

Smiling Katie walks around to face Ryder a little better. Taking his out streched hand Katie gives it a ferm shake.

"I'm Katie Pent. Its nice to meet you, and Welcome to Nevada."

Giving a shake of her head Katie was happy Ryder was going to be staying. Adding one more friend to the group was always a good thing in her book.

"It's not the outback, but its not a shabby place to call home eather once you get use to it. I'm glad your staying Ryder. I truly am."

Katie catching Ryder's eyes as her own convay she really did mean what she said.

Fourth time's the charm?

Ryder can't help a crooked grin as Katie brings him inside. Letting his backpack slide to the floor, he spies the couch, a bit amused at Katie's directions. He doesn't even have time to say anything before she's off, apparently getting him some bedding.

Standing in the living room a moment, he looks around, spying a bunch of pictures on the wall. Curious, he goes to look at them. He recognizes a few faces from TJY profiles, and sees Jason and Katie too. There were a lot of smiles... a lot of good times, captured in time here.

As Katie comes back, he's startled from his stare, and he turns around, taking the blanket and pillow from her. Going to toss them on the couch, he contemplates her question for a moment. Sitting down on the armrest of the couch, he gives a little shrug. "I dunno. Maybe it was realizing I really didn't want to die at the hands of the Agency. Maybe it was realizing that I had one more friend here than back home."

Looking at Katie a moment, the corner of his mouth turns up. He stands again and stretches out his hand. "I feel we've met before. But maybe one of these days I'll get it right. Hi, I'm Ryder Billings."


Stairing at Ryder though the screen Katie is just a little surprised. The last person she exspected to see at the door was Ryder and here he was. A faint smile forms on Katie's face as opens the screen door.

"A fear of flying huh? Get in here before I make you fly off the porch."

Katie cant help shaking her head and shutting the door behind her. Leading Ryder into the living room Katie gives a motion to the couch.

"I'm gonna guess you need a place to stay for the night? The couch is semi comfortable but I never had to sleep on it before. My room mate isnt here at the moment but I'll give her a call and let her know your here for now. I'll be right back with pillows and a blanket."

Heading out of the living room Katie goes into her own room and grabs her cellphone from the dresser. Dialing Laura's number Katie gets the voice mail and leaves a quick message.

"Hey Laura its Katie. I just wanted to let you know Ryder the guy we brought back with us needed a place to stay so I offered him our couch. I just didnt want you to come home and get startled. I'll probley be heading to bed shortly. So I will see you in the morning. Nite."

Hanging up the phone Katie grabs an extra pillow from her bed and a blanket bring it back out to Ryder and handng it to him.

"So what made you decied to come back?"

Hard pressed to shine

Con helps get Laura to her feet as Jamie heads out, and gets her a jacket to put over her shoulders. Getting her back outside, he locks the door, but leaves the lights on, not bothering to take the time to shut everything down.

The hospital visit is long and painful. Laura hates every moment, but remains steady and unbreakable, answering questions as if she were simply on a TJY case. Afterward though, the pace picked up and things changed rapidly, leaving Con and Jamie home once more, and Laura safe.

"You mean to tell me that you just up and left? You didn't tell anyone?" Though after Jess' phone call, Derek already knew this, he had not told Axel of that conversation.

Axel looks at the living room floor, his feet in his socks making a pattern in the carpet. "No..."

"Axel." Derek shakes his head, disappointed. "I figured even though I'd told you to stay, that you coming here was alright, and I wasn't going to give you a bad time. But you didn't even tell your friends or anybody? They're probably worried sick."

"They'll probably be glad I'm gone." Axel looks up to meed Derek's eyes. "I'm a monster, remember? When monsters disappear, people rejoice - they don't care where it's gone."

"You're not a monster," Derek reprimands. "I thought I'd gotten that through your thick skull."

"Yeah, well... I guess I didn't think close friends would find out my past, then sock me for it."

"Rocky was wrong. And he probably knows it."

"Nah. He was protecting Jess."

"The "friend" you've mentioned?"

A bit of color comes to Axel's face, but he doesn't lower his gaze. "She was a close friend. But now she'll probably never want to speak to me again."

"Well I wouldn't either, if you just ran off without even telling me!" Derek sighs and leans back in his chair. "You're just making things worse, Ax. What are you planning to do? Run the rest of your life?"

"No. I just want to stay here. Start over. I don't know."

"Why can't you go back and explain yourself?"

"And face everyone? Everyone who thought they knew me? Everyone who is so appalled by my past record that they won't even let the women in their lives close to me anymore? Would you want to go back to that?"

Derek shakes his head. "No... probably not. But what you're doing now won't even give you a chance to keep those bridges from burning. Do you really want to ruin those friendships for good?"

"I already have."

Derek studies Axel with compassion. After several moments of silence, he leans forward again. "Look... you know you're welcome to stay here as long as you like. I like having you here and so does everyone else. But you're running... and if you run from this now, that's all you'll be doing for the rest of your life. I know your record isn't clean, and it never will be. But stop being afraid of what people will think or do. Give them some credit for accepting you despite any kind of past."

"If I could just prove..."

"You're missing the point. So Rocky hit you. So what? The information caught him off guard. And what do you do? You prove him right by running away. And what about the others? The rest of the band? The friends in Nevada that you made? Are they chopped liver?"

"Of course not, but..."

"But you've made up your mind that they'll all be through with you. They'll all turn their backs and never want to speak to you again. Woe is me... poor me, no one wants to be my friend." Derek smirks at Axel. "How mature is that?"

If it were anyone else, Axel would have gotten upset. But he couldn't with Derek. "I just want to stop fighting so hard. I just want... to start over."

Derek takes a deep breath. "We all do... and you're allowed. But think about it. Don't make up your mind in one day or even two. Don't say you'll never go back. Have you prayed about it?"

"Kind of... I mean... what would I pray for? That they'd just overlook a record like mine?"

"Why not?"

"That's impossible."

"With God?" Derek can't help his amused expression. "You know better than that. If you'd found out that kind of thing about Rocky, what would you do?"

"I don't know... probably watch him... keep an eye out... but I'd let him prove he wasn't like that anymore."

"So why aren't you allowing the others to do that with you? You haven't even given them a chance to make up their own minds. You're too scared of rejection, so you just avoid the whole thing altogether and make up their minds for them." Derek pauses and stands up. "I'm not going to tell you what to do, but I'm not going to make it easy on you either, you know that." Walking past the couch, he gives Axel's shoulder a firm pat. "Get some sleep, Ax. We'll talk more tomorrow."

Left alone, Axel sighs deeply. He knew he was wrong. But what else could he have done? What was the point in staying in Nevada anyway?

Looking up, Axel spies a spot of color on the wall. The lamplight in the living room had been caught by a prism on a figurine, and split before hitting the wall.

Getting up, he ambles over to the wall, and runs his hand over the little rainbow. His ears long for the sound of thunder. But the refreshing rains don't come. He'd outrun the storm clouds. But without them, a rainbow would be hard pressed to shine.

Ryder pays the cab driver and shuts the door, standing on the cub as the car engine dies away in the distance. A dog barks somewhere. Tires squeal blocks away. Ryder stares up the sidewalk that led to the house. He rolls his eyes at himself. Why he'd picked this location, he might never know. But it had been a logical choice, really. TJY was closed down for the night, and all spare beds were taken. He certainly wasn't going to Carson's. He didn't think it would go over to well, showing up at Jason's. And anybody else, he didn't know. He had a few addresses in his pocket and that was as much as he knew in this town.

He looks around, glancing down the lit street. He already missed the bush.

Taking a deep breath, he trudges up the walk and onto the porch, keeping his backpack on his shoulder. He'd eaten humble pie before... and though sick of it, maybe he could afford to eat once more piece. If it would give him a good night's rest, it was worth it.

After ringing the doorbell, he waits. He can hear light footsteps and backs up a little, hoping he was at least at the right house. As the inside door opens, he knows he is.

Staring through the screen door, his eyes meet Katie's. "My fear of flying came back," he mentions quietly. "I guess Nevada is stuck with this Aussie for a while."


Jess could hear the laughter and voices in the background as she talked to Derek and she though one sounded like Axel's but she couldnt be sure. Though Derek didnt say Axel wasnt there she tryed to understand why he hadnt said he was.

"Ok, well thank you. If you happen to talk to him can you let him know the storm is awfley dull without a rainbow."

Hanging up the phone Jess just sits on the bed looking down at her hands. Now she had a desition to make and she want sure if she was strong enough. Axel was far away and for Jess to go alone was a bit scary and she wasnt even sure if she could do it.

Coming out of the kitchen to see who was at the door she stops seeing Laura on the coutch. Hurring back out of the room she grabs the first aid kit and a wet cloth to bring to Con before bending down next to Laura her own heart acking for what she had over hurd.

Resting a gentil hand on Laura's arm Jamie wished she could wash the pain away but she new that she could not.

"Its gonna be ok Laura."

Standing again Jamie nods to her husband and heads grabs her jacket before heading out the door and starting the car getting it ready to head to the hospetil.


Derek lifts his eyebrows in slight surprise, then turns a kitchen chair around to straddle it as he holds the phone to his ear.

"Hmmm... well now." He hesitates, not really sure what to say or where he fit into all of this, or what his place really was to say anything. "He just up and left, huh?" Axel hadn't told him that. He'd assumed his young friend had at least told someone he was leaving. Derek had discovered that Axel's car was packed - a sign that he wasn't intending to returning to Nevada. They hadn't had time to discuss it yet, though Derek had been planning to. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to beat Axel at this game.

"That's unfortunate. I'm sure if he knew he was missed, he wouldn't have been so hasty to up and leave."

Liz is situated upside down on the couch with her feet hanging up over the top. She lies backward, her head almost hanging off the seat as she holds up a book that she's reading.

Axel passes by the back of the couch on his way to the kitchen, and can't help the mischief. Casually walking by, he turns to grab Liz's ankles and give her a quick shove.

A backward summersault sends her sprawling onto the carpet with a shriek. "Axel!" Her book was forgotten as she springs back up to race after him down the hall. "You turkey!" But her efforts are in vain as the bathroom door is slammed in her face.

"That's cheating!" she shouts, banging her hand on the door. "I know you don't have to go because you were in there just ten minutes ago!"

The door opens a crack to reveal one of Axel's eyes and just enough of his mouth that Liz could see his smile. Her eyes narrow, but her lips start to turn up. "You think you're real funny, don't you?"

"Naw, not really." Axel opens the door all the way and leans on it nonchalantly. "Though I must say that seeing you topple off the couch was good enough that we probably could have won some money with it."

Liz tries to glare at him, her hands set on her hips. She moves closer. "Well you just better watch it. Next time it might not be me who's roadkill on the carpet." Not even thinking, she grabs the nearest thing she can - her fathers can of shaving cream. And in one fatal move, a nice foamy glob is sliding down the side of Axel's face.

Liz's eyes widen and she covers her mouth with a hand, choking on a laugh. "I'm so sorry..." A giggle escapes. "I didn't mean to..."

Axel quirks an eyebrow and blinks at her, just letting the foam remain.

Liz's bottled-up laughter creates tears in her eyes. "I was just going to threaten you, that's all."

Axel reaches out and takes the can from her, looking at it, then shaking it up a bit before turning it around.

Liz holds up her hands in defense. "Oh, no... no, no, no... I didn't mean to spray you, honest, I didn't... it was a total accident." She backs out into the hall. "Axel, don't you dare... don't you... No!" Her laughing scream bounces down the hall and she goes running, shaving cream oozing through her hair. "No! Help!" The floor shakes as Axel goes after her, both stampeding through the house.

Derek looks up quickly to see his daughter and Axel fly by the kitchen door, and his eyes widen. It takes him just a moment to regroup and return to his phone call. He sighs deeply. This woman's voice told him she genuinely wanted to find Axel. He wondered if this was the Jess that Axel had told him about.

"Well... I'm not going to tell you I don't know where he is, because that would be a lie." He cocks his head and listens, hearing that Axel and Liz had made it to the basement, well out of earshot.

"And if I told you where he was, I might be betraying his trust. On the other hand..." Derek pauses, tapping a finger on the back of the chair. "...If you were to show up here... I wouldn't be surprised if you found him."

Ryder hears the call for his plane, and he rises from his seat, slinging his backpack over his good shoulder. Heading for the gate, he sees the other passengers getting on and is ready to fall into line. But for some reason, he stops.

You’re trying to,
Make it through the storm somehow.
You’re leaving it,
All behind you, all behind now.

But your heart is torn in two.
Reminded of what’s left behind.
Loneliness awaits,
A heart that’s beating.
Where do you turn?

Turning around, Ryder sees the hallway leading away from the gates. His boarding pass feels heavy in his hand. He stares at the signs that direct passengers through the airport.

Let your feet explore the brand new world.
Let your heart be free to live again.
Let your soul ignite with brand new flame.
Learn to hope again.
Learn to walk the miles,
To a brighter shore.

Ryder starts forward, keeping his back to the gate. He could hear some of Katie's words running through his mind. His feet lead him away from the plane that was waiting to take him home.

You’re trying to,
Douse the fire of bitterness.
You’re leaving it,
All behind you, all behind now.

But your fear it holds you down.
Reminded of the pain inside.
Loneliness awaits,
A soul that’s yearning.
Where do you turn?

Another call to board the plane comes over the loudspeaker. Ryder stops. His feet want to go in two different directions. His heart can't make up his mind. His gut won't tell him which direction he should go.

Let your feet explore the brand new world.
Let your heart be free to live again.
Let your soul ignite with brand new flame.
Learn to hope again.
Learn to walk the miles,
To a brighter shore.

Ryder turns back around, aiming for the gate once more, boarding pass still in hand. The line was shorter now. Within minutes, he would be on that plane.

Don’t let the shadows call you back.
Don’t let them dictate where you’re at.
You’re strong enough to run.
You’re strong enough to breathe.
Live again.

Let your feet explore the brand new world.
Let your heart be free to live again.
Let your soul ignite with brand new flame.
Learn to hope again.
Learn to walk the miles,
To a brighter shore.

Laura wanders out of the side door of the mall, juggling her bags as she fished for her car key in her pocket. It was just starting to get a little dark out, and the wind was chilly. She’d be glad once she got home. With no plans tonight, a cup of hot chocolate and a good chick flick sounded like just the thing.

As she reaches her car, she puts her key in the door, but drops one of her bags in the process. Grumbling, she leans over to pick it up. When she straightens again, a hand grabs her shoulder.

“Good evening, Laura.”

Laura jumps and spins around, her blood growing cold at hearing that voice. Terror surges through her veins as she meets the icy stare. She opens her mouth, but words seem to get stuck in her throat. There was no one else around...

Con stretches and yawns, just ready to head on up to bed. Jason and Katie had left a while ago, the movie was over, he was tired and Jami looked tired too. He's just ready to throw his arm around her and to upstairs with her, when he sees lights reflecting through the window. “I think somebody just pulled in the driveway…”

He wanders to the door, wondering who it might be. It was a bit late for visitors, and it was already quite dark out.

Glancing through the blinds on the window, Con couldn’t quite make out the car. He goes to the door anyway, opening it with question. As he does and sees the visitor, his heart leaps into his throat.

His sister stood on the porch, her head and shoulders hanging. She wasn’t wearing a jacket, and there were several cuts on her arms.

“Laura…” Con immediate pushes open the screen door to step out onto the porch. Reaching out, he lifts Laura’s chin to see her bruised face and bleeding lip. “Oh my word, Laura, what happened?”

Seeing her brother, Laura's eyes fill with emotions, but tears won't come. All she can do is fall towards her brother's safety.

Con is quick to pull her to him, wrapping his arms around her. His eyes roam the yard and the street, still having no clue what had happened. Anger burned within him for whoever had done this, and confusion made him want answers.

“Come on,” he prompts gently. “Come inside.”

Guiding his sister into the house, Con lets the door fall shut behind them, leading Laura to the living room. Glancing to the kitchen, he nods to his wife. “Get a wet cloth and the first aid kit, please, Jamie.” Worry is etched in his voice.

Finally getting Laura to the couch, he sits down with her, forcing her to sit up and look at him. Just getting her to look him in the eye was hard enough, and real concern was surfacing in Con. This wasn't something connected with a mission at work - otherwise she would have been cleaned up before coming.

“What happened, Laura? I can’t help if you don’t tell me.”

All Laura wanted was to find a dark corner to curl up and shut out the world. “I…I was at…at the mall.”

Con gently pushes a strand of hair from Laura's face, trying not to push her. “And?”

Laura swallows hard. The words just didn't want to come. Her eyes lower again, though her eyes still remained dry. “It was Bryce.”

Con’s heart almost stops, his own veins feeling as though they turned to ice. His voice grows stern. “Bryce Mulligan?”

Laura nods miserably.

“Oh, Laura.” Con draws Laura into a tight hold, rocking her gently. So many thoughts and emotions hit him, that he’s not even sure how to react.

Seeing Jamie come in with the first aid kit, he glances up at her, the sorrow in his eyes. Focusing back on his sister again, he knows he has to ask, but dreads it. “Laura…what did he do?”

Laura just withdraws to look away, the embarrassment the only thing that put color into her face.

“Laura…you have to answer me.”

She finally glances up at her brother. Telling him what happened was hard. But she felt numb... so very numb. What Bryce had attempted so many years ago, he’d finally succeeded, and she felt like a broken, worthless rag doll, tossed into the corner, unworthy of being picked up again.

Tears fill Con’s own eyes as she confirms his fears, and he takes her in his arms again, letting her crawl onto his lap and bury her face in his chest. “Shh…you’re going to be okay…you’ll be alright… it wasn’t your fault.”

Looking to Jamie again, his gaze is full of so many things. He was desperate to fix this. He was so very angry. He was hurt for his sister’s sake. He was so sad that this had happened to her. And he was worried to see so little emotion expressed.

They needed to take Laura to the hospital to have proof documented, and they needed to tell the authorities. Though Laura didn't want to go anywhere, Con knew they needed to go as soon as possible or else Bryce might get away once again…but this time he’d gone too far.

“Jamie, go get the car started,” he suggests quietly. “I’d appreciate it if you went with us.”


Giving a smile and straghting Katie shakes her head a little. She wasnt really hiding but she hadnt really told anyone where she was eather.

I'm down stairs. Just needed a little bit of quiet. Always figures its the last place you look where the person is.

Katie cant help the emotional laugh that escapes her lips as she stands from the table.

I am on my way up now, and dinner tonight sounds great. I havent seen Con in a while it will be nice I think. Not to mention extra time with you.

...As the phone rings Jess waits nervously. She didnt know what she was going to say to a person she didnt even know but calling Derek was the only lead Rocky was able to give her.

Hearing a voice on the other end Jess is quiet for a moment before finding her voice.

"Yes hello I was wondering if Derek Stevenson was around please."

Jess waits as the voice on the other end replys to her.

"I am sorry to bother Mr. Steveson but I had a friend who has recently left and I'm not sure where he want and I new you had contact with him so I was hoping maybe you would know where he was."

Drawing silent Jess relizes she hadnt even told Derek what his name was and felt a bit silly. She felt awkward about talking to him but she had to.

"Oh sorry his name is Axel Thornton and it would be a great help if you new where he was."

Welcomed Visitor

As Ryder walks down the hall and makes his way back upstairs, a weird sort of peace squeezes in amidst all the turmoil. It was small... it couldn't overshadow all of the emotions he was feeling... but any amount of peace was felt, and was a comfort.

This peace was a strange kind, but only because he continued to walk away. It was the realization that he had a friend. He might have been taken totally off guard by Katie when they met. He might have felt foolish for some of the flirtatious things he'd said around her - though he wasn't sure he'd take them back. He might have been just a little upset with her for not thwarting his attentions when she had a boyfriend. And yet... somehow... he knew beyond a doubt that Katie was his friend. He liked her. It was more than just an attraction to her good looks and keen mind. It was a fascination of who she was... how she carried herself... her undying loyalty... her immediate show of friendship to him, when he was the one going against the flow. Even now as he'd taken out his frustrations on her, made an idiot of himself and walked away... she was still there... more willing than ever to be his friend. When she said she wanted to know he was doing okay, she meant it. And right now, that was something that Ryder would tuck away in a safe place, to be drawn out when he felt alone.

He didn't bother going back to the infirmary for his shoulder or knuckles. They were busy enough trying to help Angel.

Instead, Ryder heads to the main floor, then to the back where Reese's office was. He knew that if he asked, Reese would let him go home.

Jason wanders from Katie's cubicle, glances in Dalton and Scott's office, pokes his head into the infirmary and even knocks on the bathroom door. Finally giving up, he leans back against the wall.

All right, I give up. You're too good at playing hide and seek.

Then he stops. Maybe she'd wanted it that way.

Sorry if I'm interrupting, I just got a little worried when I couldn't find you, was all. I wanted to see if you wanted to do supper with Con and Jamie. If you're too tired, that's okay, but Con just called me, so I wondered.

Rick sits at his desk and rubs his eyes wearily. He watches as Misty performs the final testing on the antidote. He prayed it would work.

But while she was hard at work, he had a phone call to make. Dialing, he reaches the secretary, then chooses to leave a voicemail message. "Hope, it's Rick Johnston. I don't know when Scott's next appointment is, but I just wanted to call you and let you know that I found out he wrote and submitted a case report to the boss this morning. I don't know how detailed it was, but this is pretty huge. You're helping him. All I can say is thanks."

Rocky looks back at Jess, his own sorrow showing in his eyes. "This is my fault," he mentions quietly. He still wasn't sure he could trust Axel. He still felt leery about him and his intentions. But he'd made things far worse by storming in on him like that. "I don't know what to think or how to trust someone like him, Jess... but I'm sorry if I ruined your friendship with him too."

Pursing his lips, he gives a little sigh. He had no idea what the whole thing about the rainbow was. It wasn't the first time he'd heard it mentioned. He could only guess it was some inside subject shared between Jess and Axel. Regardless, Jess was missing her friend.

"I don't know what he'll be like," he admits. "I don't know if he's been living a lie, or if he's truly changed from his past. I'd like to think it's the latter, because I think both you and I saw he was a good person. Surely both of us wouldn't be taken for a ride, would we?" There was more question there than he liked. He just didn't trust his gut anymore.

Finally though, he gives a little nod. "Alright. I'll help you find him. But Jess... I have no idea where to start. He doesn't have known havens to run to like normal people. He could be anywhere."

The doorbell rings. Derek looks up from the paperwork on the kitchen table, glancing through the living room to the small entryway by the door. "Gina?" he calls. "Can you get that?"

No answer. She was probably in the basement doing laundry. Derek sets his pencil down, leaving the numbers to themselves for now. He needed a break anyway. Ambling to the door, he opens it and looks through the screen to see a familiar face.

After a look of surprise passes through his eyes, a small smile creases his lips. "Well... look who the cat dragged in."

Axel grins a little. "I should have let you know I was coming."

Derek opens the screen door, asking his friend in. "You didn't even need to ring the doorbell."

A sheepish chuckle surfaces, and Axel lets his backpack slide off his shoulder as Derek gives him a brief hug. "What are you doing here? I thought you were going to stay and let things cool down. Or did you already work things out?"

"Yeah, well..." Axel shrugs and shakes his head, not really able to find the right words. "Would, um... that spare room upstairs still be empty?"

Derek's enthusiasm for seeing Axel was delayed. Without having discussed it, he knew that Axel hadn’t worked things out. Maybe his younger friend really did just need a sabbatical from the band, and brief time away from the hubbub. Perhaps it wasn’t the worst decision after all. "Sure it is," he finally answers. He squints a little. "I trust that the others know where you are."


Axel turns, a smile spreading on his face. "Hey, kiddo."

Though Liz was seventeen, she'd always been "kiddo" to Axel. She smiles and comes running around through the living room, squealing with delight and giving him a big hug. "What are you doing here?"

Axel laughs and returns the hug, knowing now that Derek had said nothing to the rest of the family. Otherwise, the reception might be a bit more subdued. "Mm... just needed a vacation. And where would I rather go?"

Liz beams. "Well you know you won't get any better cooking than Mom's, so I think you came to the right spot. How come you didn't tell us you were coming? We could have had a welcome party or something."

Axel smirks at her, his eyes giving her a knowing look. "Liz... you know me better than that."

"Yeah, yeah..." She rolls her eyes. "Mr. 'I wanna be alone in my zone.'"

"You do remember."

Liz snickers. "That and more. Wait until Nick finds out you're here. He's been tinkering with a car and was dying for a chance to show you." She pauses, getting her mind back on track. "How long are you staying?"

Axel hesitates. "Well, um... not long enough to satisfy me, I'm sure."

Liz shakes her head. "Still flying by the seat of your pants." She turns around to head to the basement. "Mom!" She calls out. "Guess who's here?!"


Looking up as Ryder comes out of the room Katie listens to what he said though she didnt know how to feel. As Ryder catches her eye Katie just listens not interupting she couldnt but maybe feel her own bit of guilt for stuff as well.

"I'm sorry too Ryder. I should not have kissed you and for that I am sorry. Though I am happy I got to meet you."

Hearing that Ryder was still planing on leaving Katie's heart sank a little but she new that there would be no way of changing his mind. It was the way of an Aussie, or so it seemed that there desitions where hard to change.

"I'm sad to see you go but Hey be safe and keep in touch so I know your doin ok."

Watching as Ryder heads for the door Katie lets out a sigh as she turns back to the table just sitting staring down at it. Maybe she should of taken off today she still felt so tired and she had a killer headache now.

Lifting her head as Rocky comes in the door Jess new she was exspecting him but back so soon?! At least she had decieded to clean up a bit and take a shower. She felt presentable now at least.

Giving the best smile Jess could it soon starts to fade a little as she can see a strange look in Rocky's eyes. It was a sadness, with a hint that he new something that might hurt.

Taking the sun catcher from Rocky Jess runs her finger over it slowly and gently. The pain she felt was now replaces with a new one. The one of truly losing her friend. A slight tear rolled down Jess face as she continues to just look at the sun catcher.

"A rainbows beauty is like no other. So lies, and false truths form around it. Though the rainbow can stand strong for a while soon it knows its time to move on and if its lucky the storm will follow. Because with out the storm there is no rainbow, and without the rainbow the storm has no point in making its own beauty show."

Jess draws quiet again. Over the night and the early morning Jess had been doing a lot of thinking. She had compaired Axel to Peter, and gone over differnt things in her own head. Maybe Axel had a bad past but something just didnt add up. Axel was so much differnt and he treated her differntly knowing her own past. Axel was differnt, he was her friend.

"I have to find him Rocky. He was our friend, he was my friend and for that fact he deserves to tell me his side of what happend. Will you help me Rocky? It will take me far longer without you."

Desparation shows in Jess eyes to find there friend and know he was ok. She wasnt quite sure why she felt this way but she could only guess that maybe it was because for the first time she had found a true friend.


Hearing the door open, and Katie's voice, Ryder keeps his face hidden. He felt like a fool. He cried in front of no one. Why did she have to come down here? Why did she have to see him like this?

With the door closed again, he finally looks up, spying the bag of clothes. Giving his eyes a frustrated swipe with his hand, he reaches over to bring the bag closer. Looking inside, he spies a clean set of clothes, and he withdraws the t-shirt.

Sighing, he looks down at his bloodied one. He'd done a good job on that alright. Taking his shirt off, he sees that the bleeding has pretty much stopped after he'd quit moving around so much.

After putting on the new shirt and throwing the old one away, Ryder eventually gets to his feet. He was so weary... he just wanted to curl up again and truly forget about everything. But he still needed to get away from here.

He opens the door, and is surprised to see Katie once again. She'd stayed. She'd waited.

Ryder gives another sigh, and leans his back against the open doorway. He glances down at his raw knuckles and flexes his fingers, knowing he'd been stupid not to wrap his hands before being murderous on the punching bag. "Why do you keep doing this?" he questions. His voice was harsh and raspy.

Finally he turns his head to look at Katie. His eyes were glazed and bloodshot, unable to hide that he'd been letting his emotions take over.

"I'm sorry." The apology is a quiet one, but it comes nonetheless. He was a decent man after all, and knew when he'd been wrong.

"It's not your fault that I was shot by the man who all my life's hope had been built around. Or that now he's dead, leaving me with nothing. Or that I've been uprooted and forced to come here."

He pauses and swallows hard, lowering his gaze. He was so tired, and so sore from head to toe. But worse was the pain inside.

"And I'm sorry for my comments earlier. It was my fault that I..." He stops himself, feeling silly for even saying it. Where did his foolishness end? He shakes his head. "...that I came on to you when I shouldn't have."

Looking up, he finds Katie's eyes. "You're an incredible woman, and I'd be surprised at any bloke who could ignore that fact."

He lets his eyes fall once more. He wasn't sure how much of that was his own fault or not. He still wasn't sure all what he'd felt had been his own... but at the moment... it felt the same, and he knew Katie wasn't manipulating him. And if that was true... then it had been himself all along.

Pushing off the wall, he heads for the door, moving slowly as every muscle ached. "I'll go see Reese now about plane tickets," he mentions quietly.

Getting into his car, Rocky sets the grocery sack in the passenger seat and starts the engine. He'd been out getting a few necessities, such as ice cream, for him and Jess later on. Driving down the road, he starts to pass the familiar auto shop, and for some reason, he slows.

He looks to the parking lot. Axel's car wasn't there. Rocky sighs and pulls into the lot and just sits for a moment. He did feel badly. He even felt badly for hitting Axel. Even though Axel had a record like he did... Rocky knew that he should at least have given him a chance to explain. Everyone had skeletons in their closets. Why should he have treated Axel differently?

He knew it was because he'd wanted to protect Jess. But now that was probably over. Shouldn't Rocky at least try to do something? After all, he missed his friend too and so did the others. No one knew what to do... no one knew how to be friends with someone they didn't trust. But... maybe Rocky should be the first.

He didn't know why he suddenly felt this way. Maybe it was simply God's prompting to act like Jesus.

Giving up on talking himself out of it again, Rocky reaches for his phone. He tries Axel's cell and his landline, getting nothing. Finally he gives up. Though the car was gone, that didn't necessarily mean anything.

He gets out of his car and wanders up the outside steps, knocking on the door. He receives no response. Trying the door, he finds it open. Odd, if Axel wasn't around.

Stepping inside, the interior is dim. The curtains are drawn, and the blinds shut. There were no personal belongings lying around... there was nothing hanging on the walls. It was obvious that Axel had moved out.

"Aw, Axel." Rocky's shoulders drop. He blamed himself for this. He should have given Axel a chance, even if he did have a shady past.

Wandering to the kitchen, he sees a small tank with three goldfish. A can of fish food sat next to it. Apparently Axel had known that someone would come, and had hoped that someone would take care of the pets.

Rocky sighs. Nearing the tank, he takes some food and sprinkles some in the water. It was the least he could do. He'd take them home with him.

Something else on the counter catches his eye. Moving closer, he sees that it's a suncatcher to hang in one's window. It was a brilliantly colored glass rainbow. A note lay next to it with Axel's handwriting. It simply said "Jess."

...Rocky wanders back down the hall of TJY, his purpose for having left was partway forgotten. Arriving at the little room again, he knocks before entering, then goes and eases down on the edge of the bed. "Jess..." He didn't know if he should have brought it or not, but he had.

He slowly hands Jess the suncatcher. "I was just at Axel's place. I thought maybe I should at least tell him I was sorry for punching him. But... he's gone. All his personal stuff is gone, and... this was on his counter with your name on it."

After all

Finding her way down stairs Katie's frustrations from the morning continues. Nothing had seemed to go right not to mention Angel was getting worse still. She just wanted to be alone. Finding a chair at the table Katie sits down kicking her feet up and letting out a long sigh.

Leaning her head back and closing her eyes Katie's ears finally pick up a sound. It always sounded like crying. Standing from her chair Katie goes over to the workout room where she saw the light on. Looking through the window in the door Katie seeing Ryder and the blood seeping through his shirt.

Rolling her eyes Katie goes back up the steps and to her cubicle again grabbing the brown paper bag before heading back down stairs again.

Giving a knock on the door lightly Katie opens it and sets the bag inside the door.

"I guess you will need this after all."

Katie for once didnt know what to do next. Last thing he had said was to leave him be. Katie didnt want to disrupt that.

"Ryder, I hope your ok. I..."

Katie cuts her words off. Ryder was bleeding and she didnt want to leave him alone but she didnt want to crowd him eather.

Closing the door again Katie resumes her seat at the table. Her should could keep an eye on him but at the same time leave him be.


A flash of something, almost surprise, passes through Ryder's eyes at Katie's reaction. Was she playing him? Was she really that upset?

He opens up his mouth to retort, but nothing more will come. Instead, he just drops his shoulders in surrender and waves her off. He didn't know up from down anymore, let alone know how to handle a woman, least of all one like Katie.

Spinning on his heel, he stalks from the break room and down the hall. But reaching the infirmary, he didn't want to go back in. His eyes drift down the hall to the stairway. He didn't know what Katie had meant by going downstairs.

Glancing over his shoulder, Ryder changes his route...

The clock showed that it had been several hours. The downstairs had remained quiet, leaving one person alone, while upstairs, no one had known where he'd gone.

The punching bag swung again as Ryder's fist hits it one more time. He was drenched in sweat and didn't care. The stitches in his shoulder had been torn and blood had seeped through his shirt, but he ignored it.

Another fist goes flying, this time accompanied by an angry growl. It wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair. Hope built up for years had all crumbled in one single blow. He sees Brian's eyes again. Another fist slams into the bag. He hears the shot again. The bag spins on its rope. He sees Carson and another hard hit lands.

But soon... soon, all energy is spent. Ryder lifts his fist for another punch, but it falls weakly to his side. His knuckles were bruised and bloodied and he didn't even notice. He was too numb to care. All hope of his lifelong venture was over. He'd been uprooted. He'd almost been killed. And all for what?

Stepping back, he leans against the wall, out of breath, the sweat pouring down. Slowly he slides to the floor. At first, the stinging sensation stays behind his eye. But as the first tear rolls down his cheek, the others can't be stopped.

Pulling his knees up to his chest, Ryder curls up in the corner, the tears running freely. He'd lost his brother. He'd lost his home. He felt like murdering Carson. He felt like letting himself die. He felt miserable and alone.

Eather way

Hearing Ryder's words Katie didnt know what else to say. She new what He was talking about, and she new he was hurting for what happen to his brother. There was nothing else she could say that could take that pain away.

"I guess eather way it will hurt just as much."

Katie could feel the tears in her throat, and she could feel the stinging in her eyes though she refused to let them out.

"Hey, just dont forget me ok?"

No matter how many times she did it, and no matter how many times it happend Katie always would have a hard time letting go of people knowing that she might never see them again. For her it was the hardest thing in the world to do.

Finally turning around again a tear rolls down Katie's cheek.

Behind bars

"Aw, spare me the speech, Katie." Ryder shakes his head, his glare remaining. "Your words... your presence... you know how to make people feel good, don't you? You have the ability to just reach in, and let them feel however you want them to. Well it's not going to work. Not again."

Gesturing with his arm, he winces, having forgotten how much it hurt.

"And as far as keeping everything else inside, you better be glad I am. You got a choice. Watch me walk away and go back to Australia where I belong, or see me behind bars for murder."

Let it

"You belong with friends Ryder and thats what I am, what Jason is. I didnt help drag you out of that plant because I didnt like you. I would have refused you leave you there because I care about you. If something will make you feel better than do it. Dont let whatever is going on inside you fester Ryder. Even if you do go back home that dosnt mean its just gonna go away. Its going to always be there."

A look pass through Katie's eyes that maybe she was thinking to much herself. Katie new Ryder wanted to say more thought she wasnt sure what he wanted to say, but wished he would.

"When I first came here it wasnt my home eather, and I certinly didnt belong eather Ryder. But over time things fell into place. That can happen for you to if you let it."

Don't belong

Ryder remains in the doorway for a moment, forcing himself to stay and listen instead of just walking away. To her references to not apologizing, he rolls his eyes. "Yeah, well next time I..." He bites his tongue. Something was there that he simply wasn't saying.

Instead, he reroutes to the rest of what she says. "There's only one thing that would make me feel better, and I need to leave before I do it. There's nothing to reconsider. This isn't my home and I don't belong here."


Katie shakes her head and turns sharply as Ryder goes past her. It was almost like a dagger to the heart and she wasnt sure why.

"I'm not sorry, and there is no point in saying your sorry eather."

Stopping for a moment Katie thinks. Was Ryder really talking about the kiss or his attitude. Katie wasnt sure. As far she she new Ryder wouldnt have remembered the kiss.

"Please reconsider staying Ryder. I don't want to see you go. At least try taking your anger out downstairs huh before you go and see if that makes you feel better."


As Katie speaks, strange changes flash in Ryder's eyes, proving that there was a whole lot more than one thing going on inside of him.

"I could care less about the Agency," he growls. "If they can kill me, then the best man won."

Finally, he shoulders past Katie, but stops at the door, turning one more time. "As far as you and I go, I apologize for any inappropriateness on my part. I should have known better."


Katie stands sound in her position bocking Ryder. He was her friend and she was not going to let him go that easy.

"You cant go home Ryder. The Agency will kill you if you do. And I wont let it go, your my friend and I dont back away from them."

Katie didnt want to see Ryder go for more than on reason. She didnt want him to die, and he was her friend and if he left she might never see him again.


A knowing look passes through Rocky's eyes. He understood Jess not wanting to get out. "Mm, a movie eh? I think I could handle that as long as you let me pop some popcorn. What would we be going for this time? Drama? Comedy?" He quirks an eyebrow. "I'll even sit through a chick flick."

Ryder stops, though his eyes roll to the ceiling. "Just let it go, Katie. No, it's nothing you did, alright?"

He finally looks back at her. A strange fire burned behind his eyes. An unleashed fury that had developed after too many hours of thinking while others assumed he was asleep.

"Now move. I'm going home."


As Ryder starts to go past Katie resists to let him go. Something was wrong this was not the same guy she had met even days before.

"Ryder whats wrong with you? Did I do something wrong to make you so short with me?"

Katie new Ryder was not remembering some things but other than they she didnt know what was going on and she couldnt help but feel a bit put off by Ryder attitude.

Looking back at Rocky once again at the mention of going out Jess than looks down at her cup as her face drops to a null expression. She didnt want to go out, not with Peter around still. He wouldnt dair try to talk to her with someone alse there but she didnt want to even chanse a scene.

"It would be nice if there was a rainbow out today."

Giving a sigh Jess was tired of this feeling and tired of having to hide. but there was no other choose not yet, not now.

"I don't really wanna go out. But I think they have a dvd player around here maybe we could watch a movie or something."

Don't need...

Rocky pulls a chair over and turns it around to straddle it and face Jess. He sips his own coffee and shrugs. "It's not too bad out this morning. Going to be a warm day I think. Kinda hazy out right now."

He pauses, then looks at her again. "I don't have to work today... if you needed to or just wanted to get out or anything, I'm free."

Ryder had been lost in thought, and he looks up quickly as Katie enters the break room. For a moment, he just looks at the offered bag, but he doesn't accept it. Instead, he turns, tossing out the rest of his coffee and ignoring her question. "Don't need it," he replies a bit gruffly. "I won't be sticking around long enough to use it."

His eye remain dull and almost cold - a contrast to the day they'd met. "Stay out of my way, and I'll stay out of yours." Aiming for the door, he starts to shoulder past her.


Entering TJY Kaite gives a small happy sigh. It was good to go out on a case, but nothing was better than being home safe in her own bed and be able to shower.

Heading to the break room for her morning cup of coffee Katie holds a brown paper bag in her hand with a few items for Ryder. Entering she was saprised but happen to see Ryder up and about. Going over to the counter where he was leaning Kaite holds the bag out to him forgetting about the coffee for now.

"Heya Its good to see you up and around. I got some clothing for you I hope they are your size. Hows Rick been treating you?"

Looking up as Rocky enters the room this time he dosnt startle Jess. She had been awake for several hours now working many differnt things through her mind. If she wasnt thinking about Peter and the fear of him finding her she was thinking about Axel and how much she did miss him. Sometimes she even thought about both of them at the same time trying to figure out in her head how Axel could of ever done anything like Peter had.

"Thanks for the coffee."

Taking a cup from Rocky Jess sips the warm liqued. Its felt good sending the warmth through her. She had felt so cold all night even though she had many covers she was still chilled to the bone.

Running her around the glass ring Jess looks up again.

"How's the weather outside?"

Continuing to work Misty moves back and forth between micrascope, papers, and the vials again. They were getting close and this much was for certin.

Looking out the courner of her eye at Angel withering in the bed. Since she first came here she had changed so much. Most her color was gone, her breathing was very shallow and she looked so small laying in the bed.

Misty only hoped it wouldnt be to late by time they got the anidote right.

A new morning

Scott jumps a little as Dalton comes into the office, and for a moment, he's ready to get up and take his dog out, not sure if Dalton's surprise had been a complaint. But seeing the big man lean down and scratch Domino's head, Scott relaxes a little again.

Though his blind eye is to him, Scott can feel Dalton watching him, and he just gives a little nod. "I guess... it feels good to be doing something too."

He gives a little sigh and stares at his computer screen. Now what? He knew there were other things he could be doing. Contemplating a few moments, he can hear Dalton's keyboard clicking. Finally he straightens again, to find something to do that wouldn't stretch his brain, but would keep him from getting bored.

The rest of the day is relatively quiet. Ryder finally settles down on a cot in the infirmary, eventually falling asleep. Rick and Misty work in shifts, trying to come up with the antidote, both of them at some point, going home to get a little bit of rest, but then coming back again for more work. Angel just needed to hang on a little bit longer.

Scott works for a while with Dalton, then winds up wandering around for a little bit, helping in the infirmary, then winds up back in the office again, that evening to spend another night on the floor.

Jason finishes up with Reese, checks on everybody else, and heads home for some sleep. He doesn't rise until that evening to have supper with Katie, then it's bed once again.

Carson isn't seen until later that night, after having been around town all day. He'd talked with countless people, gotten into records he shouldn't have even known about, hit the side streets and more, but so far he'd seen no sign of Peter. Stopping back by TJY that evening, he visits briefly with Jess and gives her a milkshake, then says hi to Misty, but seeing her nonstop work, he opts to head home. Tomorrow he would continue his quest. Tonight he would get some sleep.

Rocky comes back, as promised, with supper for him and Jess. He sits with her for a while in the small room, keeping conversation on a light path - one that never leads to Peter or Axel. He promises to be back the next day, and bids Jess farewell for the night, leaving her safe at TJY.

And so the night moves on. And once again, the dawn emerges. With it are the unknowns... the unknowns of the future. With each ray of light spreading across the land, a new choice is laid out... a new venture... a new path. Each day brings a future untouched, ready to be lived.

"What can you tell me?" Rick shines a light into Ryder's eyes, checking him over. It was morning, and after sleeping the night through, his patient was finally awake. He and Misty were almost ready to try the antidote, but while she continued, he turned his attention to Ryder for a few minutes.

Ryder blinks, wincing a little from the light, and drawing his head back. His head hurt enough the way it was. Sitting on the edge of the cot, he reaches around to pull a t-shirt over his head, having just a little difficulty with his throbbing shoulder. "It's all foggy," he mumbles.

"You don't remember being here yesterday?"

Ryder shakes his head. "I remember getting shot... then it's all a blank." He pauses, squinting as he thinks. "I guess I remember being on a plane and... I knew I was here... think I remember you and some other sheila doctor. But... that's about it."

"You don't remember Carson digging that bullet out of you?"


"Or going crazy on us after you got here?"

"No. But sorry if I did. What all's happened?"

Rick shrugs. "Well, you got the main parts. Apparently you were shot, then they got you back to your place where Carson took the bullet out. You all climbed on a plane, got here, you threw a fit, Katie helped settle you down, and here we are."

"Where are the others?"

"They'll be around." Rick sees Ryder rubbing his head. "I'd give you something for that headache, but you warned me yesterday not to do that."

"Mm." Ryder just grunts a little. "Got any coffee?"

"There's some being made in the break room right now."

Ryder glances around the infirmary, spotting Angel. "Who's that?"

"Angel. She's the reason you were on that mission."

"Oh." Ryder slowly rises, wincing a little. His shoulder hurt like the dickens. "Got a place to clean up?"

"Go to the hall and turn right. Bathroom's just a couple doors down."

Following directions, Ryder heads down the hall, carrying with him some clean clothes. After showering, shaving and brushing his teeth, he did feel a lot better, apart from his throbbing shoulder. Wandering back down the hall in his bare feet, he finds the break room empty, and helps himself to a cup of coffee.

"Good morning!" Rocky taps his knuckles on the door and enters the small room, keeping his voice low but cheerful. In his hands, he held two styrofoam cups of coffee from the shop downtown, along with a couple donuts for breakfast. He didn't want to invade Jess' space or startle her, but he wasn't going to ignore her either.

Axel gives a frustrated groan as his right hand starts to shake. The tingling had started ten minutes ago, then the pain had come. Now the spasms were making it difficult to drive.

Irritated, Axel takes the next right to exit into the parking lot of a rest stop. Taking a few minutes, he rubs his hand, digging deep and trying to relieve the nerves. It seems like forever before the muscles stop trembling, but even then, the pain persists.

"I don't have time for this," he grumbles. But on the inside, he was more scared than annoyed. One of these times, the pain and numbness might not go away.

Unfortunately, stopping gave his mind more time to wander without having to concentrate on the road. Part of him felt like a little kid running away to avoid getting yelled at after breaking a lamp or something. But the rest of him was too stubborn to turn around. There was no point in going back. No point in staying.

He starts his car again. He could drive with one hand until the pain stopped.