
Give alittle take alittle

*Jamie smiles up at and nods.*

"I was thinking of going to texas in a week or so. I dont want to much time to pass without them knowing. If you want Con you can come too. Maybe this is the getaway you need?"

*Nate leans aganst the wall listing to Jason and Carson. Studing Carson he trys he best to read where he is coming from. They were geting no where and Jason was losing his cool. They couldent have that. They needed to give alittle to get alittel. Nate had been through enough cased here and in Cali to know how to read people. Or so he though. Pushing himself off the wall he looks at Jason.*

"Go get Misty.."

*Seeing Jason's mouth move alittle bit Nate cuts him off holding up a hand.*

"Just go get Misty please Jason."

*After Jason leaves Nate moves to a small table and pours a glass of water handng it to Carson. Turning again Nate throws a full pack of smokes on the table.*

"So Carson you have your water, your smokes, your gonna have Misty in a moment, now you have all you want what about giving us alittle of what we want Carson? Thats the way this works, give alittle take alittle. You give us nothing we take what you want away!"


Con's eyes widen at Jamie's explanation. "BJ's Sam's son? That means...he's Mick's nephew...wow...and Damien..." The wheels in his mind start to turn. "This is gonna be quite something to explain to them. Not that they haven't been through this before, but....." He tilts her head up by placing a finger under her chin. "It'll be fine though...and you'll do just fine. You care too much not to do it."

Jason tightens his jaw, but submits to Nate and ceases his arguing.

As Carson is pushed forward, he glances over his shoulder at Misty. "Oh yeah, this'll be fun alright. I'm sure I'll be dying to do it again."

They reach the room, and Jason gives Carson an extra shove through the door. "Have a seat. I have a feeling we're gonna be here a while."

Carson does as he's told, leaning back casually, his body language conveying his arrogance.

Jason grabs a seat across the table next to where Nate will sit. "Why don't we start from the beginning?" He opens up the file Reese had given him. "Looks like you've been plenty active the last few years."

Though surprised they have any information on him, Carson remains unmoved and simply shrugs. "Yeah, sure."

"How long have you been with the Agency?"

"Long enough."

Jason frowns at him. "How long?"

Carson quirks a cocky grin. "Can I get something to drink?"

"Later." Jason points to the papers. "How long, Carson?"

"Been around them for about fourteen years."

Jason starts taking notes. "You been in on the case out in Texas?"


Jason looks up at him once more, his glare returning. "Don't make this more difficult than it needs to be."

Carson tilts his chair back on it's legs, rocking back and forth. "Can I have that smoke yet?"

Jason glances over to Nate with annoyance. "What happened?" He turns back to Carson. "I thought you were willing to work with us here."

Carson shrugs. "Maybe I decided there was more in this for me than I was bargaining for."

"You don't have a whole lot to bargain with."

"Look, the Agency is going to be after me." Carson's eyes narrow and he lets the chair drop back down on all fours. "They're gonna be looking to kill me. Now are you willing to give me protection?"

"Last I knew, you didn't care if you died."

"So I changed my mind."

Jason fiddles with his pencil. "We'll do what we can. Now elaborate on your dealings with the Agency."

Carson crosses his arms. "I want Misty in here."

"What?" Jason looks at him in amazement. "Come on here, Carson! This isn't a game!"

"Misty," Carson repeats.

"No." Jason shakes his head. "First off, this is not her job. Second, Reese would not approve. Third, I don't like the way you treat women."

"Then I'm not talking."

Jason rolls his eyes, slamming his folder shut. "What? She gonna bat her eyes and talk sweet to you so you'll be willing to talk or what? Don't give me this line, Carson. We're not playing it your way."

"Then how about Jamie?"

Jason is on his feet so fast, that his chair gets knocked over. He leans forward, his palms on the table to get closer to Carson, his eyes blazing. "You get ten yards from that woman in this building and I'll be on you so fast it'll make your head swim."

Carson doesn't even flinch. "Then I'm not talking."

"Dang it, Carson!" Jason slams his fist on the table.

"How bad you want this information?" Carson taunts. "To what lengths are you willing to go to get it?"

"You're not getting Misty, and you're most certainly not getting Jamie. I'll take you on with my bare hands if I have to, but you can bet this entire department will be behind me."

"I can't get a drink, I can't have a smoke..." Carson counts things off on his fingers. "I can't have Misty in here, I can't see Jamie...why am I even here?"

"Because we're letting you live!"

"Then why not throw me in the cell and lock me up to starve?"

Jason throws up his arms in disgust and turns to pace the corner. He throws Nate a look. "This is ridiculous. He's all yours."


*Jamie lifts hear head so Con can hear her better but keeps it resting on Con’s chest.*

“Yes I think that’s what she said his name was BJ. She droped him off at the ranch to keep him and to be with his family. BJ was Sam’s son but no one new that. The Agency told her not to tell. Sam’s triplet brother and sister are there at the Ranch too. Annie and Mick I think she said there names were.”

*Jamie stops for a moment trying to remember everything Sam had said to her even though it was painful. Stuff was still a blur but she tried her best to relay to Con what she remembered.*

“...She said her ex-hudband was at the next ranch over as well. Damien his name was. But he dosent remember any of it. The Agency whiped his mind of Sam and BJ. Mostly the reson Sam worked for The Agency was so they wouldent kill BJ. I guess BJ is a genisus or something. The key to everything she has said. But I dont remember what she ment by it. Sam asked me if she dident make it out if I would go to Texas and let them know her story. But I don’t think I can Con. How can I look at those people and tell them someone they don’t even know is dead. I don’t know what to do Con. That on top of everything alse in my mind.”

*Jamie lets out a long tired sigh.*

*Misty smerks at Carson trying her best to keep a straght face.*

"I guess I had my mind alse where lastnight that I guess forgot. The rain wasent that cold anyways."

*Misty eyes stayed locked on Carson as Jason and Nate talk.

Nate turns his head as Jason trots over. His mind still wondering about Misty and Carson. If they couldent get him to talk Could she? Could they use her to get in information they needed. Nate's mind snaps back out of the day dream as Jason and Carson start arguing back and forth. Nate shakes his head.*

*Misty cant help but pipup as Jason's thret.*

"How about we dont kill anyone. I hate to have to clean up the mess ."

*Nate knows at this point in time it was time to intervien and get this show on the road. before heads started to roll.*

"Thats enough you two. Carson you have a smoke while we get our answers ok. Jason keep that temper in check or I'll have Reese get Wyatt to help me. As for you..."

*Nate looks at Misty his eyes growing a bit dark was she helping or hindering he dident know but Carson was deffintly differnt when she was around.*

"...how about you pick up those files you droped and let us go our job. Lets go."

*Nate looks back to Jason and gives Carson alittle nudge to keep moving heading twords the intaragation room.

Misty bends down to pick up her files looks up at Carson before he leaves smiling.*

"Have fun."

*Standing again she heads off weaving in and out of the cubicles till she finally disapears.*


Con holds Jamie closer, trying to comfort her, but feeling helpless. He frowns a little at Jamie's reference to Sam. She'd mentioned that once before, but everything had been so chaotic that Con hadn't dwelt on it, nor had he asked about it later. "Sam? What little boy? You mean BJ? What are you talking about?"

Carson stops as Misty runs into Nate, and lifts an eyebrow slightly. As she flashes him a smile, one of his own plays with the corner of his mouth, though he doesn't let it come out. He allows her to see life within his eyes for a fleeting moment, before pulling down the veil again to hide what lies beneath. "Not too smart running out of here without your jacket last night into that storm, though I see you didn't catch your death of cold."

He searches her face, ignoring Nate's own observing glances. What was going on inside that keen mind of hers? Why did he have the desire to spend time with her? He'd never felt that way about a woman before. He'd had plenty of other things on his mind, but never had he simply wanted to talk...to sit...to delve into the mind. What had she done to him?

"Sorry I'm late." Jason trots down the hall, ignoring the fact that all his rushing around that morning had put too much strain on his knee. He nods to Nate. "Reese pointed me in this direction. I'm ready when you are."

Carson stalls. "Come on and at least give a guy a smoke before tearing into him, will ya?"

Jason rolls his eyes. "I don't think you're in a position to be asking for anything right now."

"No?" Carson gives Jason a once over. "Looks to me like you want something from me, not the other way around." Five minutes earlier, he'd been pretty workable, but now he let his manipulative thoughts from the night before take over. "If you want answers from me, you're gonna have to do more than give me that stare of death."

Jason grits his teeth. "I should have killed you when I had the chance."

Carson shrugs. "You got the chance now. Go for it."

Both men lock eyes, neither willing to break the stare first.


*Katie’s eyes widen alittle bit as Jason fumbles around. He’s never seen him so disoriented. She couldn’t help but chuckle as Ran out the door.*

“See ya later”

*Jamie wraps her arms around Con as he told how. How she felt so comfortable in his arms and how silly she felt to being having these nightmares and making him run to her.*

“It was another nightmare. I could taste the blood again, and feel the pain. It hurt so much Con. Than I herd a noise and even though my eyes were closed I though I saw a shadow and it just frightened me. I’m sorry if I scaired you guys. I just don’t know what to do Con. I’m scaired in my own house. I cant take it. Its driving me crazy.”

*Jamie’s mind goes back to Sam. Tears starts to flow from Jamies eyes. She had promised her friend she would go let him family know her story, but it was so hard and it hurt so much.*

" Oh Con, I was thinking about Sam too. Her family dosent even know. And they dont even know that the little boy they have at the ranch is related to him. I feel so bad. I wish she was still alive so she could go tell them. Why do people have to die Con and get hurt. Its just no fair."

*Jamie burys her face into Con's chest as he holds her.*

*Nate shakes his head at Carson respons. He should of known better than to have asked. Throwing the jacket over her arm he goes along side Carson.*

"Grab your coffee and Sandwatch. I'm taking to you to the intarragation room. Jason and I have some questions for you."

*Nate escortes Carson from the room and down the long hall finally making it to the office floor. *

*Misty picks up some files she was looking at and heads out the door running smack dab into Nate droping the files all over the place.*

"Oh man I am so sorry, I dident..."

*Misty words trail off as she looks up and see Carson. A sassy little smile playsat her lips.*

"Good Morning."

*Nate looks from Carson to Misty, back to Carson again. What on earth was going on with those too. Nate could tell since Carson had met Misty something was differnt about him. His dull eyes had some lite shinning in them now, but Nate dident understand how this woman could show no fear of Carson. She reaches into the darkness and found hope. Maybe if anyone was going to help Carson it would be her. Steping twords Misty he makes only a small gap between then and hands her, her coat.*

"Next time, maybe sure you clean up after yourself."

*Misty takes her coat alittle shocked Nate isent yelling at her and wonders if he is going to tell Reese or not.*

"Thank you."

*Misty's eyes return to Carson's not being able to help the sassy smile returning to her face.*

*Nate rolls his eyes again.*


Jason's eyes fly open and he stares into the sunlit room. "Oh, no." He glances at his watch. The beeping alarm had not woken him. "Crap."

Rolling out of bed so quickly he almost trips and falls, stumbling towards his bag, grabbing some clothes and skidding into the bathroom. Within five minutes he's out again, throwing on his shoes, not even bothering to run a comb through his hair. His foot up on a chair as he laces it up, he talks to Katie. "I'm heading out. I'm late. If Reese calls, I'm on my way."

Snatching up his jacket and gloves, he gives Katie a little wave and hurries out the door, bumping the doorframe as he goes.

Laura jumps, sitting up straight in the living room chair, her blanket falling off. Her eyes go right to the couch where Con is lying on his right side, sleeping. "Con! Jamie..." Laura gets up, and shakes him. "Con!"

Con is startled and sits up quickly, trying to bring himself out of the sleepy fog. "What?"

Laura's voice is desperate. "Jamie just screamed."

Con wastes no time. He's angry with himself for not being able to hear Jamie, and for being stupid enough to sleep on his good ear again. He sprints up the stairs two at a time to reach Jamie's bedroom and opens the door without even knocking. Seeing her on her bed, the fear on her face, he relaxes a little, knowing there is no intruder. But his heart still aches. He approaches her slowly and sits down on the edge of the bed to pull her into his arms. "Hey..." His voice is quiet and soothing. "You're okay." He rubs her back, rocking her gently. "It's alright...what happened?"

Carson turns his head as the door opens, and rises from the floor, brushing himself off. Finally something had broken up the boring atmosphere. "Yeah, well if you'd been in here all night, you'd probably rise early too." He goes for the cup of coffee with a nod of thanks.

As Nate discovers the jacket and questions him, Carson quirks an eyebrow and sets the cup back down to slip his hands into his back pockets casually. "Maybe you should ask the owner of that jacket. Either that or assume that I got myself out of here last night, planted bogus evidence and locked myself back in." He raises a cocky eyebrow, challenging Nate's train of thought.


*After geting changed Katie smiles over at Jason.*

"I better get some sleep too. Tomarrow will be my last therapy before I leave in a few days. I wanna make it a good one. I'll only be doing it once a week after I go. Well...Sleep well J. I had a wondeful time."

*Katie leans back and closes her eyes falling fast asleep.*

*Jamie smiles and stands. Not wanting to go to bed but knowing she must. Being as quiet as she can Jamie grabs a blanter for Con and a pillow.*

"There is the spair bed room up stairs if Laura wakes up. It might be alittle more comfortable for her."

*Jamie beds down and gives Con a small kiss.*

"Night Hun."

*Jamie makes her way upstairs and changes into her pjs. Once her head hits the pillow she is out.*

*As Nate makes his way in the house a small light shines from the kitchen. As Nate make his way to the kitchen A note lay on the counter. A bit of scribble is inscribed on one but he can make it out alittle bit.*

"I love you Nathan. Love, Maddie"

*Nate smiles at his sisters note. She was such a sweet heart. Nate puts the note down and picks up another.*

"Nate, There is some dinner in the frig for you. Rick and I had Maggie over for dinner and she asked if she could bring you home some. So of corse we told her she could. She missed you an awfel alot and cant wait for the weekend to come when you will be home. She is sleeping soundly now. Have a good night. -Janet"

*Nate smiles and opens the frig. Jante had been a Godsent when Maggie and her had moved him. Janet was Rick's wife they both lived in the apartment that attachend to Nate's. Janet was a nurse and took care of Maggie for Nate when he was gone. She was so good with Maggie. Maggie also took right away witch helped alot.

After eating some dinner and watching tv Nate head upstair and stops at his sisters good. Opening the door quietly Nate slips into the room. Going over to his sister he pulls the blanket up under her chin and gives her a small kiss on the head.*

"I love you to my dear sister."

*Exiting the room Nate heads to his own and enters for the night. Leaving the door open a crack incase Maggie needed anything.*

~*~ Morning~*~

*Jamie lets out a sharp scream as she sits up from bed. Pulling her knees up to her chest she rock herself. The cold sweat running down her face She starts to shiver. How, how could she deal with this. Every little noise, every little shadow bothered her. She never use to be this skidish and she couldent wait for it to go away again so she could be herself.*

*Nate makes his way to his desk seeing the note from Reese. Taking a sip of his coffee He lets out a long sigh and decieds not to sit down or he will never get up. Making his way to the holding cell with Coffee in hand Nate stops in the break room. Figuring Carson will be hungry he grabs a breakfest sandwatch and another cup of coffee for him. Wxiting he continues his route to Carson's cell. Nate juggles the cups of coffee and sandwitch as he opens the cell door.*

"Rise and shine."

*Seeing Carson is already up Nate just chuckles.*

"Well I see I dident need to wake you up. Guess your an early riser. I braught you some Coffee and a breakfest sandwatcg I thought maybe you would be hun...."

*As Nate turns and sets the coffee and sandwatch down on the small nightstand he spots Misty's jacket. Picking it up he turns to Carson questions filling his eyes.*

"Did we have friends over to play latenight?"

Morning comes

Jason laughs at Katie's comment, and continues his route to the motorcycle.

The rain continues to pour down all the way back to the hospital. Once in the parking lot, Jason helps Katie off the bike and instead of taking the time to walk, he carries her instead, sneaking past the nurses station and trying not to trail too much water.

Finally in Katie's room they're able to get dry clothes on and Jason flops down on the spare bed. He glances at his watch, surprised at how late it is. "I guess I better conk out so I can get a few hours worth of sleep." He looks over to Katie, throwing her a quick wink. "Thanks for the fun evening."

Laura watches Nate leave, her eyes lingering on the door for several moments after he's disappeared. Turning to Jamie, she smiles and shakes her head. "I'm alright, though having some popcorn along with one of those movies sounds like a good idea to me."

It doesn't take long for the three of them to settle down in the living room for the movie, Laura in a chair, and Con with Jamie on the couch. By the time the movie has ends, Laura has already drifted off to sleep in her chair.

Con rises and lays a blanket over his sister before sitting back down on the couch. He looks at Jamie and brushes her cheek with his hand. "I'll bunk down here. If you need anything in the night, just let me know."

Ty looks after Misty with suspicion as she walks away, and stays in the hall for several minutes. He looks at the door, then glances up by the ceiling where the surveillance camera is. No one was watching the screens tonight...but if anyone checked later, what just happened had been caught on tape.

Shrugging, Ty goes back to his work. No one was hurt, no one had escaped. Maybe it really didn't matter. If this area was under that much scrutiny, someone would watch the tape and maybe question him. If asked, he'd tell what happened, but for now, he was just as content saying nothing.

Reese eases down in his chair, stifling a yawn. Though getting to TJY early, he'd never been a morning person, and today needed that extra cup of coffee. He sifts through some papers on his desk, finding several notes he'd written to himself as reminders. Spying one about Carson, he grabs it and a pen. Yesterday had been a disaster all together, and Carson still had not been questioned. Reese sees that he has written down for Nate and Laura to perform the interrogation, but once he'd thought about it, he'd started to change his mind. Laura had seemed a bit out of it yesterday, and though he would never ask about it, Reese suspected it had something to do with her and Con. If that was the case, she wouldn't be emotionally up to par, and that might not be such a good idea to put her in with Carson if he was going to be rough.

Reese crosses out Laura's name and writes Jason's name instead. Nate and Jason seemed to get along alright, and between them, Carson shouldn't be able to get away with much.
Reese knew Nate would probably be in before Jason, and picks up the phone. "Hey, Susanne...would you mind putting a note on Nate's desk to take Carson to the interrogation room when he gets here? And put on there that Jason will join him."

Carson keeps his feet up against the wall as he counts his sit-ups, holding his hands behind his bed, and working up a sweat. He was bored, he was nervous, he wanted a smoke worse than anything, and he wanted to get out of this stupid cell. Working off energy was the only thing he could do to keep his sanity.