

Con knows that Jamie is still nervous, and approaches her side to run the back of his hand along her cheek. "I may have a life, but that includes you now, doesn't it?" He gives her a wink. "I'll be back in a bit."

Finally he makes his exit, heading out of the hospital without a whole lot he's willing to think about. He numbly goes through the motions of going home, automatically checking the house before entering, and keeping a wary eye out for anything strange.

It doesn't take him long to shower, change clothes and listen to his answering machine. He sees a couple days worth of mail on the table, but ignores it for now. It could wait.

Making it back to the hospital close to noon, he aims back for Jamie's room and knocks on the door before entering. "Hey...I'm ready whenever you are."

"Hey, Wyatt!" Reese stops his son as he sees him walk past Rick's lab.

Wyatt skids to a halt and turns around in surprise. Seeing Misty, he grins. "Well hey, Cousin!" He approaches, giving her a big hug. "Long time no see!"

Reese hates to break up the light reunion, but must. "Wyatt, sorry, but Rick is waiting to see Carson. Would you mind? I've got to get back to work." He gives Misty a grin. "I'll leave you in Rick's hands now. If you need anything, just give a holler."

Wyatt heaves a weary sigh and nods. "I'll be back." Heading back down the hall he goes for the holding cell.

In minutes, he's back. Carson trudges slowly in front of him, unsure what this day is going to hold. He's glad to be out of the room...but receiving the strange looks from other people makes him wonder if this was such a great idea.

Rick greets him coolly, though tries to remain professional, despite his personal feelings. "Carson. How's the arm?"

"Hurts like heck."

"Mm." Rick points to the table. "Come on, let's take a look at it."

Carson goes to sit on the table, pulling off his shirt, and wincing at the movement. Even though covered with the bandage, it's obviously swollen around the wound.

Rick turns his back to put away what he'd been working with. "Misty, would you take off that bandage and check that out? I got the bullet out yesterday, but I want to make sure there aren't any fragments in there."

Carson lifts an eyebrow at the new face in the office, but keeps his mouth shut.

Laura grits her teeth, trying not to allow any more tears to come. Nate was being so sweet. She could feel his eyes on her face though she dared not look back. She knew he was right...she needed to just give up all her worrying and forge ahead. It just seemed so hard right now.

As her walls of protection begin to buckle under the strain, she scoots her chair back from her desk and stands up, grabbing her purse. Unable to look Nate in the eye, she tries to throw him a smile before she breaks. Her voice is shaky, her eyes turning red. "I...I forgot some stuff at home...I need to go get it... thanks for...for talking." She quickly exits her cubicle, heading at a fast walk towards the door, not even acknowledging someone calling her name. She knows she probably shouldn't be driving, but she'd made up her mind anyway.

Once outside, she heads for her car and gets in, turning the key in the ignition. Nothing. She tries again, and the engine sputters for a moment, then dies.

It's the last straw.

Laura pounds her fist on the dashboard with frustration. "What else?!" she shouts. Finally the tears come forth all at once, a sob following them. She leans forward to rest her forehead on the steering wheel, her shoulders shaking as she cries. Her mascara starts to run down her cheeks, but she doesn't care. She just hurt and she didn't know why. Maybe it was just everything that was going wrong today. Maybe it was just feeling other people's pain around her. Maybe it was because she knew she couldn't run to her brother this time. Maybe there was no reason at all for these stupid tears. But they were there, and they just wouldn't stop.

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