

Looking up as Ryder comes out of the room Katie listens to what he said though she didnt know how to feel. As Ryder catches her eye Katie just listens not interupting she couldnt but maybe feel her own bit of guilt for stuff as well.

"I'm sorry too Ryder. I should not have kissed you and for that I am sorry. Though I am happy I got to meet you."

Hearing that Ryder was still planing on leaving Katie's heart sank a little but she new that there would be no way of changing his mind. It was the way of an Aussie, or so it seemed that there desitions where hard to change.

"I'm sad to see you go but Hey be safe and keep in touch so I know your doin ok."

Watching as Ryder heads for the door Katie lets out a sigh as she turns back to the table just sitting staring down at it. Maybe she should of taken off today she still felt so tired and she had a killer headache now.

Lifting her head as Rocky comes in the door Jess new she was exspecting him but back so soon?! At least she had decieded to clean up a bit and take a shower. She felt presentable now at least.

Giving the best smile Jess could it soon starts to fade a little as she can see a strange look in Rocky's eyes. It was a sadness, with a hint that he new something that might hurt.

Taking the sun catcher from Rocky Jess runs her finger over it slowly and gently. The pain she felt was now replaces with a new one. The one of truly losing her friend. A slight tear rolled down Jess face as she continues to just look at the sun catcher.

"A rainbows beauty is like no other. So lies, and false truths form around it. Though the rainbow can stand strong for a while soon it knows its time to move on and if its lucky the storm will follow. Because with out the storm there is no rainbow, and without the rainbow the storm has no point in making its own beauty show."

Jess draws quiet again. Over the night and the early morning Jess had been doing a lot of thinking. She had compaired Axel to Peter, and gone over differnt things in her own head. Maybe Axel had a bad past but something just didnt add up. Axel was so much differnt and he treated her differntly knowing her own past. Axel was differnt, he was her friend.

"I have to find him Rocky. He was our friend, he was my friend and for that fact he deserves to tell me his side of what happend. Will you help me Rocky? It will take me far longer without you."

Desparation shows in Jess eyes to find there friend and know he was ok. She wasnt quite sure why she felt this way but she could only guess that maybe it was because for the first time she had found a true friend.

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