

*Nate brings his hand to Laura's chin as she hangs her head. Gently he put pressure on his finger so it lifts Laura's head Not so much she has to look at him but enough so she isent hanging it down anymore.*

"Never hang your head and be ashamed of your emotions and feelings. Anyways your to pretty to hide your face, even if tears fill your eyes."

*Not wanting to embaress, or make Laura feel uncomfortable any more Nate backs away a few steps and smiles.*

"Ok, but if Con cant, I have no problem taking you. I dont have much work to do today so it wouldent be a problem."

*Nate turns and starts to walk back into TJY calling over his shoulder.*

"Remember, keep your chin up."

*Misty receves Ricks orders and gets to work. Taking some clean cloths and some water she gently pats Carson's wounds talking alowd about what she is doing.*

"I'm going to pat the wound and not rub it. Rubing it will cause the tair the sticking, making it bleed and open the wound again. This is just water for now, we want to make sure all the remnints of the bullet are out our you could be having a reaction to that."

*Misty continues to wash the wound. After finishing she goes to the cubard and pulls out the Iodine and some new bandages.*

"This might sting alittle bit so if it does. I'm sorry."

*Misty pours some iodine onto Carson's wound pating the extra from the non damaged area. Afterwords Misty starts to wrap the bandage around Carsons shoulder and under his arm. Misty catches his eyes once and for a moment cant break her gaze. He had remarkable blue eyes. Finally looking away Misty comment softly.*

"Your pritty lucky, if you had gotten shot alittle more to the left you probley would be siting here and my first day would have been pritty boring."

*Misty cracks alittle smile and finishes with the bandage.*

"Ok Rick its all patched up should we give him something for the pain?"

*Jamie smiles as she aims for her desk. Many people stop and give her hugs asking how she is doing and how she feels. Jamie can feels the eyes on her. Feeling selfcontius enough about the marking on her face having everyone look at her wasent helping any. Trying her best she doesent let it bother her. Almost to her desk the words from Dr. Tailbit enter her mind. Jamie would rather not go back to the hospetal. Rerouting Jamie aims for Ricks office seeing if many he can take the stiches out for her. Jamie knocks softly on the door and opens the door steping in. Stoping dead in her tracks Jamie's eyes meet Carson's. A wave of fear and confustion pass over her. What...what on earth was he at TJY. Backing up slowly Jamies exits the office without saying a word bumping into a cubicle behins her. Turning tears almost eater Jamies are she feels as though she is going to be sick. Every inch of her seemed to suddanly hurt. There was one place Jamie new she would feel safe. Almost running Jamies makes her way to Con's office. Not even knocking on the door Jamie walks in. Fear filled her mind to much to worry about being polite. Shuting the door behind her Jamie leans aganst it and slids to the ground. Unable to controll her tears they finally break forth.*

"Con...I...dont understand...why...why is he here?"

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