

As Ryder starts to go past Katie resists to let him go. Something was wrong this was not the same guy she had met even days before.

"Ryder whats wrong with you? Did I do something wrong to make you so short with me?"

Katie new Ryder was not remembering some things but other than they she didnt know what was going on and she couldnt help but feel a bit put off by Ryder attitude.

Looking back at Rocky once again at the mention of going out Jess than looks down at her cup as her face drops to a null expression. She didnt want to go out, not with Peter around still. He wouldnt dair try to talk to her with someone alse there but she didnt want to even chanse a scene.

"It would be nice if there was a rainbow out today."

Giving a sigh Jess was tired of this feeling and tired of having to hide. but there was no other choose not yet, not now.

"I don't really wanna go out. But I think they have a dvd player around here maybe we could watch a movie or something."

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