
Now's the part

While glad for Katie's acting skills, Ryder suddenly realizes that this may have not been his best choice ever. It was just as well that someone was coming.

"Oy! What's this?" A man's tone is harsh, and the sound of a cocking rifle follows.

Ryder lets go of Katie quickly, backing up a step, but letting his hand fall to hers where he holds it tightly, warning her not to react. He eyes the man warily. "Whoa, take it easy, mate." He raises a hand in surrender. "I'm not a wild boar if that's what you're hunting."

The man squints with distrust. "And what are you hunting then with those sidearms of yours?"

Ryder gives a little laugh. "You expect me to bring her out here without something to fend off the crocs? I might be crazy, but I'm not stupid."

"You come all the way out here for nothing but a walk in the park, ay?"

"Well..." Ryder throws him a wink. "Let's not get too specific, shall we? I didn't know we were trespassing."

"I won't report you if you two move along. Go get a motel and quit hanging around the bush. Next time I'm liable to shoot before making sure you're not out for more than a good time."

"Right. Sorry for the scare." Ryder steps to the side, his hand still on Katie's to take her with him. "Come on, love." Once they're safe behind several trees and shrubs, he pulls her off the path and keeps quiet until he sees the man go back the way he'd come. "The Agency hires some real idiots," he whispers. "He didn't even think that we're five miles off the nearest road."

Letting out a breath, Ryder shuts his eyes tight as he grimaces. He could have been a little more creative than that, and a bit of color comes to his face. "Sorry about that." He glances down at Katie, fighting against the feelings that tried to distract him from their mission. "I guess now's the part where I should tell you that you can slap me if you want."

Kyle laughs at Alice. "As if there are times when you're not having fun." He offers her his Mountain Dew. "Fuel up, then you can help me set up the speakers."

Axel fidgets with the sound board, getting things plugged into the right places, and making sure things were straight. Normally Jen did all of this, but he'd volunteered, and she hadn't seemed to mind a bit. At least it kept his mind and hands busy... right now, that was a plus.

Getting up, he goes to set some cords straight, retrieving the roll of duct tape to make sure everything was held down in place and no one would be tripping over anything throughout the evening.

As he bends over, he hears a familiar voice and smiles. Looking up, he gives her a little nod. "Storm clouds are always welcome in a rainbow's world."

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