

*After geting changed Katie smiles over at Jason.*

"I better get some sleep too. Tomarrow will be my last therapy before I leave in a few days. I wanna make it a good one. I'll only be doing it once a week after I go. Well...Sleep well J. I had a wondeful time."

*Katie leans back and closes her eyes falling fast asleep.*

*Jamie smiles and stands. Not wanting to go to bed but knowing she must. Being as quiet as she can Jamie grabs a blanter for Con and a pillow.*

"There is the spair bed room up stairs if Laura wakes up. It might be alittle more comfortable for her."

*Jamie beds down and gives Con a small kiss.*

"Night Hun."

*Jamie makes her way upstairs and changes into her pjs. Once her head hits the pillow she is out.*

*As Nate makes his way in the house a small light shines from the kitchen. As Nate make his way to the kitchen A note lay on the counter. A bit of scribble is inscribed on one but he can make it out alittle bit.*

"I love you Nathan. Love, Maddie"

*Nate smiles at his sisters note. She was such a sweet heart. Nate puts the note down and picks up another.*

"Nate, There is some dinner in the frig for you. Rick and I had Maggie over for dinner and she asked if she could bring you home some. So of corse we told her she could. She missed you an awfel alot and cant wait for the weekend to come when you will be home. She is sleeping soundly now. Have a good night. -Janet"

*Nate smiles and opens the frig. Jante had been a Godsent when Maggie and her had moved him. Janet was Rick's wife they both lived in the apartment that attachend to Nate's. Janet was a nurse and took care of Maggie for Nate when he was gone. She was so good with Maggie. Maggie also took right away witch helped alot.

After eating some dinner and watching tv Nate head upstair and stops at his sisters good. Opening the door quietly Nate slips into the room. Going over to his sister he pulls the blanket up under her chin and gives her a small kiss on the head.*

"I love you to my dear sister."

*Exiting the room Nate heads to his own and enters for the night. Leaving the door open a crack incase Maggie needed anything.*

~*~ Morning~*~

*Jamie lets out a sharp scream as she sits up from bed. Pulling her knees up to her chest she rock herself. The cold sweat running down her face She starts to shiver. How, how could she deal with this. Every little noise, every little shadow bothered her. She never use to be this skidish and she couldent wait for it to go away again so she could be herself.*

*Nate makes his way to his desk seeing the note from Reese. Taking a sip of his coffee He lets out a long sigh and decieds not to sit down or he will never get up. Making his way to the holding cell with Coffee in hand Nate stops in the break room. Figuring Carson will be hungry he grabs a breakfest sandwatch and another cup of coffee for him. Wxiting he continues his route to Carson's cell. Nate juggles the cups of coffee and sandwitch as he opens the cell door.*

"Rise and shine."

*Seeing Carson is already up Nate just chuckles.*

"Well I see I dident need to wake you up. Guess your an early riser. I braught you some Coffee and a breakfest sandwatcg I thought maybe you would be hun...."

*As Nate turns and sets the coffee and sandwatch down on the small nightstand he spots Misty's jacket. Picking it up he turns to Carson questions filling his eyes.*

"Did we have friends over to play latenight?"

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