
Morning comes

Jason laughs at Katie's comment, and continues his route to the motorcycle.

The rain continues to pour down all the way back to the hospital. Once in the parking lot, Jason helps Katie off the bike and instead of taking the time to walk, he carries her instead, sneaking past the nurses station and trying not to trail too much water.

Finally in Katie's room they're able to get dry clothes on and Jason flops down on the spare bed. He glances at his watch, surprised at how late it is. "I guess I better conk out so I can get a few hours worth of sleep." He looks over to Katie, throwing her a quick wink. "Thanks for the fun evening."

Laura watches Nate leave, her eyes lingering on the door for several moments after he's disappeared. Turning to Jamie, she smiles and shakes her head. "I'm alright, though having some popcorn along with one of those movies sounds like a good idea to me."

It doesn't take long for the three of them to settle down in the living room for the movie, Laura in a chair, and Con with Jamie on the couch. By the time the movie has ends, Laura has already drifted off to sleep in her chair.

Con rises and lays a blanket over his sister before sitting back down on the couch. He looks at Jamie and brushes her cheek with his hand. "I'll bunk down here. If you need anything in the night, just let me know."

Ty looks after Misty with suspicion as she walks away, and stays in the hall for several minutes. He looks at the door, then glances up by the ceiling where the surveillance camera is. No one was watching the screens tonight...but if anyone checked later, what just happened had been caught on tape.

Shrugging, Ty goes back to his work. No one was hurt, no one had escaped. Maybe it really didn't matter. If this area was under that much scrutiny, someone would watch the tape and maybe question him. If asked, he'd tell what happened, but for now, he was just as content saying nothing.

Reese eases down in his chair, stifling a yawn. Though getting to TJY early, he'd never been a morning person, and today needed that extra cup of coffee. He sifts through some papers on his desk, finding several notes he'd written to himself as reminders. Spying one about Carson, he grabs it and a pen. Yesterday had been a disaster all together, and Carson still had not been questioned. Reese sees that he has written down for Nate and Laura to perform the interrogation, but once he'd thought about it, he'd started to change his mind. Laura had seemed a bit out of it yesterday, and though he would never ask about it, Reese suspected it had something to do with her and Con. If that was the case, she wouldn't be emotionally up to par, and that might not be such a good idea to put her in with Carson if he was going to be rough.

Reese crosses out Laura's name and writes Jason's name instead. Nate and Jason seemed to get along alright, and between them, Carson shouldn't be able to get away with much.
Reese knew Nate would probably be in before Jason, and picks up the phone. "Hey, Susanne...would you mind putting a note on Nate's desk to take Carson to the interrogation room when he gets here? And put on there that Jason will join him."

Carson keeps his feet up against the wall as he counts his sit-ups, holding his hands behind his bed, and working up a sweat. He was bored, he was nervous, he wanted a smoke worse than anything, and he wanted to get out of this stupid cell. Working off energy was the only thing he could do to keep his sanity.

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