

*As Jason embraces Katie she wraps her own arms around Jason giving him loving comfort. The feelings Katie felt that showed themself she new Jason had inside what they were she want sure. Everything wanted her to pry and poke but yet something alse inside her heart told her to wait.

J I felt your feelings and I know something is bothering you, but for once I wont push. When your ready to shair them with me you can. Please remember though my love no matter what your never a burden on me and I want to know how your feeling it never gives me more stress.

Katie leans her head on Jason's shoulder as she soaks in his feelings. Her own body growing tired and comfortable as Jason held her. Just being around him she felt comfortable and safe. As if the problems of the world seemed to melt away.

I'm happy we found each other. Your my rainbow after the rain. Thank you.*

*Angelica sets her fork down and takes a drink of her tea as she thinks for a moment. Trying to put everything Reese said together to form an answer. An answer that just would not come. No matter how she tryed not to thought her lawyer mind tryed to put the peaces of the puzzle together anyways.*

"Do you think when TJY became The Elite it changed something? Having new rules you have to follow. I mean before now one new about you there was no reputation you had to live up to because to everyone alse you didnt exsist. Now though people know about the Elite and one wrong move could mean desaster."

*Angelica lets out a sigh as her mind continues to break things down but no matter how much she tryed to she alway came to the same brick wall. There just was not enough information to come to any kind of conclustion.*

"Well personaly I hope for Carters sake he dosnt demote you. I really wouldnt feel comfortable working under anyone alse. I stayed here for you Reese, I'm working at TJY for you. Anyone alse in your position at work and it wont feel like home."

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