

Derek lifts his eyebrows in slight surprise, then turns a kitchen chair around to straddle it as he holds the phone to his ear.

"Hmmm... well now." He hesitates, not really sure what to say or where he fit into all of this, or what his place really was to say anything. "He just up and left, huh?" Axel hadn't told him that. He'd assumed his young friend had at least told someone he was leaving. Derek had discovered that Axel's car was packed - a sign that he wasn't intending to returning to Nevada. They hadn't had time to discuss it yet, though Derek had been planning to. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to beat Axel at this game.

"That's unfortunate. I'm sure if he knew he was missed, he wouldn't have been so hasty to up and leave."

Liz is situated upside down on the couch with her feet hanging up over the top. She lies backward, her head almost hanging off the seat as she holds up a book that she's reading.

Axel passes by the back of the couch on his way to the kitchen, and can't help the mischief. Casually walking by, he turns to grab Liz's ankles and give her a quick shove.

A backward summersault sends her sprawling onto the carpet with a shriek. "Axel!" Her book was forgotten as she springs back up to race after him down the hall. "You turkey!" But her efforts are in vain as the bathroom door is slammed in her face.

"That's cheating!" she shouts, banging her hand on the door. "I know you don't have to go because you were in there just ten minutes ago!"

The door opens a crack to reveal one of Axel's eyes and just enough of his mouth that Liz could see his smile. Her eyes narrow, but her lips start to turn up. "You think you're real funny, don't you?"

"Naw, not really." Axel opens the door all the way and leans on it nonchalantly. "Though I must say that seeing you topple off the couch was good enough that we probably could have won some money with it."

Liz tries to glare at him, her hands set on her hips. She moves closer. "Well you just better watch it. Next time it might not be me who's roadkill on the carpet." Not even thinking, she grabs the nearest thing she can - her fathers can of shaving cream. And in one fatal move, a nice foamy glob is sliding down the side of Axel's face.

Liz's eyes widen and she covers her mouth with a hand, choking on a laugh. "I'm so sorry..." A giggle escapes. "I didn't mean to..."

Axel quirks an eyebrow and blinks at her, just letting the foam remain.

Liz's bottled-up laughter creates tears in her eyes. "I was just going to threaten you, that's all."

Axel reaches out and takes the can from her, looking at it, then shaking it up a bit before turning it around.

Liz holds up her hands in defense. "Oh, no... no, no, no... I didn't mean to spray you, honest, I didn't... it was a total accident." She backs out into the hall. "Axel, don't you dare... don't you... No!" Her laughing scream bounces down the hall and she goes running, shaving cream oozing through her hair. "No! Help!" The floor shakes as Axel goes after her, both stampeding through the house.

Derek looks up quickly to see his daughter and Axel fly by the kitchen door, and his eyes widen. It takes him just a moment to regroup and return to his phone call. He sighs deeply. This woman's voice told him she genuinely wanted to find Axel. He wondered if this was the Jess that Axel had told him about.

"Well... I'm not going to tell you I don't know where he is, because that would be a lie." He cocks his head and listens, hearing that Axel and Liz had made it to the basement, well out of earshot.

"And if I told you where he was, I might be betraying his trust. On the other hand..." Derek pauses, tapping a finger on the back of the chair. "...If you were to show up here... I wouldn't be surprised if you found him."

Ryder hears the call for his plane, and he rises from his seat, slinging his backpack over his good shoulder. Heading for the gate, he sees the other passengers getting on and is ready to fall into line. But for some reason, he stops.

You’re trying to,
Make it through the storm somehow.
You’re leaving it,
All behind you, all behind now.

But your heart is torn in two.
Reminded of what’s left behind.
Loneliness awaits,
A heart that’s beating.
Where do you turn?

Turning around, Ryder sees the hallway leading away from the gates. His boarding pass feels heavy in his hand. He stares at the signs that direct passengers through the airport.

Let your feet explore the brand new world.
Let your heart be free to live again.
Let your soul ignite with brand new flame.
Learn to hope again.
Learn to walk the miles,
To a brighter shore.

Ryder starts forward, keeping his back to the gate. He could hear some of Katie's words running through his mind. His feet lead him away from the plane that was waiting to take him home.

You’re trying to,
Douse the fire of bitterness.
You’re leaving it,
All behind you, all behind now.

But your fear it holds you down.
Reminded of the pain inside.
Loneliness awaits,
A soul that’s yearning.
Where do you turn?

Another call to board the plane comes over the loudspeaker. Ryder stops. His feet want to go in two different directions. His heart can't make up his mind. His gut won't tell him which direction he should go.

Let your feet explore the brand new world.
Let your heart be free to live again.
Let your soul ignite with brand new flame.
Learn to hope again.
Learn to walk the miles,
To a brighter shore.

Ryder turns back around, aiming for the gate once more, boarding pass still in hand. The line was shorter now. Within minutes, he would be on that plane.

Don’t let the shadows call you back.
Don’t let them dictate where you’re at.
You’re strong enough to run.
You’re strong enough to breathe.
Live again.

Let your feet explore the brand new world.
Let your heart be free to live again.
Let your soul ignite with brand new flame.
Learn to hope again.
Learn to walk the miles,
To a brighter shore.

Laura wanders out of the side door of the mall, juggling her bags as she fished for her car key in her pocket. It was just starting to get a little dark out, and the wind was chilly. She’d be glad once she got home. With no plans tonight, a cup of hot chocolate and a good chick flick sounded like just the thing.

As she reaches her car, she puts her key in the door, but drops one of her bags in the process. Grumbling, she leans over to pick it up. When she straightens again, a hand grabs her shoulder.

“Good evening, Laura.”

Laura jumps and spins around, her blood growing cold at hearing that voice. Terror surges through her veins as she meets the icy stare. She opens her mouth, but words seem to get stuck in her throat. There was no one else around...

Con stretches and yawns, just ready to head on up to bed. Jason and Katie had left a while ago, the movie was over, he was tired and Jami looked tired too. He's just ready to throw his arm around her and to upstairs with her, when he sees lights reflecting through the window. “I think somebody just pulled in the driveway…”

He wanders to the door, wondering who it might be. It was a bit late for visitors, and it was already quite dark out.

Glancing through the blinds on the window, Con couldn’t quite make out the car. He goes to the door anyway, opening it with question. As he does and sees the visitor, his heart leaps into his throat.

His sister stood on the porch, her head and shoulders hanging. She wasn’t wearing a jacket, and there were several cuts on her arms.

“Laura…” Con immediate pushes open the screen door to step out onto the porch. Reaching out, he lifts Laura’s chin to see her bruised face and bleeding lip. “Oh my word, Laura, what happened?”

Seeing her brother, Laura's eyes fill with emotions, but tears won't come. All she can do is fall towards her brother's safety.

Con is quick to pull her to him, wrapping his arms around her. His eyes roam the yard and the street, still having no clue what had happened. Anger burned within him for whoever had done this, and confusion made him want answers.

“Come on,” he prompts gently. “Come inside.”

Guiding his sister into the house, Con lets the door fall shut behind them, leading Laura to the living room. Glancing to the kitchen, he nods to his wife. “Get a wet cloth and the first aid kit, please, Jamie.” Worry is etched in his voice.

Finally getting Laura to the couch, he sits down with her, forcing her to sit up and look at him. Just getting her to look him in the eye was hard enough, and real concern was surfacing in Con. This wasn't something connected with a mission at work - otherwise she would have been cleaned up before coming.

“What happened, Laura? I can’t help if you don’t tell me.”

All Laura wanted was to find a dark corner to curl up and shut out the world. “I…I was at…at the mall.”

Con gently pushes a strand of hair from Laura's face, trying not to push her. “And?”

Laura swallows hard. The words just didn't want to come. Her eyes lower again, though her eyes still remained dry. “It was Bryce.”

Con’s heart almost stops, his own veins feeling as though they turned to ice. His voice grows stern. “Bryce Mulligan?”

Laura nods miserably.

“Oh, Laura.” Con draws Laura into a tight hold, rocking her gently. So many thoughts and emotions hit him, that he’s not even sure how to react.

Seeing Jamie come in with the first aid kit, he glances up at her, the sorrow in his eyes. Focusing back on his sister again, he knows he has to ask, but dreads it. “Laura…what did he do?”

Laura just withdraws to look away, the embarrassment the only thing that put color into her face.

“Laura…you have to answer me.”

She finally glances up at her brother. Telling him what happened was hard. But she felt numb... so very numb. What Bryce had attempted so many years ago, he’d finally succeeded, and she felt like a broken, worthless rag doll, tossed into the corner, unworthy of being picked up again.

Tears fill Con’s own eyes as she confirms his fears, and he takes her in his arms again, letting her crawl onto his lap and bury her face in his chest. “Shh…you’re going to be okay…you’ll be alright… it wasn’t your fault.”

Looking to Jamie again, his gaze is full of so many things. He was desperate to fix this. He was so very angry. He was hurt for his sister’s sake. He was so sad that this had happened to her. And he was worried to see so little emotion expressed.

They needed to take Laura to the hospital to have proof documented, and they needed to tell the authorities. Though Laura didn't want to go anywhere, Con knew they needed to go as soon as possible or else Bryce might get away once again…but this time he’d gone too far.

“Jamie, go get the car started,” he suggests quietly. “I’d appreciate it if you went with us.”

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