

*Katie’s eyes widen alittle bit as Jason fumbles around. He’s never seen him so disoriented. She couldn’t help but chuckle as Ran out the door.*

“See ya later”

*Jamie wraps her arms around Con as he told how. How she felt so comfortable in his arms and how silly she felt to being having these nightmares and making him run to her.*

“It was another nightmare. I could taste the blood again, and feel the pain. It hurt so much Con. Than I herd a noise and even though my eyes were closed I though I saw a shadow and it just frightened me. I’m sorry if I scaired you guys. I just don’t know what to do Con. I’m scaired in my own house. I cant take it. Its driving me crazy.”

*Jamie’s mind goes back to Sam. Tears starts to flow from Jamies eyes. She had promised her friend she would go let him family know her story, but it was so hard and it hurt so much.*

" Oh Con, I was thinking about Sam too. Her family dosent even know. And they dont even know that the little boy they have at the ranch is related to him. I feel so bad. I wish she was still alive so she could go tell them. Why do people have to die Con and get hurt. Its just no fair."

*Jamie burys her face into Con's chest as he holds her.*

*Nate shakes his head at Carson respons. He should of known better than to have asked. Throwing the jacket over her arm he goes along side Carson.*

"Grab your coffee and Sandwatch. I'm taking to you to the intarragation room. Jason and I have some questions for you."

*Nate escortes Carson from the room and down the long hall finally making it to the office floor. *

*Misty picks up some files she was looking at and heads out the door running smack dab into Nate droping the files all over the place.*

"Oh man I am so sorry, I dident..."

*Misty words trail off as she looks up and see Carson. A sassy little smile playsat her lips.*

"Good Morning."

*Nate looks from Carson to Misty, back to Carson again. What on earth was going on with those too. Nate could tell since Carson had met Misty something was differnt about him. His dull eyes had some lite shinning in them now, but Nate dident understand how this woman could show no fear of Carson. She reaches into the darkness and found hope. Maybe if anyone was going to help Carson it would be her. Steping twords Misty he makes only a small gap between then and hands her, her coat.*

"Next time, maybe sure you clean up after yourself."

*Misty takes her coat alittle shocked Nate isent yelling at her and wonders if he is going to tell Reese or not.*

"Thank you."

*Misty's eyes return to Carson's not being able to help the sassy smile returning to her face.*

*Nate rolls his eyes again.*

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