

Jason sighs deeply and rubs Katie's back as she leans against him. Setting his head back, he closes his eyes, just sitting.

Thanks, Hero... I do need to talk to someone. Maybe tonight when I'm not here at work... It's just... eh... lots on the brain and not enough makes sense.

After a few minutes, Jason kisses Katie's head lightly and swivels in his chair, giving her one last squeeze. "We better get back to work before the boss finds us."

Reese looks up at Angelica's last statement, a bit of color coming to his face. "Well...I'm certainly not the only person who could do my job. But I must admit, it wouldn't feel so good to be demoted. I trust Austin...he's a good man. And if that's what Carter wants, then...that's what Carter gets."

He shrugs. "I don't know if it has anything to do with being the Elite or not. I know there are more rules we have to abide by now...but still... refusing to go save a man's life? That doesn't set right with me, rules or not, and I thought Austin had the gumption to stand up for what we believed in and..."

Reese lets his agitated statement trail off, realizing he spoke with too much passion. "...well...and I'm just glad we have Scott back, whether I lose my job or not. Now the trick will be to get Carter to let me keep Scott around. He's determined we can't afford to have two tech guys, and there's no other opening positions Scott could handle. I don't know... maybe Scott doesn't even want to stay."

Sighing, he glances at his watch and grimaces. "If we don't get back, Susanne will think that wallowing is an all-day affair and I'll never live it down."

Rising from the table, he offers as polite hand to Angelica. "Thank you... I needed this."

The day progresses as usual...nothing exciting, nothing too boring. The office is kept going at the normal pace, people coming and going, and finally going home for the night. A few lights stay on though, for people who were either too engrossed in work to leave, or who didn't want to go home to a lonely house.

"Argh!" Reese throws his handfull of papers into the air, not caring that they drifted down all over his office. "I give up."

He flops his arms on his desk and rests his forehead on them, too weary to keep going. No matter how many time he tried to go over this case, it still didn't make sense. And it wouldn't until his mind was clear. But his mind would not be clear until he had resolved this issue with Carter. He'd tried calling him twice again today, but had gotten nowhere. Talk was only of Austin coming back.

Reese began to wonder if he should even stick around to be demoted. Maybe TJY didn't need him anymore.

Scott swings his leg over the side of the bed and stands up, testing out his balance. He'd only been up once earlier and that was with the help of Rick. But Rick wasn't here now...neither was Misty... and he was getting tired of staying in bed.

Swaying a little, he gets his bearings and heads to the door, opening it slowly. It took all his energy to pull it open, and he squints in the hall lights. Looking down one way, then the other, he sees the darkened doorways and knows that most have gone home for the night.

He'd seen some of the others again during the day, but it was a pretty lonely atmosphere. And now...now he didn't know what he was doing, but he wanted to see.

Padding softly down the hall in his light pants and t-shirt, he keeps one hand on the wall, for balance and for safety, knowing where he was. A noise down the hall where Hal was emptying trash makes Scott jump and he skids to the side, his pulse rate quickening. Realizing what it was, he tries to calm himself and keeps going.

Finally reaching his destination, he sees that there was no light at the bottom of the door, and he knew it was empty. He looks up on the door. Dalton. Not Scott. Dalton.

Reaching for the doorknob, he slowly opens the door, letting it creak, then flips on the light. He leans in the doorway for a moment, just looking into the office. He looks at the desk...the computers...the personal affects. And just looks...for what, or what reason, he didn't know. Maybe he was just trying to convince himself of reality.


*As Jason embraces Katie she wraps her own arms around Jason giving him loving comfort. The feelings Katie felt that showed themself she new Jason had inside what they were she want sure. Everything wanted her to pry and poke but yet something alse inside her heart told her to wait.

J I felt your feelings and I know something is bothering you, but for once I wont push. When your ready to shair them with me you can. Please remember though my love no matter what your never a burden on me and I want to know how your feeling it never gives me more stress.

Katie leans her head on Jason's shoulder as she soaks in his feelings. Her own body growing tired and comfortable as Jason held her. Just being around him she felt comfortable and safe. As if the problems of the world seemed to melt away.

I'm happy we found each other. Your my rainbow after the rain. Thank you.*

*Angelica sets her fork down and takes a drink of her tea as she thinks for a moment. Trying to put everything Reese said together to form an answer. An answer that just would not come. No matter how she tryed not to thought her lawyer mind tryed to put the peaces of the puzzle together anyways.*

"Do you think when TJY became The Elite it changed something? Having new rules you have to follow. I mean before now one new about you there was no reputation you had to live up to because to everyone alse you didnt exsist. Now though people know about the Elite and one wrong move could mean desaster."

*Angelica lets out a sigh as her mind continues to break things down but no matter how much she tryed to she alway came to the same brick wall. There just was not enough information to come to any kind of conclustion.*

"Well personaly I hope for Carters sake he dosnt demote you. I really wouldnt feel comfortable working under anyone alse. I stayed here for you Reese, I'm working at TJY for you. Anyone alse in your position at work and it wont feel like home."

The only light

Jason lets Katie sit on his lap, and moves to wrap his arms around her waist.

Receiving her words, relief seeps through…happiness…love. His eyes fall into her own, so much being said with no words at all.

Leaning into her kiss, Jason returns it warmly, his hold around her tightening to draw her closer, his hands caressing her back. She could make him feel like no other, and a tingle runs down his spine as passion comes forth.

But even while in a blissful moment as this, it was Jason’s most vulnerable position. And having Katie this close, touching him, while he willingly shared his warm emotions to accompany the kiss, hidden feelings were unintentionally exposed.

Anger… disgust… and a deep, deep hurt. None were aimed at Katie, but rather to something… someone else who remained in the shadows.

Unable to hold back any emotions during a passionate exchange, and knowing that both positive and negative served to fuel Katie, Jason can feel those hidden emotions being drawn out, and knows that they are no longer secret.

Slowly, gently pulling away, Jason rests his forehead against Katie’s, his eyes closed as he holds her. He knew she would know that those negative feelings were not because of her. But now she would wonder and question where they had come from. And with her…there simply was no place to hide.

I’m sorry… When you kiss me… hold me… I can’t hide anything.

When he allowed himself to open his passion and to be off guard, everything was vulnerable.

I love you too… All I want is for things to be alright again… for things to be normal again. There’s stuff I wasn’t telling you because I didn’t want any more stress passed around…

Jason opens his eyes and straightens a little so he can see Katie. He brings a hand to her face, his thumb running over her cheek. Then pulling her close, he hugs her tight.

“Oh, Katie,” he whispers. “You’re the only light in my world.”

Reese shakes his head and wipes his mouth with a napkin. "I don't know... I just...I don't know." He gives up trying to think of something for a moment and eats, though finally comes back to the subject.

"You're right that Jason and Katie would have gone after Scott on their own. Most likely would have dragged Dalton right along with them. But that fact just seems to make Carter madder. He says it was stupid of them to begin with, and even stupider of me to not only go along with them, but lead them. I just..."

He shakes his head again. "I don't understand what he's thinking, or why he has that perspective. It doesn't seem like something he'd say. I mean... where's that original fire? Where's that original pride that said we'd take down the Agency no matter what?"

Reese pauses, the worry etched in his face. He looks down at his half-eaten food, wishing he had more of an appetite, but it just wouldn't come. His age was showing, through the stress and strain of his job, a few more gray hairs had come, his face proving the wear and tear of his job.

"I feel like something is wrong, Angelica..." He looks back up to her. "I haven't said that to anyone else, but I just feel like... I don't know... like there's a storm brewing. Like this is bigger than just this one instance. It's almost like Carter was waiting for something like this so he could pounce. But that's not like him." Reese rolls his eyes. "Pretty soon he's not going to be around anyway. I haven't seen him for weeks, and I know his heart is getting worse. But anyway... he wants Austin back, and he hasn't said so outright, but I'm pretty sure he wants Austin to take over my job. Why, I'm not sure. I just can't believe it's only because of this one thing."

He picks up his fork again to pick at his food. "Then there's Jason. Poor kid." He laughs at himself. "Kid... he's a grown man and I better start thinking of him that way. I know he's been in contact with Austin lately... well... kind of. There's family trouble there... not that I can blame Jason, but this situation at work isn't helping things any. Something showed up in some old records the other day about his father... stuff that I didn't want to show him... I'm afraid it would just feed his case against Austin at this point."


*As Katie enters Jason office the atmisphere is a low key one with many questions and thoughts hanging in the air. Though Jason was keeping most of his emotions well hidden Katie could still feel the change that something was wrong. Knowing everything they had been though it did not saprise Katie she wasnt feeling up to par herself.

As Jason comment about now that Scott was back if it changed anything Katie can feel a small twinge of pain inside of her. This question on Jason's mind was heavy and weather he showed it or not it bothered him alot. Letting out a small sigh Katie comes around to Jason's side of the desk and pulls his chair out just a little to exspose his lap. Sitting down across it Katie puts her arms around Jason's neck and locks eyes with his just being silent for a moment. Studying his eyes, looking into the ones that had captured her so long ago. The eyes that held so many mysterys, and so much hope. Finally Katie speaks.*

"Jason, I love you to no end. I always did, even after everything happend and no matter how to tryed to hide it I couldnt. I put you, Scott and myself through so much because I was foolish. I can't do that to us again. I have to be true to my heart, and I found where my happyness and love is. No Jason, Scott being back changed nothing."

*Leaning down Katie brings her lips for Jason's as her one hand finds the back of his head. Letting her passion and love show through the single kiss. The kiss that lingered not wanting to break the moment.*

".....So whats going to happen when Austin comes back? Did Carter say anything about that? Is he really that upset that he would demote you. I mean knowing Katie for as long as I have and just knowing Jason for a short amount of time sooner or later they would of found out the same stuff you did. Than they would of tryed to go save Scott on there own. Weather they would of made it out or not is another story but non the less it would of happend on way or another."

*Angelica takes another bit of her salad as she looks across the table at Reese. Much had been talked about so far as they both tryed to destress just a little bit, but the conversation always came back around to the same thing everything that has happend with Scott. Not that Angelica minded. She new Reese needed to get everything off his chest and she was just happy he trusted her enough to shair.*