

Jason grins. "Alright." He finds out what Katie wants, and goes inside to get the ice cream, returning just a few minutes later. He hands Katie's hers, before having to make a quick lick on his own as it drips down the side of his cone.

Swinging his leg over the bike seat, he straddles it backwards so he can see Katie. "This..." he holds up his ice cream, "...stays between you and me." His eyes flicker with amusement as he takes another lick, enjoying the cold treat. "Rick would kill me for eating this as my supper." He thinks for a moment, growing serious. "Though...having my obituary say "death by ice cream" would at least be one of a kind." Catching Katie's eye he breaks back into a grin, giving into a laugh.

It doesn't take long for the ice cream is finished, and Jason knows they need to head back. He set his hands on his hips. "Well..." A deep sigh comes. "Guess we'd better hit the road." He swivels around to face forward and is just ready to put his helmet on, when he stops, pausing again. He twists back towards Katie, reaching over to run a finger along her cheek. "Thanks, Hero...I'm...looking forward to being more than friends..." He lets his gaze linger on hers for just a moment before leaning back to give her lips a quick kiss, then turns back around, slipping on his helmet. The engine roars to life and Jason waits until he feels Katie's arms around his waist before starting forward and aiming for the hospital.

Once back, it takes just a few minutes for them to make their way back inside, up to the second floor and to Katie's room. The nurse eyes them suspiciously from her station but says nothing, and Jason can't help throwing Katie a funny look, conveying his amusement at the nurse.

Inside the room, on the small table sits a fresh bouquet of flowers with a note. "From us all at TJY. Can't wait to see you back again - we're counting the days!" It is written with Wyatt's handwriting, and a PS is at the bottom. "Ty and I missed ya again. Will have to get together soon. Looking forward to hearing you at the fundraiser."

Taking off his jacket, Jason falls backward onto the extra bed, closing his eyes, though his feet are still on the floor. "I was gonna suggest a movie, and was seriously considering staying up into the wee hours of the morning...but something tells me I'm not gonna last more than ten minutes."

Con offers Jamie a smile. "I'd say 'you're welcome' but you don't owe me any thanks in the first place....I'm just glad you're okay." He squeezes her hand and lets it go, reaching over to brush her hair from her face.. "Try to go back to sleep...I'm not going anywhere." Though his mind is in turmoil with questions he can't yet answer, he tries not to let it show. He takes her hand again as reassurance of his presence, settling back in his chair again.

Wyatt sinks down in his desk chair, having decided to take a night shift, and unable to sleep after the day's events. He looks down at his schedule and sighs. Several cases were put on hold due to what had happened with Jamie, in an attempt to not draw any more attention in TJY's direction. Tomorrow they would have to talk with Carson and make a decision about him one way or the other. Laura was supposed to be getting some paperwork to him on the Halloway trial, Rick was trying to get a hold on some new equipment to bring in during the next few days, and even the hospital's fundraiser was on the calendar as a handful of staff would be going - not only to see Katie, but to support the hospital.

Sighing, Wyatt shifts to his computer, checking out some updated files, and scanning messages received from contacts. One in particular catches his eye. "Wyatt - Just got word that a couple detectives down here are reopening the case where that one guy was killed by the R/M ranch. From what I can tell, they've got a couple leads, and one points in Jason's direction. I'm going to try and throw them off the trail, but their superior is pretty determined. Do with this information what you must. - Eddie"

Wyatt's eyes widen. They'd had staff investigated before and had always been able to thwart the authorities before they got too far. This was nothing new, but it was worth keeping an eye on it. He shoots Jason a quick email to warn him.

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