamie too...I know they'd love it as well. I haven't talked to Con about JetStream yet, but I know he's heard what's going on and I'm sure he's dying to know more."

The hospital finally comes into view and the two vehicles park. Once everyone is out on the ground, Jason takes the lead, despite his slight fogginess. "Thanks guys...I know you said not to apologize, but I'm sorry things got cut short."

Kyle shakes his head. "No worries. Call any of us if you need anything at all alright?"

"I will...thanks." Jason nods his gratefulness. "I'll at least let you know if I'll be able to practice tomorrow night or not...I'll have to see how tonight goes."

"Sounds good." Phil heads for the truck after handing Jason back the motorcycle keys. "Good night, you two."

Kyle reaches down to give Katie's chin a playful tweak. "Take care of this guy," he instructs. "See you soon."

Jason watches the taillights of the truck disappear down the street, then looks down at Katie. "Well...you ready to go up?"

Con opens his eyes and stares into the dimness of his living room. He sits up groggily, not having intended on falling asleep like he had. He felt a bit more revived though, and was sure he'd needed the rest. Getting up, he notices his answering machine blinking. Someone had called? It's then he realizes that he'd been sleeping on his right side. With his good ear buried in the pillow, he'd heard nothing. Great. Well, it was something to remember not to do.

He plays the message, glad that it was the repair shop, telling him his car was ready. At least he'd have his own transportation again. Glancing t the clock, Con suddenly realizes that Jamie hasn't called. It's nearing eight o'clock... she'd said she would call him around supper time... that was just a little strange.

Con picks up his phone and dials Jamie's cell. Getting her voice mail instead of an answer, he opts not to leave a message. Odd... Hanging up, he makes another call, this time to Mom and Pop's. They might still be closing up the restaurant. Maybe Jamie was down there.

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