

Entering TJY Kaite gives a small happy sigh. It was good to go out on a case, but nothing was better than being home safe in her own bed and be able to shower.

Heading to the break room for her morning cup of coffee Katie holds a brown paper bag in her hand with a few items for Ryder. Entering she was saprised but happen to see Ryder up and about. Going over to the counter where he was leaning Kaite holds the bag out to him forgetting about the coffee for now.

"Heya Its good to see you up and around. I got some clothing for you I hope they are your size. Hows Rick been treating you?"

Looking up as Rocky enters the room this time he dosnt startle Jess. She had been awake for several hours now working many differnt things through her mind. If she wasnt thinking about Peter and the fear of him finding her she was thinking about Axel and how much she did miss him. Sometimes she even thought about both of them at the same time trying to figure out in her head how Axel could of ever done anything like Peter had.

"Thanks for the coffee."

Taking a cup from Rocky Jess sips the warm liqued. Its felt good sending the warmth through her. She had felt so cold all night even though she had many covers she was still chilled to the bone.

Running her around the glass ring Jess looks up again.

"How's the weather outside?"

Continuing to work Misty moves back and forth between micrascope, papers, and the vials again. They were getting close and this much was for certin.

Looking out the courner of her eye at Angel withering in the bed. Since she first came here she had changed so much. Most her color was gone, her breathing was very shallow and she looked so small laying in the bed.

Misty only hoped it wouldnt be to late by time they got the anidote right.

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