
You look

Phinox's family was gone, his home and all he new in Spain was no more. Where was he to go now? What would he do? Two worlds he has lived in were both lies, who really was Simon Phinox? A lier, an assassin, and undercover agent, a criminal...who was he and where did he belong now?

Looking up at Reese Phinox searchs his face for a long moment.

"I have no where else to go and though I might not fit in with the elite my name being cleared would be nice. I guess we can start there and see what happens."

Looking with consern to Con as he talked on the phone Jamie waited. What else could go wrong? It seemed like it was one thing after another.

Waiting till he was oh the phone Jamie brings a hand to her mouth as she hears about Bret. It was hard to hear about a friend being hurt yet so close to thee edge.

"Yes yes I understand completely. Please let Charlotte know I am here if she needs anything."

Jamie gives her husband a hug and a quick kiss before taking a few steps back.

"Give me a call later and I cant stop by the hospetil on the way home if your still there."

Moving through the kitchen quickly keeping up pretty well with Ryder Thirteen does her best and is pleased with herself.

The kitchen was now a mess, Ryder was a mess and so was she but it had been fun. Something she had never experince before but happy she now had. It was differnt, but the hussle of the kitchen sh liked.

Laughs fulled the kitchen every now and than as silly things happend, or flower went all over. The smells that filled the air were nice, and seeing the smiling people out in the dinning room made her feel good that she had helped put those smiles on there faces.

Turning to Ryder flower was on her own cheeks along with some sause and a few other food items. A smile on her face.

"This is kind of fun, and you look reticulated but still as cute as ever."

Death wish

Reese watches Phinox, still in a bit of shock. He finally puts his feet in motion, and walks around his desk to sit down too, his eyes still on the man they all had thought was dead.

Listening intently, he lets out a long sigh, and shakes his head. "I'm sorry, Phinox... if we would have known... You know, you were the hero that day... if it hadn't been for you, Katie probably wouldn't be with us now." He nods, implying that was the answer to Phinox's question. "But she is. We were able to get her out. She spent a month in a coma but... she's on the mend and will probably be back to work tomorrow."

Leaning forward a little, he folds his hands on the desk. "We wound up with the girl who was set up as Katie's double as well. Her name's Jasmine, though at the moment, she's still going by her Agency-given name of Thirteen. One of my men is handling her care. So yes... the mission was a success... other than your supposed death. We all wished we would have had time to thank you. I know your past has some stains, but... you showed you truly cared, giving your life like that."

Reese thinks for a long moment, just studying Phinox. He was slowly getting over the shock, but a lot of questions remained, and none came with easy answers. "I wish I could say that you're free, but... I know you're smart enough to know that we're going to have to go through some channels here, if you're going to stick around. I'm not going to force you though... you helped us bring Katie back, so if your plan is just to walk away and go, then I won't stop you. But... if you want to stay... if you have nothing else then... I'd like to help."

Con grins and comes around to draw Jamie into an embrace, enveloping her in his large frame. "Mm... I'm just glad I'll get to see you more."

Before he can say anymore, his phone vibrates on his belt. "I better get that." Letting go of Jamie, he takes his phone and looks at the number. He didn't recognize it. "Hello? Yes, this is Con..." He throws Jamie a confused look as he talks to the person on the other end. "What? When? What happened? Yes... please..." He scrambles around Jamie in the small space, fishing for a pen and piece of paper, scribbling out a short memo. "Uh-huh... yeah, thanks. Appreciate it."

Flipping his phone shut, he turns back to Jamie, looking down at her grimly. "That was someone from the racetrack. There was an accident and Bret's in critical condition. He's in ICU right now and apparently Charlotte's there with him. I should go."

"Of course you can help me!" Ryder spins around twice before spotting an extra apron. "Here we go." Turning Thirteen, he ties the apron around her waist for her. "There we are... now you're officially an assistant of a pretend cook."

He rubs his hands together, going to the stove, then looking up to find the orders that were waiting. "Let's see... um... chicken. Yes... chicken."

"Fridge!" Dani yells at him. "Come on, let's move."

"Moving, moving!" Ryder's eyes were wide as he glances at Thirteen again. "I hope you realize that this was as good as a death wish on Carson's part."

For the next hour, the kitchen is chaos. Food, pots, pans, plats, utensils and anything else imaginable ends up on the counter, table, floor, trash and anywhere else it could possibly land. Good use is made of the mop, and a batch of pasta winds up ruined. One attempt at pizza winds up in filling the kitchen with smoke before the second one is made, and at some point in time, a cloud of flour replaces the cloud of smoke.

But somehow, with the help of Dani and Aerith, the customers are none the wiser. Though everything is an entire mess, Ryder somehow manages to pull through, even gaining a compliment from a very satisfied customer. He wasn't sure what he did with the white sauce, but it must have worked. Though his style was a bit different from Carson's, surprisingly enough, the food ends up done, just a tad later than usual.

Another half hour, and there was a steady flow of people. By now the kitchen was is total disarray, but by this time, Ryder has somewhat of an idea of what's going on, and at least knows where things are.

"Another pepperoni pizza!" Dani calls, handing off the drink list to Aerith before stepping to a waving customer at another table.

"Got it!" Ryder yells back. "Um..." Turning around once or twice, he gets his bearings again, and sets to work. Flour was smudged on his cheek and shirt, and two fingers on his right hand sported bandaids where he'd burned himself. His left thumb also wore a bandaid from slicing it with a knife.

He glances at the clock, then over to Thirteen who he had set to work getting him utensils when he needed them. "Carson is so dead."

One question

Leaning into Jason Katie can feel his comfort that seemed to whipe away the worry. Now words needed to be said between these for two. There comfort would soak into each other and chase away the tears.

"I though I was dead too untill I woke up in a cold Agency cell with five bullet hole wounds dug out and sewn up."

Taping his right knee Phinox signals one of the bullets had hit his kneecap causing damage and the reason for his limp.

"Why they kept me alive I dont know. Maybe because I had information about you, all of you or because I had information about them."

Walking past Reese Phinox cant help the small grin that spread on his face in seeing Reese reaction. Getting to one of the chairs Phinox eases himself down in it.

"For a little under a month that cell was my home. Everyday I was told my family was gone and I know they were telling the truth. They are the Agency when one of there own betrays them they make them suffer. I had nothing left."

Drawing in a wavering breath it was easy to see that talking about his family was a hard time for Phinox to do, but regaining his composure quickly he continues.

"Slowly on the inside I was dieing but to fully die by the hand of the Agency would have been a disgrace. So I formed a plan and escaped. I stole a motorcycle from them and than made my way here to face my fate. To have the Elite judge me would have been better than the Agency."

Shifting just a little Phinox trys to make himself comfortable in the uncomfortable situation.

"But before you decied my fate could you honer me with on request? A question really?"

Most people would think someone facing much like Phinox would beg for there life or ask for someone to reconsider bit Phinox did neather. His question was simple and very selfless.

"That girl we went in for you guys got her out ok? She is alright?"

Looking up from her work Jamie squints her eyes just a little bit. A grin crossing her face as her eyes scan the badge."

"Ohh...well look at you!"

Standing Jamie wraps her arms around Con's neck. She only hoped this would lighten Con's mood again and be good for him. She new this was his passion and though he wasnt doing the same as before it was still close to the same.

Following Ryder into the back Thirteen sticks close. Things had gotten a little to busy before and had put her on edge.

Staring to go over to the table Thirteen cant help but let out a giggle as she trys to watch Ryder move around the kitchen not really knowing where anything was. For once it was strange but funny to see him panicing a little.

Standing Thirteen goes over and stands next to him looking out into the dinningroom. It was getting super busy. Maybe she couldnt do much but at least maybe it was something.

"Can I help you make a mess? I cant do any worse than you right?"

Thirteen gives a smile as her eyes twinkle.

Entering the room Charlotte slowly goes over to the bed and looks down at Bret. A few tears roll down her cheek as she looks at her husbands still form in the bed. Hooked up to all the masheans and seeing all the cuts and bruses on him he looked so differnt.

Grabbing a chair Charlotte moves it to the side of the bed and sits down slipping her hand into Bret's.

"Oh Bret, please be ok. I dont know what I would do with out you in my life. Specially now before you even get to know your going to be a dad."

Leaning her head down Charlotte rests her head on Brets hand just letting the silence rule as so many things ran through her own mind.