

Not even relizing they where back at her place Jess just stairs a head for a long moment. One would think her silence ment she hadnt hurd Rocky but she had...oh how she had. Her mind was just trying to process everything and it was doing it at a slow pace as she felt so stunned.

Turning to Rocky Jess takes her keys and just plays with them for a moment till she finally looks up and speaks.

"It probley could of been handled differntly but I guess I cant blame you for what you did. I cant say if I was you I would of done something differntly."

Letting out a sigh Jess just sits again she still hurt and all she wanted to do was cry but she wouldnt let herself she couldnt, she had to be strong.

"Thank you Rocky for wanting to protect me, that means alot."

And really it did. Jess never had somone say they wanted to protect her before and though in a side time it did kind of make Jess feel good, but still at a time like this it didnt help enough.

Laying a hand on her door handle Jess opens it and than turns back to Rocky again. She wanted a hug, she wanted to be comfort but to ask for it was hard not to mention it kind of scaired her just a little. Jess had been long for so long, that actully wanting someone alse was diffenrt.

"Thank you again Rocky. I'm...sorry this happend I know it must be hard on you as well."

Being able to sence Scott akwardness Hope offers him a smile and she leans in just a little bit to whisper.

"Scott, we can go if you like? We can take our food back to the office or maybe go to the park. We dont have to sit here with everyone if you dont like. It was a little bit busyer than normal here today."

Hope was happy Scott had come out with her today, but she felt bad she had picked this restront now. Normaly on the weekdays it was pretty slow and hardly any people but it was just there luck that today it was. She wanted to make Scott as comfortable as she could, and if that ment taking there food else where than Hope was happy with that.

Stairing into the fridge Katie looks for something that maybe she could cook for dinner tonight for herself and the guys but the fridge was almost bear. Giving a sigh she turns.

"Can we at least go into town and get some food or something?"

Shaking her head Katie looks to Jason and gives a smile.

I hear ya. I am worryed about Angel and not having word makes it worse. If anything happend and I didnt know I would...

Katie stops herself for a moment shaking her head again to try and not think about that.

...I wish we could go in guns blazing too. Boy do I ever. I feel so restless sitting here. At least I have you to keep me company and not just thoughs two bozos.

Katie cant help the laugh that slips from her lips.

Than again I dont think I would want to be alone with these town.

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