
All night

Axel doesn't mind the silence in the car, though seems to almost keep his distance, but not quite. When Jess finally speaks, a bit of a grin forms. His eyes remain to the road ahead, taking note of the surroundings and where they were headed. He knew she was stating both an offer and a question about his behavior.

"It's just something I promised myself a long time ago," he responds cryptically.

He gives Jess a sidelong glance. His eyes showed perhaps a little bit of sheepishness, but no embarrassment, and no apology. "Don't take it personally," he advises, keeping his tone gentle.

Reaching up, he gives the air freshener a spin with his finger, his final words being stated with dry humor. "I trust your driving enough to ride with a storm cloud."

Jason hadn't really expected the tone in Misty's voice when referring to Carson, so it catches him a little by surprise. Hearing her question though, he begins to understand. Studying her for a moment, he sees a familiar look in her eye. One she'd had long before, but for such different reasons. It was deep feelings for someone she cared about so much, while at the same time, there was as longing there for something more. Once it had been born of betrayal... this time it had been born of change.

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly, just thinking for a moment. Popping the lid on the small bottle, he takes a pill to swallow, then puts the rest in his pocket. Crossing his arms, he backs up against the wall and looks down at Misty, wanting to understand, but knowing he didn't know how she felt.

"I don't know," he finally answers. He furrows his brow in thought. "I guess... it would depend on what kind of a change it was. Look at me." He shrugs. "I've changed. A lot. I guess it hasn't been bad - at least no one has complained."

He grins a little. "Not to me anyway." Another pause allows his mind to ponder more deeply. "I suppose it would also depend on the reason for the change. If it's a natural change that develops good characteristics, then I'd hesitate to say it was wrong. But... if it's a forced change that denies one their own self... I wouldn't think it would be healthy."

He cocks his head. "Carson's a good guy now, Misty. As much as I hate to admit it, I gotta say he really seems to have his act together and is doing well. But... if he's lost himself along the way... is it all for naught?" He shrugs again. "Were the character traits you fell in love with byproducts of a ruffian, or were they pieces of his personality he's now denying himself? If it's the first, then probably his change is for the best. If it's the latter... then maybe he needs to be reminded not to lose himself, no matter how much of a good guy he wants to be. Maybe he doesn't realize that being good doesn't mean that a hundred percent of his actions have to change... he just has to change his intentions - the right actions will naturally follow. He might just be scared to let any of his old self through, for fear of slipping up again. I don't know."

Jason shakes his head and straightens. "If it bothers you though... you might want to talk to him about it." Even though Misty hadn't really said so, he could tell that this did bother her. "I'm sure he'd want to know how you felt."

One might have to look hard, but if they did, they'd see the faint smile emerge on Scott's face. "I just need one... for now. Um, just... you can bring it here tomorrow. I guess maybe I'll stay here for tonight... probably... so I'll be here tomorrow anyway."

He thinks for a moment. "If... if you can find the one with the zoom lens... the one with the green strap... that one's, um... my favorite."

He gives a little nod. "Thanks, Katie. For... everything."

His hands got back in his pockets and he turns, ready to aim back for the infirmary. Staying this long on the main floor was starting to make him nervous, and the infirmary was the only place he had to go.

"So... where were you last night?"

Kyle chugs down a glass of orange juice, just having finished his shower, already late for work. He gives his brother a shrug. "I told you - I was with Cryptic."

"All night?"


Phil sets his hands on his hips. "So you can't fool me, Kyle. I was up at four in the morning and you hadn't been home. You just got back an hour ago - don't play this game."

"Not trying to." Kyle rinses out his glass and sets it on the counter, turning and grabbing his keys. "I'm late for work."


Kyle shakes his head. "I'm fine, bro. Cut it out."

"But where were you?"

Kyle grins and dons his jacket. "For me to know. See you later."

Phil throws up his hands. "Will I?"

"Duh, we got practice tonight."

"So you gonna at least come to that?"

"Of course." Kyle tosses his brother a wave and heads out of the apartment, letting the door fall shut behind him.

Phil just stares at the closed door, mixed emotions surfacing. Kyle had always had a goofy streak, but lately he was starting to worry Phil. He just wasn't himself, and not telling Phil what he'd been up to, let alone all night, just wasn't something he used to do. Why he was suddenly different, Phil didn't know. And why he was so evasive, he didn't know either.
Phil finally sighs and starts getting himself ready for work. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to stand here and figure it all out.

You can't barrow

Jess holds up her keys and smiles heading for her car. It was strange Axel would want to drive sepret when they were both just going to the same place anyways.

"We can take my car I don't mind. It would take a few hours if we walked."

Getting into her car she holds her smile. Pulling out of the parking lot and heading down the road Jess is quiet for a long while just letting her mind wonder from one thing to the next till finally her own curosity can not be held back any long. But how did she want to ask? Should she just sound nosie or think of a way to ask differently.

"You know Axel, I dont mind having a rainbow in my car..."

Giving a nod to the airfreshiner that hung on her window Jess smiles.

"It gives me a chanse to see a double rainbow. So...if you ever need a lift, or lunch and you dont have the truck you can ask. I dont mind."

Looking up at Jason once again Misty cant help but enjoy his company for the moment. She missed him more than maybe she would like to addmit. Jason had become one of her close friends and fast. Just not having him there was wrong and felt wrong.

At Jason's question about Carson Misty thinks deeply for a moment as a look pass through her eyes. Almost a longing, or as if something just might be missing.

"Things are going ok. Carson is a regular gentilmen now."

Misty lets out a long sigh. Over the last week things had been good and it felt great to have Carson back but still something was missing. Carson had changed so much it almost felt like he was a new person that Misty didnt quite know anymore. Finally looks back up at Jason Misty continues.

"...He's changed alot Hotshot. Thats not a bad thing, but...its just...do you think a person can change to much?"

Watching her brother leave Sapphire eyes never leave him. How she had missed her brother and though they had fallen away over the years losing him once had shown here just how much she was taking for granted. Never again would she do that. Her brother was her brother and she loved him no matter what.

Looking up from her desk Katie's grin widens a bit as she see Scott. How good it always was to see him and hear his voice. Knowing he was there, and he was ok made Katie feel good. Hearing the question about the cameras the smile on Katie's face grows. She was hopping that sooner or later Scott would ask for them back. Since she had taken them she never used them but made sure to keep them clean and ready.

"No, you cant barrow them Scott sorry. but...you can have them back."

Katie holds her smile as her eyes sparkle.

"They are you cameras, I was just keeping them safe for you so nothing happend to them. Tomarrow when I come into work I can bring them for you or I can bring them to your house along with a few other things of yours I have."