

Smiling back at her Uncle Bree gives a small shake of her head her smile never leaving her eyes as she seemed to almost bubble over. Thought her lips there was no smile forming it could still be told from her eyes another story.

Thinking for a long moment Bree is quiet before answering JT. What would he say if he new she was going to see Gunner. She wasnt even sure herself if it was a good idea herself.

"No, not a stalker today. Today the float is for a friend who might need a pick me up or just someone to be there for him, no strings attached."

Finally letting her lips slip a smile forms giving a nod.

"Well I better get going. You two have fun."

Leaving the lunch room and heading down the hall it dosnt take Bree long to get to the door that lead to where her car was. Gently tucking the books in front of the float so it wouldnt move Bree starts her car and heads to the out skirts of town.

Seeing her brothers face, his smile, his eyes Eli had inherited there fathers good looks, even though there were still a few things that she could remember from there mother that Eli had too it mixed will with his own flair.

Good memories flowed back to her as she closed her eyes for a moment. The smell of grease, the chatter in the garage as she sat to the side on a blanket with her toy truck with her own set of tools. Giving a chuckle she opens her eyes again looking up at her brother. They were tired, and sunken in, but there was a very small twinkle in them.

"Most...of my friends are good..."

Ryan lets her eyes rome the room for a moment not moving her head before looking to Eli again.

"If.....if they wer...re all good I wouldn't be here."

Hearing about there dad it had been a long time since those words had left there lips. No one talked about it not even after the accident happened. There fathers name had faded from there lips as hearts ached, people felt at blame, and others didn't know what to do.

"We all missed him and didn't....know how to deal. When Pop died so did a part of us and we each found something else to wrap outselfs in."

Ryan goes into a coughing fit for a long moment before finally laying back again letting the silence rain as she caught her breath.

"John always blamed...himself you know. It was his....jo...job to put that car up. I...I always though he got himself thrown in jail on pourpis as his...own punishment."

Looking up at Eli a tear rolls down Ryan's face. Now having time to think about it again she missed her father, and her brothers, life just had never been the same.

"Ha...ve you hears from John at all? How is he?"

Neighborly stalker

Reese just nods and shrugs. "Yeah... I don't think he ever intended to hurt anybody... he just pushed the rules too far."

He sighs and turns to leave. "Well, let me know how he is if you see him. Thanks Hope."

A smile forms on Eli's face and he tucks a strand of Ryan's hair behind her ear. "Hey Speedy. Yeah, I'm real... you're not dreaming." It was sad that it had been so long that his presence was so unusual. But phone calls were few, letters even fewer, and it had been four years now since they'd seen each other.

Eli swallows hard. He didn't like seeing his sister like this. He remembered her so strong and full of life, not like this.

"You got some good friends," he explains. "I would have been here sooner if I would have known what was really going on." His hand finds hers. "But you're gonna be okay. I'm here now... I won't let anything happen to you." He knew it was out of his hands, but he wanted his sister to know that despite the quiet years, he was still here for her. In a moment's notice, he despised his own distance. As the older brother, he should have done things differently.

"I'm sorry," he whispers. "Pops told John and me to take care if you... but I guess we haven't done a very good job."

He gives her hand a little squeeze. "'Watch her,' he said... then I moved and John got himself in jail." Seeing how close Ryan was to death made him realize that he wished he would have done things differently. "After Pops was gone I guess things got a little crazy, huh?"

He sighs. "But I'm here now," he repeats. "Hang in there, Speedy. You can beat this."

JT smiles as he sees Bree approach. "Hey you." Seeing a strange glint in her eye, he quirks his eyebrow at her but says nothing. "You're no bother. We're just taking a breather. Gonna be a long day."

He cocks his head. "Rootbeer float eh? That friend wouldn't happen to be our neighborly stalker would it?"