

Driving, Rocky hears Jess, and doesn't understand. But he didn't have to. He could hear the pain in her voice, and it matched the same kind of pain he was feeling too. How he could have been so deceived, he didn't know. Axel had always been quiet about his past... but Rocky would never have thought it was something like this.

Getting to Jess' place, Rocky parks the car, but stays seated for a few minutes. He rubs his sore hand. "I... I'm sorry, Jess..." His tone proves he is sincere. "I shouldn't have lost my temper and... I shouldn't have made such a scene."

He swallows hard and looks out the window. "I just found out... it was Axel's boss... there was some kind of background check when the business was going over its books or something. I guess Leo heard several conversations... apparently Axel was put on suspension at work too because of his conviction. I just..."

He pauses again. He wanted to reach over and lay a hand on her arm, but he didn't want to frighten her. "...I didn't want him to hurt you."

Scott looks down at his plate, and runs his fork through the Italian dish, making a path. He looks at his lettuce salad and tries a bite, but it was only his third since it had arrived. He knew he wasn't much company... but being here with Hope was harder than he'd thought. It was a quiet corner of the restaurant, but the people were making him nervous.

He glances up once to look at Hope, then back down again. He was glad she was there... and he liked seeing her... it was better than staying at TJY all day and... he had to admit that sessions with her had helped. But this was a little overwhelming today, and he wasn't sure he could stomach the food he'd ordered.

"So are we going to sit here all day?" Carson leans back in his chair, his feet propped up on the kitchen table.

Ryder hears him from his place on the couch where he was stretched out. "Until things quiet down, we have to. You know that." Yesterday a few more Agency people had been snooping around, and it wasn't good for them wanting to get inside.

Jason yawns, pacing around the kitchen.
This is great... we know nothing about Angel, and we're stuck sitting on our hands. I wish we had an army and we could just go in guns blazing.

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