

*Jamie lifts hear head so Con can hear her better but keeps it resting on Con’s chest.*

“Yes I think that’s what she said his name was BJ. She droped him off at the ranch to keep him and to be with his family. BJ was Sam’s son but no one new that. The Agency told her not to tell. Sam’s triplet brother and sister are there at the Ranch too. Annie and Mick I think she said there names were.”

*Jamie stops for a moment trying to remember everything Sam had said to her even though it was painful. Stuff was still a blur but she tried her best to relay to Con what she remembered.*

“...She said her ex-hudband was at the next ranch over as well. Damien his name was. But he dosent remember any of it. The Agency whiped his mind of Sam and BJ. Mostly the reson Sam worked for The Agency was so they wouldent kill BJ. I guess BJ is a genisus or something. The key to everything she has said. But I dont remember what she ment by it. Sam asked me if she dident make it out if I would go to Texas and let them know her story. But I don’t think I can Con. How can I look at those people and tell them someone they don’t even know is dead. I don’t know what to do Con. That on top of everything alse in my mind.”

*Jamie lets out a long tired sigh.*

*Misty smerks at Carson trying her best to keep a straght face.*

"I guess I had my mind alse where lastnight that I guess forgot. The rain wasent that cold anyways."

*Misty eyes stayed locked on Carson as Jason and Nate talk.

Nate turns his head as Jason trots over. His mind still wondering about Misty and Carson. If they couldent get him to talk Could she? Could they use her to get in information they needed. Nate's mind snaps back out of the day dream as Jason and Carson start arguing back and forth. Nate shakes his head.*

*Misty cant help but pipup as Jason's thret.*

"How about we dont kill anyone. I hate to have to clean up the mess ."

*Nate knows at this point in time it was time to intervien and get this show on the road. before heads started to roll.*

"Thats enough you two. Carson you have a smoke while we get our answers ok. Jason keep that temper in check or I'll have Reese get Wyatt to help me. As for you..."

*Nate looks at Misty his eyes growing a bit dark was she helping or hindering he dident know but Carson was deffintly differnt when she was around.*

"...how about you pick up those files you droped and let us go our job. Lets go."

*Nate looks back to Jason and gives Carson alittle nudge to keep moving heading twords the intaragation room.

Misty bends down to pick up her files looks up at Carson before he leaves smiling.*

"Have fun."

*Standing again she heads off weaving in and out of the cubicles till she finally disapears.*

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