

*As Nate watches Con and Jamie leave with Laura. Jamie had moved around to Laura's other side. For a long moment Nate stands replaying Con's words in his head a tad bit of fear runs though and chills him to the bone. Why was he standing there in fear. What was he so scaired of? So Con could hit him, mangle his face, but was Laura worth it? Proof...is that what this was about? Natie thinks alittle bit longer finally moving twords Con and the other again. Yes she was worth it. Jogging in front of them he stands causing them to stop.*

"Con if you have a problem with me why dont you tell me now. As far as I am conserned I dident do anything wrong and I think Laura can stick up for herself. You have known be for a better part of a year and you know darn well I wouldent NEVER do anything to harm anyone. So if you have a problem tell me here and now."

*Nate folds his arm across his chest. Con had bullyed him since he took intrest in his sister and now it was Nates turn to step up and not back down.*

*Katie shakes her head to Scott.*

"Please dont be sorry about the kiss. I know I'm not."

*Katie lets out a long sigh and hugs Scott back.*

"Ya I'll see you tomarrow. Thank you again Scotty. Even if you say I dont have to thank you."

*Katie gets into her car looking Scott's kiss lingering in the back of her mind still this car. it proved he cared his kiss it proved he liked her. A small smile comes to Katie face but soon is replaced with tears as she fell back into the darkness. Slowly she starts to pull out of the parking lot looking in the rearview mirror and giving a way to Scott. On her way home Katie's lonlyness returns hiting her hard. The feeling of a wall that was gone when she was with Scott was not back Causing Katie great pain all over. Finally making it home safe Katie limps into her bed room shuting her door behind her and calapsing on her bed from exsaustion.The battle wasent over, they feeling remained and Jason continues to blocking them. Knowing she was alone Katie lets out a long sharp yell as she cryed. Why...she dident understand why. Henry ambles into the room and jumps on the bed headbutting Katie making sure she was ok.*

*As the pull infront of Aerith's grandmothers place she opens the car door and steps out shuting it behind her. Turning she leans on the open window and smiles at Wyatt.*

"It was nice meeting you to Wyatt. Thanks for the Coffee, the ride, and the number for an auto shop. Well...see ya around."

*Aerith gives a wave as she heads up the walk. Opening the door a loud voice can be hurd.*

"Aerith where in tarnation were you girl?"

"My car broke down grandmother and I got a ride home."

"You got a ride hom from a stanger in this town. Are you stupid girl?"

"He was very nice and I think I have delt with rougher people than him in the city grandmother."

"Yep I was rigth your stupid. Now go run me my bath."

*The voice become muffled as Aerith shuts the door behind her disapearing from view.*

*As Misty hangs up her phone and rejoins Carson on the beach she has a smile on her face.*

"Well Mr.Banks I have some good new. I passed my test with flying colors. I got a 100%. I am good to go back home and continue to study. My house has also been sold. So...we can leave whenever now. Though I am temptied to just stay here with you forever."

*Misty cant help but grin and she gives Carson an excited hug. She was nervouse to go home cuz of the Agency but she was excited as well things would be ok.*


As Scott listens to Katie, his heart goes out to her. His face remains one of compassion. Though an element of slight disappointment naturally lingers, he tries not to let it show.

He gives a long sigh, seeing that right now all Katie needs a friend. She needed a shoulder. Not another boyfriend.

Katie’s approach and hand to his face drives him to the longing to relive what had happened an hour prior, but he resists out of respect for her feelings. Her words bring a crooked grin to his face, though he doesn’t want humor to take over just yet. “I’m sorry, Katie,” he apologizes. “I probably shouldn’t have kissed you, even if we both enjoyed it. It just complicates things for you, and like I said, I don’t want that.”

He pauses for just a moment. “I understand and…I’ll back off. I know you love Jason, and I don’t want to be the one to get in the way of that – I don’t like thinking that I’d be the cause of breaking up you two. I know things between you are rough now, but…maybe there’s still a chance. So…it’s okay.” He nods decisively before looking her square in the eye. “As far as I’m concerned, this changes nothing between us, alright? I don’t want you walking on eggshells around me at the office, and I’m not going to either.”

Scott searches Katie’s face again, seeing a lonely little girl, lost and frightened. He reaches out to pull her into a gentle hug. “It’ll be okay, Katie,” he tries to comfort. Holding her for just a moment, he then pulls away, running his hand one last time across her face. “Thanks for a fun evening anyway.” He gives her a wink. “I’ll see you tomorrow at work, alright?”

Con swings Jamie’s hand a little as they walk up out of the sandy beach to arrive at the little ice cream place. It looked like it was a fairly popular place tonight, though it was getting late enough, that most people were beginning to disperse.

As they head up to place their order, Con stops and nods to a far bench. “Hey, isn’t that Laura and Nate?” He grins. ‘We should go say hi, just for a minute.” He aims in the new direction with Jamie still beside him.

Laura’s face grows hot as Nate comes closer. His words that bring such a feeling of comfort and protection seem to mush together, and her breathing comes faster as his face moves towards hers.

She feels stiff and motionless as Nate’s lips brush hers, and her breath catches in her throat as her feet scream to run away. She wasn’t scared of him…she was just….scared to death.

Laura wants to back away, but Nate’s persistence somehow keeps her there and she feels his lips again, this time he’s not leaving…but lingering…

Her heart beats so hard within her chest, that it echoes in her ears. She can feel herself start to shake as Nate’s arms wrap around her.

His lips pressed on hers feel warm and taste sweet. Laura can feel herself slipping into a state of foggy emotions.

Tears stream down her face as she fights the fear with all her might. Her trembling hand makes its way to the back of Nate’s head, her other tucked comfortably about his waist.

She returns the kiss, tasting her own salty tears that mingle in the exchange.

Finally though, she can’t take the battle anymore. Now trembling all over, she suddenly breaks the kiss, bringing her hands to Nate’s chest as a reflex to push herself away from him. She feels dizzy, confused, her head feels like it will burst, her stomach is in knots. She wants more, she doesn’t want more. She wants to feel Nate again, she doesn’t want to feel him again. Her eyes dart to the ground and she backs up another step, swallowing hard and trying to calm her racing pulse. What was…she had to….how was she….


Laura snaps to attention her eyes raising to meet her brother’s stare. Her own face was pale and wet from tears. She tried to hide her trembling hands by putting them behind her back. “Con.. what…what are you doing here?”

Con furrows his brow and looks between Nate and Laura. “Jamie and I were just…going for a walk….is everything okay?”

Laura can feel her lower lip starting to quiver again. “I…yes…yes, it’s fine, Con.”

“Are you sure?” Con’s grip around Jamie’s hand tightens without him even realizing it, and his gaze become harsher. He looks to Nate, a glare waiting in the wings.

Laura looks down again, not even wanting to look over to Nate. She felt sick and just wanted the earth to swallow her up right there. “I just…I…I want to go home.”

Con gives Jamie’s hand an apologetic squeeze as he knows the rest of their evening has been interrupted. But he’ll not leave his sister stranded. “We’ll have to walk back to the car,” he informs. “But it’s not all that far. Come on.” He holds out his arm.

Laura ducks under his arm to lean against him, her head on his chest as more tears come.

Con steers her back around, but pauses for just a moment as he faces Nate once more. “You and I will talk later,” he hisses. He turns to the beach again, guiding his sister away from the public scene.

Wyatt can’t help the pangs of sympathy towards Aerith as she explains a little more about her past. He’d been blessed with a good homelife…parents who loved him….but so many, many people never knew what it was like, and simply lived a daily struggle. There was as much to Aerith as Wyatt had suspected.

As she moves to pay, Wyatt stops her hand with his own. “Uh-uh. This one’s on me. Let’s just say it’s a ‘welcome to Nevada’ coffee.” He leaves the money on the table and nods to the door. “Alright, let’s get out of here. I should get home myself.”

It doesn’t take long to get back to Aerith’s grandmother’s house, and Wyatt once again pulls up to the curb. “Well, Aerith, it was nice meeting you. I hope everything goes well for you. Maybe I’ll see you around town sometime.”

Open Heart

.*Katie cant help but have her cheeks turn alittle red at his complaments...than going back to Jason she lets out a sigh as she leans aganst her car.*

"Oh Scott...its so complacated. Since I met Jason I always had this thing for him. Being at the ranch wit him was hard. Her was cocky and a jerk who only thought of himself. The day before I came to TJY I got so angry at him for throwing a punch at me...even if I did deserve it for slaping him... I slamed him aganst a wall telling him if he ever tryed to swing at me again i would put him in the hospetal myself. I came here, and things were pretty good. Than Jason came back and he has changed. He was a differnt Jason. He was caring, and nice, he thought of others and new how to show emotions. He opened himself up."

*Katie lets out a long sigh and jumps up on her car hood leting her legs dangle off the side. Leting out a long sigh.*

" When he first went into prison everything was ok. I told him I would wait and I did. But as the time went on everything stated to change. I started not to be able to feel him he masked his feelings, his emotions, his letters started get cold, and heartless. Than when I went to see him, I saw it in his eyes. He was turning back into the old Jason. My Jason that I cared about was gone. And now I sit here, with someone who is showing he so much affection, who lit something in my heart, the dark courner that no one asle touched."

*A small tear rolls down Katie's face*

"You differnt from most people Scott, and I like how you make me feel. I feel at peace, clam and just plane comfortable with you. You dident hesatat, you new what you wanted and how you felt and you went with it. Can I see something more than a friendship with you...yes I can. Is this the right time no. I have a boyfriend, and I need to talk to him about everything try and make him see what happend to him. Even if I am unhappy and very....ever so lonly....and darkness plagues my mind..."

*Katie voice drifts off for a moment as her tears come more. She was so lonly, and it hurt, the peace of light that had been lit in her heart she was pushing away. Katie was so confused and was hurting so much she just wanted it to end.*

"...than...*sniff*....darkness is where I must dwell for now in hopes I will see the light at the end of the tunnal and find my happyness sooner or later. So Scott, I guess I ask asking you to give me time. I know you shouldent have to wait its not fair to you, but...I dont even know what I am trying to say anymore exscept thank you Scott for pulling me out of the darkness tonight if only for a few hours thank you for that bref moment leting me see the light."

*Katie hops off the hood of the car, trying to smile through her tear streaked face, her eyes trying to hide her pain. Bringing her hand to Scott's face she runs her thumb over his cheekbone.*

"Who ever though that "the office nerd who runs into doorframes, breaks glasses at least twice a month and whose only talent lies with temperamental computer equipment"isent so nerdy to some people after all."

*As Katie draws her hand away slowly from Scott's face through her pain she trys to find humor.*

"I think I know why I like contacts on you more than glasses. I can see your eyes."

*As Nate see's Laura own tear and hears her words something goes off inside of him. He wouldent let Laura do this to herself. He couldent. Reaching out Nate brings his hand to Laura's face whiping away the tear his own voice grows soft losing its rough edge.*

"I promise Laura, I wont ever give up on you...."

*Nate's draws closer to Laura.*

"...I promise I wont hurt you..."

*Nate brings his head ever so closer to Laura feeling the warmth from her skin.*

"....I promise I'll always protect you."

*Nate's lips gently push aganst Laura's than he draws away alittle.*

"..please dont be scaired of me."

*Nate moves in tword Laura again places his lips to her and kissing her passanitly but softly with great care. Laura was delacet, and Nate was at hear a gentalmen. Slowly his arms wrap around her as he holds his ground kissing her.*

*Aerith takes a sip of her coffee before answering Wyatt.*

"I'm not sure how long I will be staying. Probley till grandmother gets better or dies. Than again if I like it here I might even end up staying. I'm not sure what direction I am taking. Most of my life has always been decied for me by my family. My mom, my step dad, my grandmother. The only one who really understood me was my dad. Now my mom acts like he never exsisted and she dident say it but I know the only reson she sent me here was cuz I look to much like my father so she couldent stand looking at me anymore."

*Aerith lets out a sigh and takes another sip of her coffee. Why was she rambaling like this to Wyatt. She hadent even known him more than a few hours and she was telling him her who life story. There was something differnt about him though. Aerith smiles at the mention of time grabing her wallet to pay for her coffee.*

"Ya I guess I should get back before my grandmother has all of Nevada out looking for me. Though I do think it would be funny."


There is no shame. No guilt. Only questions.

Scott looks back at Katie, accepting her tightening grip by holding her hand firmer as well. He draws it back from the popcorn and glances down to see their fingers interlocked, then resumes his stare into her eyes.

Her eyes revealed that she did not resist Scott’s sudden display of affection. Her smile showed she had enjoyed it. The look she gave him implied she wouldn’t balk at the idea of this one incident evolving into more.

But… Scott searches deeper. Did she not think about Jason? Even he had considered that. But there was something in Katie’s eye…a void that had not been filled. Everyone around had seen her and Jason happy and in love…they had done everything together…they had an unexplainable connection – even Scott knew about that. Yet there was something Katie had been lacking…something that allowed her to enjoy Scott’s company now.

Receiving her whispered thanks, Scott shakes his head a little, his grin returning. He doesn’t respond, but shifts in his seat to place his concentration back on the movie again, though keeps his hand in hers.

An hour later, the credits are rolling, the music playing. The others in the theater filter out until Scott and Katie are the only ones who remain.

Heaving a sigh, Scott finally lets go of Katie’s hand and stands up, stretching. He picks up their trash, and cocks his head to the exit, signaling for Katie to follow him…

The parking lot is lit, as the sun has set, the sky dark and dotted with stars barely seen against the town lights.

Scott walks slowly towards his and Katie’s vehicles, his hands hooked in his pockets, his gaze to the ground. Reaching his car, he turns around to lean against it, crossing his arms casually across his chest, and studying Katie again. He knew that his actions tonight…his words…his attitude…they were parts of him that other people normally didn’t see. But he didn’t mind revealing them around her.

“Katie…” He forces a slight laugh, almost sheepishly. “I’ve liked you since the day I got to pick you up at the airport and bring you to TJY for the first time.” He smirks, a little embarrassed. “You were claimed pretty quick though, and I figured you were out of my league anyway…you were the smart newcomer who was an immediate asset to TJY, let alone the one we needed to keep an eye out for trouble we couldn’t see.” He shrugs. “And I was…am…the office nerd who runs into doorframes, breaks glasses at least twice a month and whose only talent lies with temperamental computer equipment.”

He scans Katie’s face. “Not to mention I must surely be crusin’ for a bruisn’ for kissing someone else’s girlfriend…”

Scott pauses again. “…And yet…you’re not resisting my affections.” He squints one eye and cocks his head. “I don’t want to make your life more complicated, Katie. So if you prefer me to stop right now, I will comply without any hard feelings. But if you’re really entertaining thoughts of something between us, then…well, I guess I’d like to know before I get slugged for it.”

Feeling Nate’s hands on her shoulders, Laura tenses for just a moment, but then relaxes. His whispered words reliever her of the feeling that she needed to speak.

As he moves around her in an embrace, she feels as though she’s in the most sheltered spot on earth. His strong arms felt good and her hands reach up to hold them. His forehead resting on her sends a warmth into her veins.

Swallowing hard, Laura’s inner battle just gets worse. When Nate straightens and turns her around, she stares into his eyes, noting the tear, and feeling pained because of it. His dropped-off sentence leaves her hanging. She doesn’t understand. What were the words he was finding so hard to speak?

Seeing his face…seeing that tear…Laura’s lower lip starts to quiver again, and she reaches up slowly with a trembling hand to wipe it off his cheek. “I’m hurting you, Nate.” Her voice is but a quiet whimper. “Please don’t let me do that to you anymore.” Her own tear slips out, running down the side of her face, proving the hate she has against herself and her fear. “I just can’t do this…I've tried to win and just can't.”

Wyatt is a bit surprised that Aerith accepts his invitation, but an invite is and invite, and he heads towards the center of town. He lets the quiet rule for a while until he pulls up to the little café on main street.

After parking, he gets out and leads the way inside, picking a corner booth. Their coffee ordered, Wyatt offers Aerith a smile. “So…how long are you planning on being in this area?”

Conversation is light, and before they know it, time has slipped away and both coffee mugs are empty. Wyatt couldn’t help but admit that he’d enjoyed his time tonight. It was something different…not exciting, but enjoyable.

Glancing at his watch, he nods to the door. “Guess I better get you back home.”


*Katie looks back deep in Scott's eyes. I feeling forming in her. It was a sence of peace Scott omited. Katie couldent help but smile bigger as she looked back at him forgeting all alse. Katie wasent sure what to say but she liked the warm feeling that was inside her. The darkness had a bit of light in it. Katie wouldent run away, she would take one step at a time. Her mind screams at her about Jason. What about Jason? Katie dident know, the future was unclear. Katie loved Jason, she couldent deny that but something was changing. A storm was coming and Katie new it was going to hit fast and hard. As Katie studys Scott's eyes her heart jumps and patters. Her fingers tighten around his and her eyes dont break. So many questions run through them searching Scott's for answers. What was she doing she wasent sure. Was what she doing wrong, she dident know.*

"Scott, thank you."

*Is all she can manage to whisper as she gets lost in the sea of feelings, as Scott's eyes captavate her. What would happend next in this story of life. Katie dident know.*

*Misty turns as she walks bawards tword the door grinning at Carson.*

"You better watch it buddy. "

*Misty cant help but laugh turning around again.*

"Ok lets get something to eat before i take a bite out of your arm from hunger. Than OFF to the beach."

*Nate watches as Laura walks away. He could see the war raging inside of her. His heart went out. He dident know what to do to help. He only new he wanted to. Slowly Nate stands finishing off his cone and walks over to Laura every so slowly. Trying his hardest to not startle Laura, or cause her to feel fear Nate places his hands in her shoulders lightly. As he stood over her the smell of her hair filling his nose as she closed his eyes just standing there for a moment.Bringing his head down Nate rests his forhead on top of Laura's ehad as he whispers.*

"You dont have to say anything Laura. Its ok."

*Nate hands move over Laura's shouder and wrap around her in a comforting embrace as in the last moment of desparation he gives all his emotions to her, wanting to say more but not knowing the words. As Nate stands there something unusale for him happens. His own tear rolls down his face. Slowly Nate removes his arm from around Laura and turns her around to look her in the eye. Trying to shair his soul with her.*

"I promise Laura...."

*Nate words trail off as he closes his eyes again trying to regain himself.*

*Aerith stands in limbo for a long moment. Half in he car and half out. Continplating Wyatt's offer when is seems like Aerith was finally going to get out, she steps back in and slams the door behind her. What was she doing. Was she crazy? She had no idea who this stanger and she was opting to spend more time with him now.*

"I dont normaly do this Wyatt drive around with strangers, but...Sometimes I feel like I am with strangers at home. Anyways you dont seem so bad. Not considering what I am use to in the City. and you found my weakness coffee."

*Aerith turns quiet again looking out the window at the passing scenes lost in thought.*


Katie's returned kiss and hand to Scott's face sends him reeling from reality. Her affection was sweet and enchanting, making his heart beat faster. The surroundings of the dim theater disperse, providing the impression that they are the only two there as the impassioned exchange lasts.

But even the most treasured of moments must fade, and as the sounds of the movie come back to Scott, he gradually withdraws from Katie until he can see her eyes again. His own dance in the light of the movie, full of a thousand thoughts, a thousand emotions.

As he stares at her with a gaze he's never given any other, the reality hits him hard - in an instant, everything had changed. A simple impulsive act had flipped his world and his relationship with Katie upside down. She had just given him the most precious of gifts...the gift of acceptance...the gift of returned feelings. Should this moment never be repeated, it would remain engraved in his mind.

It wasn't clear whether he felt within himself the impact that this moment had on him. Like a small spark, it had lit a fire inside that had been buried for as long as he could remember... It was a fire that would not leave quickly... one that produced courage...the willingness to get out of the box... One that opened up doors to a broader horizon...one that proved he wasn't stuck in the same mold for the rest of his life, scared to break free. Only time would tell if he would recognize and act on this change.

Scott's fingers remain around Katie's, just a little unsureness creeping back in. A single name comes to mind...Jason. He knows that there has been tension between Jason and Katie - more than Jason just being gone...that much had been obvious in Katie's eyes lately...but had Scott just crossed a line he shouldn't have? Even if he had...he knew given the chance, he wouldn't change his mind about revealing his feelings.

The ball was in Katie's court now, and he would not pursue more until he knew how she felt. Scott knew that even if she were to never speak to him again, he'd never had a moment so sweet to cherish.

He stares into Katie's eyes, searching for what she thought...what she felt. The movie was forgotten.

Carson holds Misty for several long moments, letting himself enjoy the affectionate exchange. Finally drawing her back just a little, he gives her a sly grin. "You better get me out of here now before I opt just to stay here all day."

He moves to sit up, giving Misty a tight hug, then stands up, pulling her up with him. Aiming her out of the room, he dares to give her a teasing backhanded spank. "Daylight's burning! Let's go!"

Laura sucks her ice cream from her spoon, her eyes concentrating on the ground as Nate talks. His words made her feel warm...cared about...a little excited...happy. How could they then at the same time make her feel as though she wanted to get up and run away? Without even realizing it, she bounces her leg nervously, fighting the intense battle within herself.

She knew Nate...she did think she trusted him...she knew he cared...that much was obvious. It was obvious he wanted to be more than friends. The fact that he was willing to just stay friends made him all the more honorable.

Laura had feelings for him...she knew she did...somewhere, deep down... He was so kind...so sweet...so sensitive. Why did this hated fear keep her back? Why did she allow it to dominate her actions? She'd told Nate to keep pushing so she couldn't walk away - to force her to not let fear get in the way...and yet after a couple months, she hadn't gotten any further. She still gave him a hard time...she still resisted his affections...she still made him work at getting her to do anything with him. Surely she continued to disappoint him...it couldn't be easy for him.

What was she afraid of? Getting hurt? She knew in her mind that Nate would never hurt her...she could trust him with her life, and she trusted his intentions. But perhaps it was her heart that was not yet ready to let go of that fear. Logic reminded her that it was a silly battle, and should be easily overcome. But her emotions tugged her in the opposite direction.

Laura swallows another spoonful of the cold treat as a silence rests over them. She felt so torn...would she ever overcome this? She knew she wanted to...she knew she should...it was just taking that first step that she seemed incapable of doing. She was so strong, so courageous, so bull-headed in everything else, but this...a relationship with a man...she just felt so helpless, which in turn, made her feel stupid because she knew it shouldn't be this hard. And feeling stupid made her all the more defensive as her inner being tried to justify itself for her repelling actions.

A tear forms in her eye, making it sting and she tries to blink it away, while trying to keep her lower lip from trembling. Why was she being so weak?! She hated the way she felt. She was mad at herself for treating Nate like she had, and she was mad at herself for not being able to just choose a path and go with it. She was riding the fence and knew it...her words told him that she was willing to try at a relationship, while her actions displayed the complete opposite. She was being hypocritical, and it bothered her to no end.

Still not even glancing at Nate for fear of breaking, Laura scrapes the last bit of ice cream from her bowl and stands up, tossing the trash in a nearby can. Sighing, she keeps her back to Nate. It was her turn to say something, but what? "Thank you" was stupid. "I'm sorry you had to see what happened to those kids" was just avoiding the real issue here. "I was wrong, I'm sorry I led you on, but I'll never be more than just a friend" was what her fear wanted her to say, but she just couldn't. "I care about you too" would be nice, but that didn't want to come out either.

The tension rises with each passing moment, and Laura can feel the heat rising up the back of her neck. Her heart screamed at her for what she really wanted, yet she was fighting chains that had been locked together and rusted tight for several years. Was there nothing that could break them?

Wyatt raises an eyebrow as Aerith gives him her phone number. He takes it and fingers it thoughtfully. She was pretty outgoing for someone who'd just gotten picked up by a complete stranger. Not that Wyatt considered himself to be scary, but it wasn't the norm for him anyway.

"Well, I bet you'll like it out here," he muses. "Not as exciting as the big city, but I'd take a stroll by a quiet lake than down a busy street any day."

Watching Aerith hesitate before getting out, Wyatt studies her for a moment. She seemed a little more lost than just locationally. He didn't know her whole story, but he'd be willing to bet there were some hard times in her history...and perhaps even now she was unsure about where she was headed.

Wyatt cocks his head a little. "You gonna be okay? Would you rather go pick up a late cup of coffee or something before heading in?" He didn't normally do this sort of thing - he was usually more cautious than this. But Aerith seemed like she needed a friend, and Wyatt would rather offer himself as that friend than have her pick up on some of the bad crowds that existed in this neighborhood. Though he half expected to get that heavy purse to the side of the head for asking - he knew his intentions were pure, but he was still a stranger to Aerith.


*As Scott draws closer to Katie her heart starts to race. A million and one thoughts running through her mind. As Scott draws even closer it becomes clear what is going to happen next. Feeling Scotts breath and feeling his hand on her chin as he drew close sends a warm feeling though Kaite. As she receves Scott's first kiss a bit of shock set in even though she new it was coming. As Scott draws away for a moment Katie cant help but smile signaling she liked it. The feeling of wanted another kiss fills Katie, and as if Scott could read her mind she feels his lips press aganst her again. Scott's kiss was passionit yet soft and sweet causing Katie to lose all controll and kiss him back with just as much emotion. Leting him know she did like it. Still holding Scott hand, Kaite takes her other free hand and brings it to the side of Scott's face cradling it for a long moment as she continued to kiss him. Her mind focused on only Scott and this moment.*


Scott’s pulse quickens, and the corner of his mouth upturns just a little bit. Katie’s hand still in his, he leans toward her slowly, still searching her eyes, cautiously testing to see if she would allow him close.

His free hand reaches up and tilts her chin with a finger as his face comes close to hers. He can feel her breath on his skin, and his eyes close for a moment as he puts his lips gently to hers, withdrawing slightly for just a moment before returning with a more passionate kiss.


*Misty looks down at Carson still but alittle closer to him now. A grin playing at one courner of her mouth and the fire fully regained in her eyes. Yes Carson did something to her that braught her to life.*

"Oh I relize good and well Mr. Bank, good and well."

*Misty leans in closer to Carson and plats her lips to his. Taking in the moment and not wanting it to end. The sweet tast of his kiss, his arms wraped around her. Oh Carson how she enjoyed every moment with him.*

*Nate grins.*

"Two week...I mean scoops of Rasberry, and I'll take..."

*Nate looks at the menu for a moment.*

"Two scoops of the Cookie dough please."

*After geting the ice cream and handing Laura's her Nate directs them to a bench that is father away from people but still in the light and sits down across from Laura. Licking his ice cream than finally answers her questions.*

"Well when I was on the case in NC we had to track down a bunch of guys to killed a family in cold blood. The law there dident want to do anything about it. I got to see pictures of the family, how they were killed to get a better understanding. I even got taken to the home where it happend to look for clues anything. I've seen alot of things in my days, but see 3 innocent childrin dead was something I never want to have to see again. Its heart renching. Anyways, the father dident die right away and was in the hospetal I had to go and talk to him. and he said something to me. He told me sease everymoment I can. If I care about someone do what I can to show them. If I care bad enough for them, I'll find a way to make them understand. You wanted me to be more pushy so I could be around you and get you to do things with me thats what i am doing. As long as you dont mind, than I'll keep doing it so I can get a chanse to spend time with you. Even if you only ever see my as a friend Laura I will have these feels for you, and will accept the friendship so it dosent push you away from me. I care about you, and dont want you to hurt cuz I know you have in the past."

*Nate lifts his sunglass and puts them on the top of his head, his peacing eyes studding Laura's face. Everything he saw in NC had given him a new out look on things. He dident want to pass up a moment with out spending time with the two people he cared about the most his sister and Laura. Even if Laura never showed him affection back he wanted her to know his was there, and that even though she had a hard outer shell someone was willing to keep knocing till it cracked.*

*Aerith smiles at Wyatt thankful for his friendlyness. Looking out of the courner of her eyes she couldent help but study Wyatt's handsome face.*

"Well I was at her house once earlyer today, but I was driven there so I havent had a chanse to do it on my own. And look the one chanse I get I got myself lost."

*Aerith lets out a laugh.*

"Ya I bet it is nice here. When I was real young my family lived on a farm. But than my dad passed away in an accident and my mom remarried to a lawyer pritty high class and we moved to NYC. I dont really remember much about life befor NYC but, I dont know I guess you just always carry those things with you. And it reminds me of that time when I first got here. It was refreshing."

*Aerith relizes she had started to ramble again and rolls her eyes. Finally seeing the street sign she smile.*

"Hey here we go. My place is 130. and thx for giving me that number. Your a pritty cool guy Wyatt. Thank you."

*Grabing her own peace of paper she jots down a number and hands it to Wyatt.*

"Here's my cell number in case your ever bored or something. It'd be nice to have a friend who know where they are going around here. Thank you again and it was nice meeting you."

*Aerith lets out a long sigh that shows she really dident want to go inside right now. Hesatating her opens the door to the jeep just lingering for a moment.*

*As Scott takes Katie's hand her heart gives alittle jump. Katie smile grows alittle bit as she studys Scotts face for a long moment. Forgeting about the popcorn Kaite lets out a soft sigh and repositions herself so she is siting alittle closer to Scott now. Forgeting about the movies as well Katie cant break her eyes away from Scott. What was it that kept her eyes to his. For a bref moment Katie's lonlyness melted away.*


Carson’s eyes narrow as he receives the water drops being shook off of Misty’s hair. Reaching out, he grabs her arm and pulls her down on the couch next to him, so she has to lean on his chest, and he stares at her face, now only inches from his. “Miss Miller, you keep this up and you’re just going to have to deal with more consequences - you do realize this.”

Laura is pretty quiet until they reach the ice cream shop, and as Nate continues to order her around, she shoots him a wry grin. “My word, what’s gotten into you, oh, Mr. polite? And I want two scoops of raspberry, but please, not two week’s worth.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother.” Wyatt keeps his eyes on the road. “That’s a rough spot to be in.”

He grins a little. “Ahh, New York, huh? I thought that was an eastern accent I heard. Yeah, it’s pretty quiet out here…but I like it. I’ve been here all my life. Traveled a lot, but this is where I hang my hat.”

Seeing Aerith out of the corner of his eye, he can tell she’s nervous, and for her sake, keeps the conversation alive. “So…seeing as though you just got lost, I’m assuming you haven’t gotten to your grandmother’s at all yet. When you do, let me give you the number of the better auto shop in town so they can help get those tires you need on your car. “

As Katie’s hand brushes Scott’s, he automatically turns his head, and catches her eye. He stares at her gaze in the dim lighting for several moments. Her fingers running over his hand sends a warm sensation shooting up his arm. Not dropping his eyes, he turns his palm to take Katie’s hand in his, and holds it gently, running his thumb over hers.

that feeling

*Misty smiles as she looks down at Carson on the coutch.*

"mmm...food...coming to think of it I havent eaten all day. I know a good place to eat its called The Blackdog Cafe. I know you will like it there. And a walk on the beach sounds like a good plain to me. and this time I promise I wont splash water on you."

*Misty shakes her head alittle causing the water from her hair to drop on Carson alittle as she giggles.*

*Nate smerks turning his head and standing up.*

"Ok Miss pushy I am coming I am coming."

*Walking over to the door Nate opens it than shuts it behind him.*

"Oh ya you look as good as ever Miss. Gibbs. And DONT you think about making a smart remake back at me this time."

*Nate than opens the car door for Laura and closes it going around and sliding into the driver seat and pulling out of the driveway heading for the ice cream shop. Once there he does his normal ruteen helping Laura than heading up to the stand.*

"Oh ya did I mention I was paying cuz I am. So what would you like Laura? Anything you want you can have. I have to make up for the last 2 weeks."

*As Katie watchies the movie her mind stay occuied and her sick for the time being goes away relaxing her more. Leaning back in the seat Katie laughs at the parts the need to be laughed at, Crys at the pasts that need to be cryed at, and gets excited at the part that need to be. Katie tummy growls as she starts to feel hungry. Seting her drink down Katie goes and reachs into the almost empty bucket of popcorn. As Katie goes to grab a handful her fingers brush aganst another human for. Katie turns her head and looks at the bucket seeing Scotts hand in there as well relizing thats what she was touching. For a moment Katie keeps her hands in the busket gently running her fingers over the back of Scotts hand for a long moment as she looks up at him. Katie's face turns a shade of red, as a smile makes the way to Katie face as she studys Scotts own.*

*The woman turns her head and smiles at Wyatt.*

"Well its nice to meet you Wyatt Reese. I'm Aerith Adams."

*Aerith looks out the window trying to remember for next time the way Wyatt was taking so she could find her own way.*

"I know I probley sould like a totel wiredo but this is my first day in Nevada. My grandmother is very sick. So I am here to help her as much as I can. I'm use to busyer streets and more lights. It being so dark and quiet is..rather new. I'm from NYC."

*For a long moment Aerith is silent.*

"And why am I tell all this to someone I dont even know. I'm sure I am boring the tar out of you. But since we are on the subject whats your story? Have you lived here long Wyatt?"

*Aerith trys her best to keep the light chat up to calm her nerves. It was enough she was new here, and she hasent seen her grandmother in almost 10 years and was alittle less than happy Aerith helping her, and she now had to find a job. That put enough stress on her now her car was broke down and she had no way to get around. Aerith lets out a little sigh.*


Carson is stretched out on his back on the couch, waiting for Misty, and hears her coming back with her questioning. “I have no idea what we should go do,” he admits. “You’re the one who knows their way around here, not me.”

He laughs a little. “Though if I had to make a suggestion, I’d say somewhere to eat is definitely appealing, and I wouldn’t mind seeing the beach one more time before we left.”

Laura yells back down the hall as she gets dressed in her bedroom. “Yeah, that was Katie’s car…” She pulls her navy tee over her head. “She’s doing…well, she’s hanging in there….for the most part.”

She throws on her jeans and slips into her flipflops. Looking at herself in the mirror, she runs a hand through her hair and remains satisfied. She had to admit, if there was one thing Nate didn’t do, it was make her feel like she needed to spend an hour making herself “pretty.”

Laura ambles back down the hall. “From what I heard, Jason isn’t himself anymore, and it’s taking it’s toll on Katie. I can’t blame her…I just feel bad, and there seems like there’s nothing I can do but keep praying.”

She throws up her arms and then lets them drop as she sighs. “Well…if you want to get your lazy bum off my couch, I’m ready to go.”

Scott grins and shakes his head just a little at Katie. “Alright.” Going into the dark room, he points up the steps in the seating. “Halfway up is the best spot,” he suggests. “Trust me, I know.”

Once settled Scott puts the popcorn on his knee so they can share it, and the movie starts. There aren’t too many other people there, making the atmosphere nice. The movie offers just an intense enough edge to keep minds occupied and attention diverted, if only for a couple hours.

Halfway through the movie, Scott takes a sip of his water, and goes to retrieve another handful of popcorn from the half-empty bucket.

Wyatt chuckles. The jeep gives a little lurch as he releases the clutch, and they’re on their way to town. “Yeah, I know where Rockwood Ave. is. That’s only about seven blocks from my own street. We’ll be there in a jiffy.”

It’s quiet for several minutes, and Wyatt gives this newcomer a sidelong glance, taking in her pretty features. It was obvious that she wasn’t from anywhere around here. “I’m Wyatt Reese, by the way.”

Con receives Jamie’s warm kiss, and smiles down at her. “I don’t know what you’re thanking me for,” he comments. “From my perspective, it’s you that’s making this evening wonderful.”

Drawing her close, he wraps his arms around her, and this time doesn’t let the kiss end so quickly. His hands are so rough, but so gentle, holding her tight, and cradling her back and head. If ever a blissful moment, this was it.