

Seeing Kyle make the can into the garbage Alice does a little hope in the air and throws her arms up.


Followed with a laughter and a small push to Kyle she follows after him to him.

Jess mouth makes an O as she hears about Kyle. He was good at singing and playing the keybored but after how the band has acted the other night she wasnt saprised and not to sure she would of done it differntly.

"Well I guess we all need a change from the same old rutean once and a while huh? Ya never know he might be back after he just has some time."

The hour pass quickly and before anyone knows it, its time for the consert to start. Finding her seat Alice sits about 5 chairs away from the sound booth. Keeping her focus on Kyle the whole night she enjoys the music and the same never leaves her face. The energy running through the building and as the night comes to an end and Phil says his peace the crows starts to cheer for Kyle and maybe Alice's voice was one of the loudest.

As Kyle goes to the keybored again and the crowd quiets Alice watches him even more closly as she sways just a little to the music. The song held a sence of sadness and a sence of overcoming to it and Alice liked it. Watching Kyle walk off stands Alice makes her way through the people once more and pass infront of the soundbooth to where Kyle had slipped out.

Coming up along side him Alice leans aganst the wall and it quiet for several moments.

"You did good tonight and it must of been hard huh?"

Alice isnt quiet sure what alse to say. She didnt want to tell him it would be ok, and the same speach as she had before about moving on and trying new things. All she could do was be a friend to Kyle liked he needed and be there, the shoulder he could lean on. So staying silent Alice stays leaned agasnt the wall as the hall falls quiet being a friend she new Kyle needed.

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