

Giving a smile and a laugh Jess sits back in her chair taking a sip of her water. It had been a nice day so far and the normal lunchs about 2 times a week broke up the time nicly. Not to mention just chatting with Axel was a blast as well.

About to continue on the topic Jess see Axel look to the side and turns to see what he was looking at. Quirking an eye brow at Rocky fecal expression Jess turns back to Axel with question wondering if he new what was up or not.

Looking at Rocky again a look of question cross her face at his words. Confusion and a bit of fear runs through Jess at Rocky's anger and acusations. She had never seen him like this before and could hardly say anything.


Not being able to get the words out Jess just sits frozen in her seat. Just continuing to listen and watch Jess is thrown off guard and gives a whimper as Rocky throws and connects his punch at Axel.

Almost shrinking in her chair Jess cant do anything untill she hears the words about Axel being in jail. Looking to Axel Jess eyes plead with him to tell that this was not true. But as no words come Jess dosnt know what to say. Her eyes follow Axel on his way out. She feel a suddon crash inside her and the feeling of being betrayed and having someone ripped away from her that she had learned to trust. The feeling was like nothing she had ever felt before, and it make her so sick she though she might throw up.

Hearing Rocky's question a tear rolls from Jess eye as she says nothing for a moment. Than finally she looks up at Rocky her eyes bloodshot though not many tears came out of them. Her hurt, the pain was on the inside.

"I dont think so. I just want to go home."

Gathering her things together Jess stands though feels a little wobbaly and still sick to her stomace. Though steadying herself she goes to pay and make her way for the door. People were stairing she didnt like it. Everything hurt inside and she just wanted to get out, to get away.

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