
You look

Phinox's family was gone, his home and all he new in Spain was no more. Where was he to go now? What would he do? Two worlds he has lived in were both lies, who really was Simon Phinox? A lier, an assassin, and undercover agent, a criminal...who was he and where did he belong now?

Looking up at Reese Phinox searchs his face for a long moment.

"I have no where else to go and though I might not fit in with the elite my name being cleared would be nice. I guess we can start there and see what happens."

Looking with consern to Con as he talked on the phone Jamie waited. What else could go wrong? It seemed like it was one thing after another.

Waiting till he was oh the phone Jamie brings a hand to her mouth as she hears about Bret. It was hard to hear about a friend being hurt yet so close to thee edge.

"Yes yes I understand completely. Please let Charlotte know I am here if she needs anything."

Jamie gives her husband a hug and a quick kiss before taking a few steps back.

"Give me a call later and I cant stop by the hospetil on the way home if your still there."

Moving through the kitchen quickly keeping up pretty well with Ryder Thirteen does her best and is pleased with herself.

The kitchen was now a mess, Ryder was a mess and so was she but it had been fun. Something she had never experince before but happy she now had. It was differnt, but the hussle of the kitchen sh liked.

Laughs fulled the kitchen every now and than as silly things happend, or flower went all over. The smells that filled the air were nice, and seeing the smiling people out in the dinning room made her feel good that she had helped put those smiles on there faces.

Turning to Ryder flower was on her own cheeks along with some sause and a few other food items. A smile on her face.

"This is kind of fun, and you look reticulated but still as cute as ever."

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