
The Night

*Katie slowly leans up from Jason and stands, knowing this night had to come to an end sooner or later. Katie leans gently on Jason to walk back to the bike as she dosent have her cane at the moment. Looking up at the starlit sky she smiles whispering to herself. "Thank you."
With alittle help and faith Katie had found true happyness. This was another peace that fit into her puzzle of life. A soft giggle escapes from Katie mouth at the mention to ice cream and Rick.*

"Ice cream sounds good. I havent had any in ages, and I promise I wont tell Rick that you had some too. Just dont go eating to much that you throw yourself into shock."

*Katie mouth turns into a grin as she eyes twinkle in the moonlight. Geting to the bike Katie gently puts the helmit on and wait for Jason to help her up on the bike knowing she couldent do it on her own. Not yet anyways.*

*As Jamie feels Con's hand on her's, her heart starts to slow itself but the tears still emerging from her eyes.*

"It was horrable Con, I could smell that basment again, I could smell the blood. They told me you were killed, and my heart acked so much. I dident want to believe it was true, but still I had that horrable feeling of what if it was. Everything they did to me dident even amount up to as much pain as hearing you died did. I thought I lost you again."

*Jamie lets out a long sigh as she continues to talk. Leting out her emotions, she hadent cryed since she got to the hospetal and let everything that happend to her out. Finally her mind just said "enough" and like a floodgate being open the emotions pored out.*

"I could also see Sam geting shot as clear as when it happend. My mind wouldent let me forget, it kept replying it like a movie never geting to the happy ending. Even though in a sence I know there was one. I promised Sam I was going to get her out of there, and I couldent. I let her down, and I let her family down. Now he Son is without a mother. I know I shouldent blame myself cuz its not my fault, but it still hurts so much. "

*Jamie gives a sniff as she whipes her eyes with her free hand trying to get herself to stop crying. It was only a dream and she new it. But it was horrable non the less.*

"I'm sorry I woke you Con."

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