

Driving, Rocky hears Jess, and doesn't understand. But he didn't have to. He could hear the pain in her voice, and it matched the same kind of pain he was feeling too. How he could have been so deceived, he didn't know. Axel had always been quiet about his past... but Rocky would never have thought it was something like this.

Getting to Jess' place, Rocky parks the car, but stays seated for a few minutes. He rubs his sore hand. "I... I'm sorry, Jess..." His tone proves he is sincere. "I shouldn't have lost my temper and... I shouldn't have made such a scene."

He swallows hard and looks out the window. "I just found out... it was Axel's boss... there was some kind of background check when the business was going over its books or something. I guess Leo heard several conversations... apparently Axel was put on suspension at work too because of his conviction. I just..."

He pauses again. He wanted to reach over and lay a hand on her arm, but he didn't want to frighten her. "...I didn't want him to hurt you."

Scott looks down at his plate, and runs his fork through the Italian dish, making a path. He looks at his lettuce salad and tries a bite, but it was only his third since it had arrived. He knew he wasn't much company... but being here with Hope was harder than he'd thought. It was a quiet corner of the restaurant, but the people were making him nervous.

He glances up once to look at Hope, then back down again. He was glad she was there... and he liked seeing her... it was better than staying at TJY all day and... he had to admit that sessions with her had helped. But this was a little overwhelming today, and he wasn't sure he could stomach the food he'd ordered.

"So are we going to sit here all day?" Carson leans back in his chair, his feet propped up on the kitchen table.

Ryder hears him from his place on the couch where he was stretched out. "Until things quiet down, we have to. You know that." Yesterday a few more Agency people had been snooping around, and it wasn't good for them wanting to get inside.

Jason yawns, pacing around the kitchen.
This is great... we know nothing about Angel, and we're stuck sitting on our hands. I wish we had an army and we could just go in guns blazing.

No Rainbow

As Rocky stops her Jess can hardly look up at him. She wasnt sure about anything right now. She was so confused and if she had trusted someone like Axel someone she had felt so close to could anyone pull the wool over her eyes. Rocky, Jason, Carson they all could be something they didnt clame to be.

Looking up at Rocky again a new fear is in Jess eyes and confustion. Searching Rocky's eyes she trys to look for something that wasnt there. Finally looking down again Jess relents.

"Ohhh...ok. I guess."

Slowly walks twords her car again Jess gives her keys to Rocky and goes around to the passanger side. Leaning her head aganst the window Jess looks out. The nice sunny day had now turned into a cloudy day. Jess normaly would welcome it but not toda.

"There will be no more rainbows after the storm, just dark clouds that keep the light from shinning. No...no more rainbows."

Not being able to help it more tears roll out of Jess eyes. She'd just lost someone she was close to, someone she cared about. Jess heart had been ripped from her chest, she had lost her rainbow.


Axel's devastation runs deeper than it's ever felt before. Everything he'd built up... all of his relationships... all of his friendships... everything... it would all be gone now. One simple piece of his past revealed, and now... everything had fallen to pieces and lay at his feet, broken.

He wipes his lip again, then wipes the blood on his jeans. Getting back to the shop was fast. He hadn't been far away. Parking, he trudges up the stairs and enters his quiet apartment. "God, why now... why are you doing this to me? Why does this have to happen? Why does this have to keep following me around?"

A tear of desperation runs down the side of his face - the first in many years.

Rocky feels utterly helpless, watching Jess. He was confused, he didn't know what to do now, or what any of this meant. But he'd done what he thought was right - separate Axel from someone Rocky cared about. He moves after Jess, exiting the restaurant with her. Sliding around in front of her, he stops her as gently as he can, trying not to be of any threat. He couldn't imagine what she must feel, knowing her past. He'd just lost a friend... she had already lost so much more than that.

"Jess... please... let me take you home?" His eyes are full of compassion and warmth. He wanted to comfort her if she'd let him... and maybe somewhere right now he needed some comfort too. He'd trusted Axel as well. "Please... let me drive? I can come back for my own car later."


Giving a smile and a laugh Jess sits back in her chair taking a sip of her water. It had been a nice day so far and the normal lunchs about 2 times a week broke up the time nicly. Not to mention just chatting with Axel was a blast as well.

About to continue on the topic Jess see Axel look to the side and turns to see what he was looking at. Quirking an eye brow at Rocky fecal expression Jess turns back to Axel with question wondering if he new what was up or not.

Looking at Rocky again a look of question cross her face at his words. Confusion and a bit of fear runs through Jess at Rocky's anger and acusations. She had never seen him like this before and could hardly say anything.


Not being able to get the words out Jess just sits frozen in her seat. Just continuing to listen and watch Jess is thrown off guard and gives a whimper as Rocky throws and connects his punch at Axel.

Almost shrinking in her chair Jess cant do anything untill she hears the words about Axel being in jail. Looking to Axel Jess eyes plead with him to tell that this was not true. But as no words come Jess dosnt know what to say. Her eyes follow Axel on his way out. She feel a suddon crash inside her and the feeling of being betrayed and having someone ripped away from her that she had learned to trust. The feeling was like nothing she had ever felt before, and it make her so sick she though she might throw up.

Hearing Rocky's question a tear rolls from Jess eye as she says nothing for a moment. Than finally she looks up at Rocky her eyes bloodshot though not many tears came out of them. Her hurt, the pain was on the inside.

"I dont think so. I just want to go home."

Gathering her things together Jess stands though feels a little wobbaly and still sick to her stomace. Though steadying herself she goes to pay and make her way for the door. People were stairing she didnt like it. Everything hurt inside and she just wanted to get out, to get away.

Past revealed

"Yeah... it was hard." Kyle doesn't open his eyes at first, but continues to think in the quiet. Finally though, he takes a deep breath and looks over to Alice, quirking a smile. "One down, one to go, then it's freedom time."

He gives a nod, almost as if more to assure himself than her. "And then the adventure begins." Mustering up any gumption he's got left, he pushes off the wall and slings an arm around Alice's shoulders to take her back in the other room with him. "You realize that since you're here, I'm going to put you back to work helping us load up."

The rest of the evening goes smoothly. No one really talks about Kyle leaving, letting the atmosphere stay light. Heading out for pizza, laughter comes easily, and the small group enjoys themselves. Saying goodnight, everyone is tired so heading home is easy. Tomorrow was another day... tomorrow for Kyle meant one more event. Tomorrow for the others meant the first day without the same JetStream...

Kyle groans and hits his alarm clock again. It was eleven in the morning. He ached, he was tired... but if he didn't get up and going, he'd never be able to meet Cryptic at three o'clock. Rolling himself out of bed, it's the same routine. Nothing was different. The apartment was quiet. Phil was gone for the day. Just as well... otherwise he'd be bugging Kyle about the oddity of his exhaustion.

Rocky wanders into the auto shop, tapping his knuckles on the door to get someone's attention. Leo pops up from a car engine and comes over, wiping his hands on a rag. "Hi, can I help you?"

Rocky nods, looking around. "Yeah, I'm looking for Axel. He working today?"

Leo purses his lips. "Uh.... no... no, he's not."

Rocky furrows his brow. "Oh. I thought he was. Is he just out on lunch?"

"I don't know. He, um... he's not working here right now."

Now Rocky was getting confused. "What do you mean?"

Leo bites his tongue. He shouldn't have heard the conversations he'd heard the day before. He shoudn't have stood and listened. He shouldn't have known about everything, but... he hadn't been able to help it. "Um... I... I shouldn't say anything, ya know?"

Rocky's eyes narrow. He'd only seen Leo a couple times, and didn't know him personally. But now was not the time to be skirting around this issue. Rocky needed to find Axel to talk to him about tonight, and he wasn't answering his cell phone. "I'm Axel's friend. Now... tell me what's going on."

"No, man... I mean... I don't know everything."

"Did he get fired or what?"

"Not... not exactly."

Rocky sighs and sets his hands on his hips. "Look, I haven't got all day."

Leo glances around the shop, seeing that no one else was around. "Well... I heard Darrel talking to him..."

Axel leans back in the booth, giving Jess a quirky grin after something funny had been said. "So... tonight we got a gig. Don't know what we'll be doing after that though, on account of Logan and Kyle."

He pauses, taking a sip of his water. The little diner was quiet today, and he was enjoying the peaceful lunch with Jess. Though there was a lot on his mind, and a lot that was weighing heavily on him, he liked just forgetting about it for a while. No watch, no cell phone... just letting time go by for once. He hadn't said anything to anybody about his job, but wasn't planning to until he knew what Darrel was going to do with him.

"Taylor?" Rocky knocks on her apartment door. He tries the doorknob, finding it open, and he rolls his eyes. He'd told her a million times to keep her door locked. Getting inside, he takes a quick look around. "Taylor?" No answer. Hopefully, that was a good thing. But the sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach was still there. After what Leo had told him, he'd checked Axel's apartment to find it empty. But then putting two and two together about how Taylor had been acting around Axel lately, Rocky had gone to her apartment next just to check on things.

Sighing, he looks around. Thankfully, nothing seemed amiss. He's just about ready to leave, when he sees her answering machine blinking. On a whim, he hits the play button. But he hadn't expected to hear the apology from Axel. If Rocky hadn't believed Leo before, he did now. This proved Axel's character, making Rocky feel all the more sick. His own phone rings.

"Yeah, hello?"

"Hey, Rock. It's Max. I just drove past the little diner on fifth, on my way to work. Saw Axel's car. Knew you were looking for him. I think he's there with Jess."

Rocky immediately bristles. "Thanks. He must not have his phone on him today. I'll go see if I can catch him. He hangs up without even saying goodbye, and is quickly out the door and down the steps, sprinting for his car. Jess. Why did Axel have to be with Jess? He wasn't about to waste any time. Not with this.

Axel is just about to say something more to Jess, when his eye catches the door to the diner opening. Looking up, he's surprised to see Rocky. A smile would have appeared, but the look on Rocky's face warned him that this was not a social call.

Rocky's stride is long and deliberate, his eyes narrowing into a glare. Though not wishing to make a scene in front of Jess, it would have to be ignored. "Axel?"

Axel looks up from his chair, becoming leery. He couldn't remember a time he'd seen Rocky this upset. He hadn't even greeted them. "Yeah, Rocky. What is it? What's wrong?" Now he regretted not carrying his phone with him.

"Did you really think you could get away with it?" Rocky hisses. "Did you really think we wouldn't find out?"

Axel searches his face, desperate to know what his friend was talking about. "Find out what? What are you talking about?"

Rocky's anger reaches a high. As if Axel wouldn't know. And seeing him here with Jess just made it worse. "I don't know why they let you out." His tone is full of the anger and betrayal he felt as his fist balls up at his side. "Someone like you deserves..." His words trail off as his temper gets the best of him.

Before Axel can even react, Rocky's knuckles meet his mouth in a hard right. He's hit with such force that he's knocked out of his chair and sprawls on the floor, dazed. Blinking, he puts a hand to his bleeding lip and looks up to Rocky with the look of a hurt and confused child who might have just been slapped for no reason. Tears would have come, had it not been for the confusion, and he looks wildly to Jess, then back to Rocky. He was too confused to try getting up just yet, afraid another punch would be thrown in his direction.

Rocky rubs his knuckles, knowing that he shouldn't have hit anybody, but he was so upset, and with someone he'd thought he knew.

Moving to the side, he keeps himself between Axel and Jess in a protective stance. "The truth is out, Axel. You've spent time behind bars and thought you could keep it a secret."

Axel's face pales, fear flashing through his eyes. They knew. No... how could they? This couldn't be happening. "Rocky, please." His tone is one of begging. Not here... not in front of Jess. "Please don't do this."

But Rocky wasn't about to let this one go. Not something as big as this. He looks to Jess grimly, though his expression is partially one of apology. He didn't want this information to hurt her, but greater yet, he didn't want Axel to hurt her. His eyes fall back to Axel. "I'm sorry. But I won't ignore anyone convicted of rape."

Axel felt as though he would be sick. He couldn't even bring himself to look at Jess, and his eyes finally fall from Rocky's. Picking himself up off the floor, he wipes his lip again, smearing blood on his hand. What he felt was pure devastation. He couldn't even begin to imagine the consequences of this scene.

His head down, he shoulders past Rocky, heading for the door, but a strong arm stops him.

Rocky's glare shows his own hurt and confusion mixed with the anger. "Touch Taylor or Jess again, and you'll pay."

Axel swallows hard. He had no fight. He had no way to argue or defend himself. He couldn't fight the truth. Hanging his head again, he goes for the door. Within seconds, his car is driving away.

Rocky watches to make sure he's gone before looking back at Jess. "I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. His eyes show genuine care and concern. "Are you okay?"


Seeing Kyle make the can into the garbage Alice does a little hope in the air and throws her arms up.


Followed with a laughter and a small push to Kyle she follows after him to him.

Jess mouth makes an O as she hears about Kyle. He was good at singing and playing the keybored but after how the band has acted the other night she wasnt saprised and not to sure she would of done it differntly.

"Well I guess we all need a change from the same old rutean once and a while huh? Ya never know he might be back after he just has some time."

The hour pass quickly and before anyone knows it, its time for the consert to start. Finding her seat Alice sits about 5 chairs away from the sound booth. Keeping her focus on Kyle the whole night she enjoys the music and the same never leaves her face. The energy running through the building and as the night comes to an end and Phil says his peace the crows starts to cheer for Kyle and maybe Alice's voice was one of the loudest.

As Kyle goes to the keybored again and the crowd quiets Alice watches him even more closly as she sways just a little to the music. The song held a sence of sadness and a sence of overcoming to it and Alice liked it. Watching Kyle walk off stands Alice makes her way through the people once more and pass infront of the soundbooth to where Kyle had slipped out.

Coming up along side him Alice leans aganst the wall and it quiet for several moments.

"You did good tonight and it must of been hard huh?"

Alice isnt quiet sure what alse to say. She didnt want to tell him it would be ok, and the same speach as she had before about moving on and trying new things. All she could do was be a friend to Kyle liked he needed and be there, the shoulder he could lean on. So staying silent Alice stays leaned agasnt the wall as the hall falls quiet being a friend she new Kyle needed.

All I got to lose

Kyle tilts his head back to finish off the can of pop, then chucks it halfway across the room to a garbage can, making a basket. "Yes!" He raises his arms in victory. "Two points!"

Spinning back around to Alice, he grins. "Yes. Speakers. Come here and I'll show you what I need."

Jen watches Kyle and Alice interact, lifting an eyebrow. Interesting. "Hey, Phil?"


Jen keeps her voice down. "How long has Kyle known Alice?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Just curious. They act like they've been friends for years, but I've never seen her before, have you?"


Jen shrugs. Kyle had been acting strangely lately anyway - any more oddness shouldn't be surprising.

Axel works while listening to Jess. He shakes his head slowly. "Kyle's pulling out." He sighs and stands up straight, finished with the duct tape. He heads back to the sound table and motions for Jess to follow him, offering her a chair next to him. "Rocky asked him to sing for Cryptic since Logan is off for a while at least. He's singing tomorrow night for us, but otherwise, this is it. Not sure why, but... this is his last JetStream night. He's heading out with some group from a youth organization, so neither band is on his calendar anymore."

Axel fools with some sound settings. "I think that's why Jen let me help her with this tonight - she wanted to spend more time with her brother."

The night progresses with minimal stress. Though JetStream was tense about Kyle's position, they kept their act together and pleased the audience as always. Despite the absence of Jason, the crowd was on their feet and clapping as soon as the show started.

Up front, Kyle took on the position he had other times Jason had been gone, but this time was different... this time he was being himself, and the sound was better than ever.

Standing behind his keyboard, Kyle sings, letting his eyes roam the audience, often landing on Alice to throw her a smile. Staying in focus tonight was extremely difficult. Any instant of remembering this was his last night with JetStream would make him miss a beat. He had to shove all those thoughts and emotions aside, and he made Alice be his one point to stay with it.

His voice rings out crisp and true, for the first time with JetStream, giving his all. Phil and Mike back him up well, and Kyle skillfullly slipped into his quirky role between songs to get people laughing. Normally it was natural. Tonight it had to be deliberate, because he didn't feel much like laughing.

The night runs on, and finally, the notes of the last song are dying away. But instead of saying goodnight, Phil stops the show, not letting Mike or Kyle leave the stage. "Well y'all..." He uses his microphone to adress the audience. "Most of you probably don't know that this was Kyle's last night with JetStream."

Groans of disappointment come as the response. Kyle steps back from his keyboard, forcing half a smile, not sure what his brother was doing.

Phil nods. "We all come to points in our lives where we move up and move on. And I guess Kyle's at one of those points."

Jen sits next to Jess beside the sound table, a tear running down her cheek. She was going to miss her brother so much, and she didn't even understand why he was doing this.

Phil clears his throat. "Jason will be around as always, but we're going to miss our keyboard player..." He nods. "And our brother." Moving forward, he reaches out to shake Kyle's hand. "We love you, Kyle."

The audience starts to clap, proving there were fans there who had been listening to JetStream for years, having fallen in love with all the band members.

Kyle swallows hard, fighting his emotions. He knew Phil was sincere, and he appreciated it.

Phil turns back to the crowd and grins. "How about we ask him to do us one more song, eh?" The cheers make him laugh. "What do you say, Kyle?"

Kyle hadn't planned on this. He looks around to Mike, then Jen and Axel, then finds Alice again. How could he refuse? Managing a smile, he returns to his keyboard. Glancing up, his eyes scan the room. He didn't know which song to choose.

Phil comes up behind him and speaks quietly in his ear, not letting the audience hear. "You said you'd written a new one."

"Sure," Kyle whispers, "But you and Mike don't know it."

"So?" Phil was proud of his brother, and proved it. Backing away, he points to Kyle and claps, encouraging the audience to do the same. "Kyle Mitts, folks." He retreats from the spotlight, unstrapping his bass, and signalling to Mike that they wouldn't have to back up Kyle for this one.

Kyle hesitates, but finally pulls himself together enough to start playing his keyboard. Letting the music build for several measures, the room grows quiet, all listening, all watching.

Closing his eyes, Kyle lets his fingers find their way across the strong melody that produced invigorating emotions.

All I got to lose is the pain inside,
All I got to lose is the fear I hide.
All I got to lose is the darkness killing me.

All I got to lose is one chance tonight,
All I got to lose is the inner fight.
All I got to lose is the war defeating me.

So why... don't I run?
Why don't I try to make a difference?
Why... don't I run? Don't I run?

All I got to gain is a better way.
All I got to gain is to sail away.
All I got to gain is a life beyond my reach.

All I got to gain is a clearer view.
All I got to gain is the scattered few.
All I got to gain is a heart void of fear.

So why... don't I run?
Why don't I try to make a difference?
Why... don't I run? Don't I run?

All I got to lose is a past behind me.
All I got to gain is a path in front of me.
All I got to lose is the darkness killing me.

All I got to gain is a brightened future.
All I got to lose is a pain without a cure.
All I got to gain is a life beyond my reach.

So why... don't I run?
Why don't I try to make a difference?
Why... don't I run? Don't I run?

The final notes die away, and the room is deathly quiet. Until someone claps. Another stands. And soon everyone is cheering their farewell. Kyle smiles and waves to them, making eye contact with Jen so he can wink at her, and Alice too so he can nod his thanks for her being there too.

Making his way offstage, the lights come back on, and as quickly as the night had begun, it was over. The noise of the crowd leaving filled the room. The band started to pack up almost immediately, knowing that it was getting late.

Axel turns in his seat to look at Jen. "Well... that's that, then. I'm gonna stick around to pack up and will probably go out for pizza. You're... more than welcome to come." He gives her a little smile, proving that it was a sincere invitation.

Kyle doesn't say much to the others, and while packing up, he quietly slips out into the hall where it was empty. Leaning back against the wall, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. A lot of things were running through his mind... a lot of things.

Ryder can't help his laugh at Katie. "Ya know... for some reason, I think I'd rather wrestle a croc than you. I can beat a croc - I'm not so sure I could beat you."

Shaking his head, he makes usure the coast is still clear, then motions for her to follow him again. "Come on. We need to get Carson and Jason out of here before more guys come. Not all of them will be that stupid."


Grasping Ryder's hand back Katie lets a look of fear cross her face as she looks at the man's shotgun bringing herself closer to Ryder.

Just listing to him and the other man talk Katie stays close keeping her face expression the same. As Ryder starts away again Katie still stays close following after till till Ryder pulls her off the side of the road.

Brushing herself off she looks up at Ryder and shakes her head as a grin spread across her lips. If in the postion he was in to protect someone she probley would of done the same thing so she had no idea why he was saying sorry.

"I think I'll refrain from hitting you at this moment. I dont wanna hurt ya."

Katie cant help but throw a playful wink at Ryder.

Laughing and taking Kyle's mountain dew Alice takes a quick sip.

"Ya know, I think you right actually, and now that I have had some of this. I'll be even hyper with you."

Alice hands the can back to Kyle.

"Speaker right, lets get to it."

Jess smiles back at Axel as she continues to help him.

"Its nice to see a rainbow to break up the storms normal ordinary day."

Standing again Jess moves down a little bit more continuing to help. It really was nice to be here and help. It made her feel like she really did have something to do to be of some kind of help. Getting out of the house was always nice after all the strange things that has been happing.

"Hows everthing been going here? Good after what happend last time with Kyle?"

Now's the part

While glad for Katie's acting skills, Ryder suddenly realizes that this may have not been his best choice ever. It was just as well that someone was coming.

"Oy! What's this?" A man's tone is harsh, and the sound of a cocking rifle follows.

Ryder lets go of Katie quickly, backing up a step, but letting his hand fall to hers where he holds it tightly, warning her not to react. He eyes the man warily. "Whoa, take it easy, mate." He raises a hand in surrender. "I'm not a wild boar if that's what you're hunting."

The man squints with distrust. "And what are you hunting then with those sidearms of yours?"

Ryder gives a little laugh. "You expect me to bring her out here without something to fend off the crocs? I might be crazy, but I'm not stupid."

"You come all the way out here for nothing but a walk in the park, ay?"

"Well..." Ryder throws him a wink. "Let's not get too specific, shall we? I didn't know we were trespassing."

"I won't report you if you two move along. Go get a motel and quit hanging around the bush. Next time I'm liable to shoot before making sure you're not out for more than a good time."

"Right. Sorry for the scare." Ryder steps to the side, his hand still on Katie's to take her with him. "Come on, love." Once they're safe behind several trees and shrubs, he pulls her off the path and keeps quiet until he sees the man go back the way he'd come. "The Agency hires some real idiots," he whispers. "He didn't even think that we're five miles off the nearest road."

Letting out a breath, Ryder shuts his eyes tight as he grimaces. He could have been a little more creative than that, and a bit of color comes to his face. "Sorry about that." He glances down at Katie, fighting against the feelings that tried to distract him from their mission. "I guess now's the part where I should tell you that you can slap me if you want."

Kyle laughs at Alice. "As if there are times when you're not having fun." He offers her his Mountain Dew. "Fuel up, then you can help me set up the speakers."

Axel fidgets with the sound board, getting things plugged into the right places, and making sure things were straight. Normally Jen did all of this, but he'd volunteered, and she hadn't seemed to mind a bit. At least it kept his mind and hands busy... right now, that was a plus.

Getting up, he goes to set some cords straight, retrieving the roll of duct tape to make sure everything was held down in place and no one would be tripping over anything throughout the evening.

As he bends over, he hears a familiar voice and smiles. Looking up, he gives her a little nod. "Storm clouds are always welcome in a rainbow's world."