
Work day

Jason grins at Katie, then hearing nothing, turns to see her already asleep. Mustering the gumption to get up and take his shoes off, he flops back down, exhausted by how little sleep he’s had the last few days. He lies on his side, just watching Katie sleep for several minutes. Things had changed in the blink of an eye…but it was a change he wouldn’t resist. Not this one. Not this time.

As morning dawns, Jason hears his watch alarm beeping underneath his pillow. Yawning, he rolls over and stretches, feeling as though he’d slept like a rock all night – the firs night in a long time that he had slept so well. Finally having gained back energy, he slides out of bed and hits the restroom with a clean set of clothes, emerging a while later, showered and changed, his colon lingering in the air. He sits down to lace up his boots, and sees Katie still sleeping. As much as he’d like to spend the morning with her, he knows Reese will want him in, especially after having the afternoon and evening before off.

Grabbing his jacket and gloves, he quietly goes to Katie’s bed, bending down to give her forehead a soft kiss, and run a hand through her hair. He turns, heading for the door, hoping to return over lunch.

Con wakes with a start as someone wheels a squeaky cart down the hall. His neck was stiff from his position in the chair, giving him a headache, and his bad ear was throbbing. As he moves to lean forward and stretch, he realizes Jamie’s hand is still in his as she sleeps. He carefully withdraws until his fingers are free, and rises to stand, stretching tall. Yawning, he glances at his watch. He didn’t want to go to work…the last thing he wanted was to go to work…

Reese turns from his computer at the sound of the knock. “Come in.” As he sees his niece, a smile spreads. “Well look who’s here.” He stands up from his desk to go and offer a bear hug. “Mm, it’s good to see you! I trust you had a good trip. How have you been?”

Laura steps out of her car, just to have her purse get caught on the seatbelt. Struggling for a moment, she growls with frustration before ripping it loose and slamming the door. Throwing her arms up in the air, she unlocks the car again to reach inside and grab her ID card to enter TJY. This was simply not her day.

Stalking to the door, the mechanism jams and it takes four tries for it to accept her card and allow her inside. Heading to her desk, she runs a hand through her mess of wet hair that she hadn’t been able to dry after her blowdryer had shorted out. Her stomach grumbles in complaint of being empty, and she rolls her eyes. That was the second thing she needed to pick up at the mall – an alarm clock that actually worked. There hadn’t been any time for breakfast this morning.

Receiving several greetings from others, she offers only slight waves. Getting to her desk, she tosses her purse down and looks around, only now realizing that she’d forgotten the paperwork from home. Letting out a groan, she sinks into her chair, putting a hand to her forehead.

Sighing, she finally straightens and reaches out to turn on her computer, only now realizing there is a stickynote on her monitor. She takes it down and squints at it, confused until she reads it. The first smile of the morning comes to her lips and she shakes her head, sticking it to the side of her cubicle to keep. Nate was sweet.

Carson splashes some cold water on his face from the small sink and tries to make himself more alert. His shoulder felt like it was on fire from yesterday’s bullet, and it was redder than it should be. He feared infection, but who around here would care?

Sighing, he flops back down on his cot, just waiting for any other signs of life. He knew it was morning, but that was the extent of his knowledge.

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