

*Jamie smiles at Con. It felt good to hear Con tell her she was included as well in his life too. It made her tingle and her heart jump. It was nice to have someone care for her again and show they really cared.*

"Ya I guess it does huh! I'll see you soon."

*About an hour after Con leaves nurses come in and out of the office checking on Jamie making sure all is well before she leaves. Finally Dr. Tailbit enters smiling at Jamie.*

"How are you feeling Miss. Franklin?"

*Jamie replys to the Dr. slowly watching what she says befor he askes anymore questions.*

"I'm ready. Still sore but I am guessing thats to be exspected. All in all I feel good."

*Dr. Tailbit nods and comes over to Jamie checking on her scar the bandage now removed, also checking her other burses and cuse.*

"Everything looks good, and your mending well. Your going to have to come back in about a week to get those stiches removed other than that your good to go."

*As Dr. Tailbit turns to leave he looks over his shoulder at Jamie one last time.*

"Make sure next time you choose your friend more caushely. Sometimes the people we think are good can put up front and deep down they still are dirt. I dont want to have to see you laying in that bed again."

*Dr. Tailbit leaves as another nurse comes into to remove the IVs and other masheens Jamie is hooked up. The last nurse exits the room as Con enters. Jamie is dressed in a light teal tank top and black jeans. Smiling at Con and stading she sways just alitte but gets her footing and is fine. Walking over to Con she throws her arms around him. Something she hasent been able to do to well while she was in bed. Grabing her purse and other stuff Con had braught for her Jamie turns to head out the door.*

"I'm ready. Lets get out of there. That Dr. gives me the creeps."

*As Misty see Wyatt her face lights up. He's always been her fav. They got along so well. Returning the hug Misty cant help but smile even bigger.*

"Hey, it has been a long time. To long if you ask me."

*As Reese gives his request to Wyatt and lets Misty to Rick she turns and places her stuff on the empty desk in the office.*

"I'm guessing this one will be mine?"

*As they wait for Wyatt to come back with Carson Misty looks around the office. Familurizing herself with where everything is. It was the number one rule. Always know where EVERYTHING is. So if something happens you dont wast time looking in the wrong place.

Within minutes Wyatt is back with Carson. As he enters Misty turns eyeing him for a few minutes and not saying anything. As Carson removes his shirt and she lays eyes on his bandage she cant help but gulp she was alittle bit nervouse working on someone without on of her professers around. Rick was there though to help if she needed it so that braught her comfort. After hearing her instructions from Rick with confadince Misty walks over to Carson, removing the bandages slowly throwing them into the Hazord bucket. Misty can feel Carson percing blue eyes on her but she trys to ignore the feeling and work.*

"Rick the wound is pritty swoled, lots of irratation, Its a bit black around the bullet hold as well. I can understand why he is in pain. It probley feels like your arm in on fire."

*Turning her head to look at Carson she asks.*

"Do you have any allergies to medicen? Cuz it looks like an allergic reaction to something."

*As Laura makes her way out of TJY Nate become conserned. Laura was in no shape to be driving and they dident need another person in the hospetal right now. Even is Nate just followed her to make sure she made it home ok, he would be happy. As he leaves the building Nate can see Laura try to start her car but nothing happens. Seeing her slam her fists into the dashbored and start to sob his heart acks. He dident want to invade her space but he couldent leave her there alone. Not at a time like this. Walking over to Laura's car Nate bends down and knocks on the window.*

"Would you like me to jump your car? Or I can drive you home real fast. No questions asked I promise."

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