
Work day

Jason grins at Katie, then hearing nothing, turns to see her already asleep. Mustering the gumption to get up and take his shoes off, he flops back down, exhausted by how little sleep he’s had the last few days. He lies on his side, just watching Katie sleep for several minutes. Things had changed in the blink of an eye…but it was a change he wouldn’t resist. Not this one. Not this time.

As morning dawns, Jason hears his watch alarm beeping underneath his pillow. Yawning, he rolls over and stretches, feeling as though he’d slept like a rock all night – the firs night in a long time that he had slept so well. Finally having gained back energy, he slides out of bed and hits the restroom with a clean set of clothes, emerging a while later, showered and changed, his colon lingering in the air. He sits down to lace up his boots, and sees Katie still sleeping. As much as he’d like to spend the morning with her, he knows Reese will want him in, especially after having the afternoon and evening before off.

Grabbing his jacket and gloves, he quietly goes to Katie’s bed, bending down to give her forehead a soft kiss, and run a hand through her hair. He turns, heading for the door, hoping to return over lunch.

Con wakes with a start as someone wheels a squeaky cart down the hall. His neck was stiff from his position in the chair, giving him a headache, and his bad ear was throbbing. As he moves to lean forward and stretch, he realizes Jamie’s hand is still in his as she sleeps. He carefully withdraws until his fingers are free, and rises to stand, stretching tall. Yawning, he glances at his watch. He didn’t want to go to work…the last thing he wanted was to go to work…

Reese turns from his computer at the sound of the knock. “Come in.” As he sees his niece, a smile spreads. “Well look who’s here.” He stands up from his desk to go and offer a bear hug. “Mm, it’s good to see you! I trust you had a good trip. How have you been?”

Laura steps out of her car, just to have her purse get caught on the seatbelt. Struggling for a moment, she growls with frustration before ripping it loose and slamming the door. Throwing her arms up in the air, she unlocks the car again to reach inside and grab her ID card to enter TJY. This was simply not her day.

Stalking to the door, the mechanism jams and it takes four tries for it to accept her card and allow her inside. Heading to her desk, she runs a hand through her mess of wet hair that she hadn’t been able to dry after her blowdryer had shorted out. Her stomach grumbles in complaint of being empty, and she rolls her eyes. That was the second thing she needed to pick up at the mall – an alarm clock that actually worked. There hadn’t been any time for breakfast this morning.

Receiving several greetings from others, she offers only slight waves. Getting to her desk, she tosses her purse down and looks around, only now realizing that she’d forgotten the paperwork from home. Letting out a groan, she sinks into her chair, putting a hand to her forehead.

Sighing, she finally straightens and reaches out to turn on her computer, only now realizing there is a stickynote on her monitor. She takes it down and squints at it, confused until she reads it. The first smile of the morning comes to her lips and she shakes her head, sticking it to the side of her cubicle to keep. Nate was sweet.

Carson splashes some cold water on his face from the small sink and tries to make himself more alert. His shoulder felt like it was on fire from yesterday’s bullet, and it was redder than it should be. He feared infection, but who around here would care?

Sighing, he flops back down on his cot, just waiting for any other signs of life. He knew it was morning, but that was the extent of his knowledge.

A new face but old friend.

*Katie sits and eats her ice cream slowly but not as slow as she would like. The Night air was warm and melted it fast. Finally as both there ice creams are finished Katie knows its time for them to make there way back to the hospetal.

As Katie receves Jason's words and kiss she cant help but smile. Kissing him back for a fast moment, than replying.*

"Me too."

*Puting her helmet back and and fermly placing her arms around Jason's wast once more they wisk off twords the hospetal. It take no time at all to get back and make it back to Katie's room. Seeing the flowers from Wyatt and everyone at TJY Katie smiles. Making a mentil note to call tomarrow and thank them.

At the mention of a movie Katie giggles and yawns herself.*

"Something tells me I wouldent eather. How about we do a movie tomarrow."

*Qwerking a smile Katie looks at Jason and says.*

"I think its from all the fresh air we got tonight. It helps ya sleep well."

*Katie smile remain as misgef dances in her eyes showing she wants to say more but thinks best of it. Leaning her head aganst her pillow Katie turns her head to Jason.*

"Sleep well J, and I'll see you in the morning. Thank you for the best night of my life."

*With in minutes Katie is fast asleep, dream of what happend that night.*

*As Con's sooth Jamie's mind and soul she slowly closes her eyes. Feeling his hand in her a smile comes to her face. Sleeping finding her slowly but happens non the less.*

*Morning finally breaks as the sun peeks its first ray of lights over the harizon calling for the world to wake. The radient rays of light dart from here to there casing away every shadow from the night. The Dove coo, and the frogs sing there song of good morning.

A soft pitter patter sounds though the halls of TJY as a new comer makes her way to Reese office. Dressed in Black chunky healed shoes with a box toe, white dress pants, and a white light pink shirt. Her long awburn hair hands around her shoulders and down her back ending at about her lower back. Strating her shirt she gives a soft knock on Reese door.*


Jason grins. "Alright." He finds out what Katie wants, and goes inside to get the ice cream, returning just a few minutes later. He hands Katie's hers, before having to make a quick lick on his own as it drips down the side of his cone.

Swinging his leg over the bike seat, he straddles it backwards so he can see Katie. "This..." he holds up his ice cream, "...stays between you and me." His eyes flicker with amusement as he takes another lick, enjoying the cold treat. "Rick would kill me for eating this as my supper." He thinks for a moment, growing serious. "Though...having my obituary say "death by ice cream" would at least be one of a kind." Catching Katie's eye he breaks back into a grin, giving into a laugh.

It doesn't take long for the ice cream is finished, and Jason knows they need to head back. He set his hands on his hips. "Well..." A deep sigh comes. "Guess we'd better hit the road." He swivels around to face forward and is just ready to put his helmet on, when he stops, pausing again. He twists back towards Katie, reaching over to run a finger along her cheek. "Thanks, Hero...I'm...looking forward to being more than friends..." He lets his gaze linger on hers for just a moment before leaning back to give her lips a quick kiss, then turns back around, slipping on his helmet. The engine roars to life and Jason waits until he feels Katie's arms around his waist before starting forward and aiming for the hospital.

Once back, it takes just a few minutes for them to make their way back inside, up to the second floor and to Katie's room. The nurse eyes them suspiciously from her station but says nothing, and Jason can't help throwing Katie a funny look, conveying his amusement at the nurse.

Inside the room, on the small table sits a fresh bouquet of flowers with a note. "From us all at TJY. Can't wait to see you back again - we're counting the days!" It is written with Wyatt's handwriting, and a PS is at the bottom. "Ty and I missed ya again. Will have to get together soon. Looking forward to hearing you at the fundraiser."

Taking off his jacket, Jason falls backward onto the extra bed, closing his eyes, though his feet are still on the floor. "I was gonna suggest a movie, and was seriously considering staying up into the wee hours of the morning...but something tells me I'm not gonna last more than ten minutes."

Con offers Jamie a smile. "I'd say 'you're welcome' but you don't owe me any thanks in the first place....I'm just glad you're okay." He squeezes her hand and lets it go, reaching over to brush her hair from her face.. "Try to go back to sleep...I'm not going anywhere." Though his mind is in turmoil with questions he can't yet answer, he tries not to let it show. He takes her hand again as reassurance of his presence, settling back in his chair again.

Wyatt sinks down in his desk chair, having decided to take a night shift, and unable to sleep after the day's events. He looks down at his schedule and sighs. Several cases were put on hold due to what had happened with Jamie, in an attempt to not draw any more attention in TJY's direction. Tomorrow they would have to talk with Carson and make a decision about him one way or the other. Laura was supposed to be getting some paperwork to him on the Halloway trial, Rick was trying to get a hold on some new equipment to bring in during the next few days, and even the hospital's fundraiser was on the calendar as a handful of staff would be going - not only to see Katie, but to support the hospital.

Sighing, Wyatt shifts to his computer, checking out some updated files, and scanning messages received from contacts. One in particular catches his eye. "Wyatt - Just got word that a couple detectives down here are reopening the case where that one guy was killed by the R/M ranch. From what I can tell, they've got a couple leads, and one points in Jason's direction. I'm going to try and throw them off the trail, but their superior is pretty determined. Do with this information what you must. - Eddie"

Wyatt's eyes widen. They'd had staff investigated before and had always been able to thwart the authorities before they got too far. This was nothing new, but it was worth keeping an eye on it. He shoots Jason a quick email to warn him.

The Note

*As Katie and Jason head down the road Katie puts her arms around Jason's wast once again. Making sure to hold on tight. Leaving the beach and water behind the memorie of what happend there lives on in Katie memorie. The rocks, trees and night sky shaired in the glorieus moment as well.

Finally pulling into the parking lot, Katie removes her helmet after Jason turns the bike off. Taking in a deep breath of crisp air. A smile still on her face, the brightness and color still in her cheeks.*

"I would mind eating out here as long as you dont mind as well. Its nice out, and I am inside the hospetal all the time so the fresh air is nice."

*Kaite swings her leg over the bike just siting for a moment. Standing she streches alittle still leaning on the bike for sapport.*

*Jamie's sob finally stop and her breathing becomes normal once again as the memories that entered her mind left with the sound of Con's voice. It was soft and soothing offering comfort and shelter. The strength in his voice was reasuring that nothing would happen and she was safe now. Still holing Con's hand Jamie leans back and rests her head on her pillow once again.*

"Thank you Con, for just being here. It means alot."

*As Nate stands he throws another Mouse into Ed's cage and chuckles.*

"I'll see ya tomarrow little buddy. Dont go around biting anyone alse ok."

*Nate shuts off the light and starts to head out, stoping for a moment at Laura's desk. She had been having such a hard time latly with everything Nate felt alittle bad for her. She was always so strong though. Taking a stickynote from her desk Nate draws a flower with alittle note.

"Sorry this isent the real thing but I dident have any flowers hand. Anyways this one will last longer. Hang in there Laura.

Placing the note on Laura's moniter Nate smiles and heads out for the night."

New Voices

Jason keeps his arm around Katie as they walk slowly back to the bike, feeling more peace than he had in a long time. There was still a lot to be gained...a lot to be learned...a lot left until he understood where his life was headed and what the future held...but for now... for now his best friend had become even more, and that was enough. He was happy.

Jason gently picks Katie up again to settle her down on the bike before straddling it in front of her. The engine starts and before they know it, the sandy beach is being left behind to dance with the moon until sunrise.

The night air is clean and crisp, the road almost deserted. Jason skillfully maneuvers the bike to their destination - a small ice cream shop at the edge of town. Several other cars are parked in the gravel lot and some chatter floats in the air. Jason parks near the building, cutting the motor and taking off his helmet. "Well, we can dine on the bike or go inside. Your call."

Con's own heart aches as he hears Jamie talk. He can't imagine what she must have gone through, and a portion of himself still feels the anger...anger towards the enemy, and anger towards himself for not being able to stop what happened.

"It'll be okay," he tries to comfort softly. "You're safe now and no one's going to hurt you." He shakes his head. "Don't be sorry...that's what I'm here for...just let it out."

Carson paces the holding room restlessly. It was going to be a long night and three cigarettes hadn't seemed to help much. He doesn't know why he shared the past with Nate...he never talked to anyone about it. It was just something he lived and put up with as something he couldn't change so he'd never attempted to think twice about it. But now that he had, the memories were back, reminding him of a time before the Agency...before his life had been turned upside down...before he'd become an animal knowing only how to hurt and kill. That's all he was now...he knew nothing else... He'd gotten in so deep that his actions had started to be who he really was...a merciless killer with no remorse.

But something, somehow... had struck a chord in his heart. He knew it had been Jamie's words that had effected him so. Now he was beginning to question himself. Now he was beginning to see again the other side of things. There were still good people out there...there was still a side to the world that wasn't corrupt, even if it was small. Carson couldn't help but long to be a part of that. And yet...how could he? He did deserve to die for all he had done. He deserved to be put in prison for life. Was it even possible for him to gain just a small taste of the world he'd missed out on? He had so much doubt. The people here in this place would surely want to murder him after what he'd helped do to one of their own.

He began to think of his offer that had saved him from being killed or released to die. He'd implied he could go back to the Agency as a double-agent and feed these other people information. But he knew the impossibility of that...the Agency was too smart...they would catch on so quickly that he wouldn't even have time to get anything relayed back here before they would put him away. The only thing he had was the information he'd gained over the years and the things that were kept in his memory. And yet...would the people here trust him? If they did, he would be surprised once again.

"What did you find?" Detective Jackman peers over his partner's shoulder to the dimly lit desk.

Marcus shakes his head. "Not much, but we might have a lead. Finally got a trace on that gun. It wasn't easy, I tell you. Someone did a good job of hiding out. But it traces back to Nevada."

"Hmm." Jackman straightens, thinking. "That's the second time Nevada has come up in that case. What's that list of names you came up with?"

Marcus digs in a pile of papers to find on sheet in particular. "I got about twenty-five here...most are Texans, but one is from Nevada..." He runs his finger down the list, landing on one name. "Yeah, this one. Jason Stevenson. Clean record, unlike the rest of the guys on this list. Works at a factory...nothing special appeared, but we did find records of his dealings with the gun shop where we think the rifle came from."

"It's worth checking out."

"Yeah. I'm gonna make a few calls come morning and narrow this list down even more. I got Garrison and Olson out hunting some of these guys down to find alibis."

"Not easy when it's been so long."

Marcus grimaces. "I know. But the captain wanted the case dug up again so he wouldn't have any loose ends in the department. I'll be surprised if we can actually close this one...I thought it was gonna be put away as an unsolved murder, but..." He sighs. "Guess not."

The Night

*Katie slowly leans up from Jason and stands, knowing this night had to come to an end sooner or later. Katie leans gently on Jason to walk back to the bike as she dosent have her cane at the moment. Looking up at the starlit sky she smiles whispering to herself. "Thank you."
With alittle help and faith Katie had found true happyness. This was another peace that fit into her puzzle of life. A soft giggle escapes from Katie mouth at the mention to ice cream and Rick.*

"Ice cream sounds good. I havent had any in ages, and I promise I wont tell Rick that you had some too. Just dont go eating to much that you throw yourself into shock."

*Katie mouth turns into a grin as she eyes twinkle in the moonlight. Geting to the bike Katie gently puts the helmit on and wait for Jason to help her up on the bike knowing she couldent do it on her own. Not yet anyways.*

*As Jamie feels Con's hand on her's, her heart starts to slow itself but the tears still emerging from her eyes.*

"It was horrable Con, I could smell that basment again, I could smell the blood. They told me you were killed, and my heart acked so much. I dident want to believe it was true, but still I had that horrable feeling of what if it was. Everything they did to me dident even amount up to as much pain as hearing you died did. I thought I lost you again."

*Jamie lets out a long sigh as she continues to talk. Leting out her emotions, she hadent cryed since she got to the hospetal and let everything that happend to her out. Finally her mind just said "enough" and like a floodgate being open the emotions pored out.*

"I could also see Sam geting shot as clear as when it happend. My mind wouldent let me forget, it kept replying it like a movie never geting to the happy ending. Even though in a sence I know there was one. I promised Sam I was going to get her out of there, and I couldent. I let her down, and I let her family down. Now he Son is without a mother. I know I shouldent blame myself cuz its not my fault, but it still hurts so much. "

*Jamie gives a sniff as she whipes her eyes with her free hand trying to get herself to stop crying. It was only a dream and she new it. But it was horrable non the less.*

"I'm sorry I woke you Con."