
A new morning

Scott jumps a little as Dalton comes into the office, and for a moment, he's ready to get up and take his dog out, not sure if Dalton's surprise had been a complaint. But seeing the big man lean down and scratch Domino's head, Scott relaxes a little again.

Though his blind eye is to him, Scott can feel Dalton watching him, and he just gives a little nod. "I guess... it feels good to be doing something too."

He gives a little sigh and stares at his computer screen. Now what? He knew there were other things he could be doing. Contemplating a few moments, he can hear Dalton's keyboard clicking. Finally he straightens again, to find something to do that wouldn't stretch his brain, but would keep him from getting bored.

The rest of the day is relatively quiet. Ryder finally settles down on a cot in the infirmary, eventually falling asleep. Rick and Misty work in shifts, trying to come up with the antidote, both of them at some point, going home to get a little bit of rest, but then coming back again for more work. Angel just needed to hang on a little bit longer.

Scott works for a while with Dalton, then winds up wandering around for a little bit, helping in the infirmary, then winds up back in the office again, that evening to spend another night on the floor.

Jason finishes up with Reese, checks on everybody else, and heads home for some sleep. He doesn't rise until that evening to have supper with Katie, then it's bed once again.

Carson isn't seen until later that night, after having been around town all day. He'd talked with countless people, gotten into records he shouldn't have even known about, hit the side streets and more, but so far he'd seen no sign of Peter. Stopping back by TJY that evening, he visits briefly with Jess and gives her a milkshake, then says hi to Misty, but seeing her nonstop work, he opts to head home. Tomorrow he would continue his quest. Tonight he would get some sleep.

Rocky comes back, as promised, with supper for him and Jess. He sits with her for a while in the small room, keeping conversation on a light path - one that never leads to Peter or Axel. He promises to be back the next day, and bids Jess farewell for the night, leaving her safe at TJY.

And so the night moves on. And once again, the dawn emerges. With it are the unknowns... the unknowns of the future. With each ray of light spreading across the land, a new choice is laid out... a new venture... a new path. Each day brings a future untouched, ready to be lived.

"What can you tell me?" Rick shines a light into Ryder's eyes, checking him over. It was morning, and after sleeping the night through, his patient was finally awake. He and Misty were almost ready to try the antidote, but while she continued, he turned his attention to Ryder for a few minutes.

Ryder blinks, wincing a little from the light, and drawing his head back. His head hurt enough the way it was. Sitting on the edge of the cot, he reaches around to pull a t-shirt over his head, having just a little difficulty with his throbbing shoulder. "It's all foggy," he mumbles.

"You don't remember being here yesterday?"

Ryder shakes his head. "I remember getting shot... then it's all a blank." He pauses, squinting as he thinks. "I guess I remember being on a plane and... I knew I was here... think I remember you and some other sheila doctor. But... that's about it."

"You don't remember Carson digging that bullet out of you?"


"Or going crazy on us after you got here?"

"No. But sorry if I did. What all's happened?"

Rick shrugs. "Well, you got the main parts. Apparently you were shot, then they got you back to your place where Carson took the bullet out. You all climbed on a plane, got here, you threw a fit, Katie helped settle you down, and here we are."

"Where are the others?"

"They'll be around." Rick sees Ryder rubbing his head. "I'd give you something for that headache, but you warned me yesterday not to do that."

"Mm." Ryder just grunts a little. "Got any coffee?"

"There's some being made in the break room right now."

Ryder glances around the infirmary, spotting Angel. "Who's that?"

"Angel. She's the reason you were on that mission."

"Oh." Ryder slowly rises, wincing a little. His shoulder hurt like the dickens. "Got a place to clean up?"

"Go to the hall and turn right. Bathroom's just a couple doors down."

Following directions, Ryder heads down the hall, carrying with him some clean clothes. After showering, shaving and brushing his teeth, he did feel a lot better, apart from his throbbing shoulder. Wandering back down the hall in his bare feet, he finds the break room empty, and helps himself to a cup of coffee.

"Good morning!" Rocky taps his knuckles on the door and enters the small room, keeping his voice low but cheerful. In his hands, he held two styrofoam cups of coffee from the shop downtown, along with a couple donuts for breakfast. He didn't want to invade Jess' space or startle her, but he wasn't going to ignore her either.

Axel gives a frustrated groan as his right hand starts to shake. The tingling had started ten minutes ago, then the pain had come. Now the spasms were making it difficult to drive.

Irritated, Axel takes the next right to exit into the parking lot of a rest stop. Taking a few minutes, he rubs his hand, digging deep and trying to relieve the nerves. It seems like forever before the muscles stop trembling, but even then, the pain persists.

"I don't have time for this," he grumbles. But on the inside, he was more scared than annoyed. One of these times, the pain and numbness might not go away.

Unfortunately, stopping gave his mind more time to wander without having to concentrate on the road. Part of him felt like a little kid running away to avoid getting yelled at after breaking a lamp or something. But the rest of him was too stubborn to turn around. There was no point in going back. No point in staying.

He starts his car again. He could drive with one hand until the pain stopped.

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