

Laura swallows hard, not finding Nate’s touch surprising or something to pull away from. He was comfortable, and no one to be afraid of. Nonetheless, her eyes still linger towards the ground.

His words hit her as so kind…they made her want to defeat this rut she was in, even if she didn’t know how.

Hearing Nate walk away, Laura finally looks up. As he gets farther away, she rolls her eyes at herself, and rubs the heel of her hand over her face, trying to rid herself of the smeared mascara. “I can’t go back in there like this!” she wails. “I’m a mess.”

She sniffs and blinks her eyes, turning to see her messy reflection in her car window. She heaves a sigh, followed by a dry laugh. “Yeah, I’m a mess alright.” Shaking her head, she tries to compose herself. “Okay, Nate…you win… give me a lift. I won’t take more than five minutes, but promise me you won’t tell anybody about this. I feel enough like a fool the way it is.”

Carson blocks out the pain as Misty works on him and puts the fresh bandage on. As she looks him in the eye, he wonders again what is going through her mind. She moved around him like it was easy…like she didn’t care that he was an enemy. It was so strange… what gave a person that kind of mentality?

Hearing about painkillers, he shakes his head. “Just leave it be, it’s not that bad. I…” His voice drifts off as the door opens and he sees Jamie. His eyes widen, both from surprise, and from knowledge that he’s probably the last person she would ever want to see again. She looked different…in the light…clean without blood on her face, or dimness in her eyes. As she backs away, he knows that seeing him was a shock to her. He opens his mouth, but realizes that there was absolutely nothing he could say. What was this new sensation he was feeling? Was it guilt? Sorrow? He didn’t recognize it, but it didn’t feel very good.

Rick’s eyebrows shoot up as he sees Jamie, realizing what’s happening. As she backs away, he calls to her. “Jamie!” But she’s already gone. He swivels a cold gaze in Carson’s direction.

For the first time Carson can remember, he doesn’t accept the visual challenge, but instead, drops his gaze. What was wrong with him?

Rick grits his teeth and pulls off his gloves. “I’ll be back. Misty, stay with Carson, and if he tries anything at all, scream bloody murder.”

Con looks up quickly as his door opens, and concern hits him immediately, seeing the look on Jamie’s face. As she slides to the floor, he’s on his feet in an instant. “Jamie, what’s wrong? Who are you talking about?”

He kneels down next to her, drawing her into his arms, her tears striking his heart all over again. He had no idea what had scared her so much. “It’s okay…shhh.”

A knock at his door startles him, and he pulls Jamie up off the floor, holding her against his chest, wrapping her in his arms. “Yeah?”

Rick sidles into the office, not surprised at seeing how upset Jamie is, but wanting to make sure she’s okay. He looks at Con. “Just wanted to see if she was alright.”

“What’s going on?” Con hisses. “What happened?”

“She saw Carson.”


“You know.” Rick gestured down the hall. “The guy Jason shot out at that house. Didn’t kill him, begged to be a snitch for the Agency in exchange for his life I guess, and they brought him here. They didn’t tell you?”

Con can feel his blood run cold, and he stops rocking Jamie. “No…no one told me.”

“Oh.” Rick puts his hands on his hips. “Well…that’s what it is. I’ve had him in the clinic getting cleaned up. I guess Wyatt or somebody was gonna question him today.”

“Really…” Con’s tone has grown icy.

“Yeah. Well, if she needs something, let me know.” Rick backs out of the office again, leaving the two alone once more.

Con grits his teeth and peels himself from Jamie, setting her down in one of his extra chairs. He wipes a tear from her eye and cradles her face for just a moment. “I’ll be back,” he says quietly. “Just stay here.”

Though anger surges through his veins, he makes his exit calmly until he shuts the door, then his steps become quick and deliberate, his ire rising with each stride.

Jason looks up from his desk and out his open door as he hears someone walking quickly. “Con? Hey, Con, where are you going?!”

Con skids to a halt as he passes by Jason’s door. He hadn’t understood what was said, but knew Jason had said something. Rage flashes in his eyes. “Thanks for telling me, Hotshot. I can’t believe you were in on something as corrupt as this.”

Jason’s eyes widen. “Wha…” He’s unable to finish as Con keeps going. “Con! Wait, what…” He’s quickly up from his desk, and out into the hall to follow after his friend.

Con ignores his follower and arrives at Rick’s office. He doesn’t even bother using the handle on the door, but kicks it open instead with a bang.

Rick is standing at the counter and jumps at the sound. Seeing the look on Con’s face, a bit of fear hits him.

Carson sees Con, and knows who he is. The look in his eye is not good – he’s out for blood. Carson slides off the table to stand, in case he needs a quick escape, though he’s not sure if he could get past this larger man.

All Con can feel is anger. The last several days replay in his mind. The fear, the horror…Jamie. He takes a step towards Carson, but is suddenly blocked by Jason.

Jason steps in front of him, holding out his arms. “Now hang on. Don’t be stupid.”

“Me?!” Con’s voice raises. “I’m not the one who brought the enemy here! What is this piece of trash doing here?!”

Jason has to back up a step, but tries to keep peace, if not for Carson’s sake, for any witness’ sake. “Look, just take it easy. He might be on our side.”

“Oh yeah, that’s what it looked like to me,” Con snaps with sarcasm. “Did you see Jamie in that basement? Did you see her before the doctors cleaned her up? No. But I did. This guy deserves to die, and you bring him here to keep him alive! He’s not staying, if I have anything to say about it.”

“Well, you don’t.” Jason stands firm. “Reese approved it, and we’re just going to deal with it.”

“Do you know what he did to Jamie?!” Con roars, his face reddening. “And you’re protecting him?! I don’t believe you!”

“We all make mistakes!” Jason slings back. “It’s not like you haven’t hurt or killed before, so give this a chance, for TJY’s sake!”

Being put in the same category as someone like Carson is the last straw. The only thing he can see is Jamie in that basement. Fear has turned to anger and hate. Not only is Carson here now, within reach, but Jason was protecting him, and it was more than he could take.

Losing all control, Con balls up his fist and aims it with sudden force to Jason’s mouth. The impact is so great that the sound echoes in the room. Jason is thrown backward into the counter, knocking over bottles and a tray onto the floor with a clatter.

Taken completely by surprise, Jason sinks to the floor, putting a hand to his bleeding lip. The physical pain didn’t match his shock. He and Con had fought before…they’d both taken swings at each other… but this one had been serious. This had been without mercy, and it had hurt.

Jason sees Con go for Carson, but knows he can’t let that happen. Carson might be their only hope in finding a link to the Agency. “No!” Lunging up off the floor, he goes for Con’s legs, bringing him to the floor.

Chaos ensues. Con rolls over and gets to his feet, overcome with anger for Jason’s interference. Instead of resuming the argument here, he grabs Jason’s shoulder and manhandles him out into the hall, slamming him up against the wall, pinning him with an arm to the throat. “Get in my way again,” he hisses, “and you’ll regret it.”

The fire in Con’s eyes almost scares Jason. He’s never seen him so mad, let alone at him. He winces under the pressure, gasping for breath until Con lets him go, turning back to the office.

Jason reaches out to grab his arm. “Don’t do it Con, it’s not worth it!”

Con whirls around, sending a backhanded slap to the side of Jason’s face, with enough force to take him to his knees.

Again, Jason rises to bring Con back down.

By now, several people in the office have heard the noise and come down the hall, Reese and Wyatt included. “What is going on?!” Reese bellows.

Jason is pinned to the floor, unable to move under Con’s weight, and receives another blow to his mouth that seems to rattle everything in his head.

“Con!” Wyatt goes for him, dragging him off of Jason.

The next few minutes are a blur as it takes three men to finally get Con backed up against the wall, panting and unable to move.

Jason picks himself up off the floor, dizzy and bleeding, unsure of what all just happened.

Reese glares at Con. “What in heaven’s name has gotten into you?!”

“This whole place!” Con is seething. “I can’t believe what you’ve compromised. What you make your people do. What everyone here goes through! And you have the gall to bring the enemy here! This is it. I can’t take it anymore.”

“Well you’re not quitting,” Reese rolls his eyes.

“Oh, no?” Con glares at him. “Try me.”

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