
It Jumped out

*As Jason kiss Kaite softly and runs his hand through her hair she opens her eyes slowly with a smile on her face. Just as Jason is about to reach the door Katie calls to him.*

"Have a good day Jason and see you at lunch."

*Katie smiles as Jason leaves, she feels so warm and happy. Things were looking better every day.*

*Jamie slowly stirs as she streches alittle. Today she was able to go home. As much as she dident want to she was kind of happy. Looking over to Con Jamie smiles.*

"Morning Sweety"

*As Misty Hugs her Uncil back her smile widens and her nervisness is gone.*

"Uncil Reese, Its been to long. I had a great trip. Its so warm here. I love it. I've been doing really good. Passed all my school class with flying colors and I am excited about stating my internship. Its good to be home."

*Misty lets go of Reese holding her smile. It had been almost 3 years since the last time she saw him. He still looked the same though. It really was good to be home.*

*Nate makes his way across the floor, accidently bumping into Laura cubicle.*

"Oh wow Miss, I am so sorry. I dident see your desk there. It jumped out and tryed to attack me."

*Giving a grin and a laugh Nate starts to walk away.*

"Morning Laura."

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