

Jason sighs deeply and rubs Katie's back as she leans against him. Setting his head back, he closes his eyes, just sitting.

Thanks, Hero... I do need to talk to someone. Maybe tonight when I'm not here at work... It's just... eh... lots on the brain and not enough makes sense.

After a few minutes, Jason kisses Katie's head lightly and swivels in his chair, giving her one last squeeze. "We better get back to work before the boss finds us."

Reese looks up at Angelica's last statement, a bit of color coming to his face. "Well...I'm certainly not the only person who could do my job. But I must admit, it wouldn't feel so good to be demoted. I trust Austin...he's a good man. And if that's what Carter wants, then...that's what Carter gets."

He shrugs. "I don't know if it has anything to do with being the Elite or not. I know there are more rules we have to abide by now...but still... refusing to go save a man's life? That doesn't set right with me, rules or not, and I thought Austin had the gumption to stand up for what we believed in and..."

Reese lets his agitated statement trail off, realizing he spoke with too much passion. "...well...and I'm just glad we have Scott back, whether I lose my job or not. Now the trick will be to get Carter to let me keep Scott around. He's determined we can't afford to have two tech guys, and there's no other opening positions Scott could handle. I don't know... maybe Scott doesn't even want to stay."

Sighing, he glances at his watch and grimaces. "If we don't get back, Susanne will think that wallowing is an all-day affair and I'll never live it down."

Rising from the table, he offers as polite hand to Angelica. "Thank you... I needed this."

The day progresses as usual...nothing exciting, nothing too boring. The office is kept going at the normal pace, people coming and going, and finally going home for the night. A few lights stay on though, for people who were either too engrossed in work to leave, or who didn't want to go home to a lonely house.

"Argh!" Reese throws his handfull of papers into the air, not caring that they drifted down all over his office. "I give up."

He flops his arms on his desk and rests his forehead on them, too weary to keep going. No matter how many time he tried to go over this case, it still didn't make sense. And it wouldn't until his mind was clear. But his mind would not be clear until he had resolved this issue with Carter. He'd tried calling him twice again today, but had gotten nowhere. Talk was only of Austin coming back.

Reese began to wonder if he should even stick around to be demoted. Maybe TJY didn't need him anymore.

Scott swings his leg over the side of the bed and stands up, testing out his balance. He'd only been up once earlier and that was with the help of Rick. But Rick wasn't here now...neither was Misty... and he was getting tired of staying in bed.

Swaying a little, he gets his bearings and heads to the door, opening it slowly. It took all his energy to pull it open, and he squints in the hall lights. Looking down one way, then the other, he sees the darkened doorways and knows that most have gone home for the night.

He'd seen some of the others again during the day, but it was a pretty lonely atmosphere. And now...now he didn't know what he was doing, but he wanted to see.

Padding softly down the hall in his light pants and t-shirt, he keeps one hand on the wall, for balance and for safety, knowing where he was. A noise down the hall where Hal was emptying trash makes Scott jump and he skids to the side, his pulse rate quickening. Realizing what it was, he tries to calm himself and keeps going.

Finally reaching his destination, he sees that there was no light at the bottom of the door, and he knew it was empty. He looks up on the door. Dalton. Not Scott. Dalton.

Reaching for the doorknob, he slowly opens the door, letting it creak, then flips on the light. He leans in the doorway for a moment, just looking into the office. He looks at the desk...the computers...the personal affects. And just looks...for what, or what reason, he didn't know. Maybe he was just trying to convince himself of reality.

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