
Open Heart

.*Katie cant help but have her cheeks turn alittle red at his complaments...than going back to Jason she lets out a sigh as she leans aganst her car.*

"Oh Scott...its so complacated. Since I met Jason I always had this thing for him. Being at the ranch wit him was hard. Her was cocky and a jerk who only thought of himself. The day before I came to TJY I got so angry at him for throwing a punch at me...even if I did deserve it for slaping him... I slamed him aganst a wall telling him if he ever tryed to swing at me again i would put him in the hospetal myself. I came here, and things were pretty good. Than Jason came back and he has changed. He was a differnt Jason. He was caring, and nice, he thought of others and new how to show emotions. He opened himself up."

*Katie lets out a long sigh and jumps up on her car hood leting her legs dangle off the side. Leting out a long sigh.*

" When he first went into prison everything was ok. I told him I would wait and I did. But as the time went on everything stated to change. I started not to be able to feel him he masked his feelings, his emotions, his letters started get cold, and heartless. Than when I went to see him, I saw it in his eyes. He was turning back into the old Jason. My Jason that I cared about was gone. And now I sit here, with someone who is showing he so much affection, who lit something in my heart, the dark courner that no one asle touched."

*A small tear rolls down Katie's face*

"You differnt from most people Scott, and I like how you make me feel. I feel at peace, clam and just plane comfortable with you. You dident hesatat, you new what you wanted and how you felt and you went with it. Can I see something more than a friendship with you...yes I can. Is this the right time no. I have a boyfriend, and I need to talk to him about everything try and make him see what happend to him. Even if I am unhappy and very....ever so lonly....and darkness plagues my mind..."

*Katie voice drifts off for a moment as her tears come more. She was so lonly, and it hurt, the peace of light that had been lit in her heart she was pushing away. Katie was so confused and was hurting so much she just wanted it to end.*

"...than...*sniff*....darkness is where I must dwell for now in hopes I will see the light at the end of the tunnal and find my happyness sooner or later. So Scott, I guess I ask asking you to give me time. I know you shouldent have to wait its not fair to you, but...I dont even know what I am trying to say anymore exscept thank you Scott for pulling me out of the darkness tonight if only for a few hours thank you for that bref moment leting me see the light."

*Katie hops off the hood of the car, trying to smile through her tear streaked face, her eyes trying to hide her pain. Bringing her hand to Scott's face she runs her thumb over his cheekbone.*

"Who ever though that "the office nerd who runs into doorframes, breaks glasses at least twice a month and whose only talent lies with temperamental computer equipment"isent so nerdy to some people after all."

*As Katie draws her hand away slowly from Scott's face through her pain she trys to find humor.*

"I think I know why I like contacts on you more than glasses. I can see your eyes."

*As Nate see's Laura own tear and hears her words something goes off inside of him. He wouldent let Laura do this to herself. He couldent. Reaching out Nate brings his hand to Laura's face whiping away the tear his own voice grows soft losing its rough edge.*

"I promise Laura, I wont ever give up on you...."

*Nate's draws closer to Laura.*

"...I promise I wont hurt you..."

*Nate brings his head ever so closer to Laura feeling the warmth from her skin.*

"....I promise I'll always protect you."

*Nate's lips gently push aganst Laura's than he draws away alittle.*

"..please dont be scaired of me."

*Nate moves in tword Laura again places his lips to her and kissing her passanitly but softly with great care. Laura was delacet, and Nate was at hear a gentalmen. Slowly his arms wrap around her as he holds his ground kissing her.*

*Aerith takes a sip of her coffee before answering Wyatt.*

"I'm not sure how long I will be staying. Probley till grandmother gets better or dies. Than again if I like it here I might even end up staying. I'm not sure what direction I am taking. Most of my life has always been decied for me by my family. My mom, my step dad, my grandmother. The only one who really understood me was my dad. Now my mom acts like he never exsisted and she dident say it but I know the only reson she sent me here was cuz I look to much like my father so she couldent stand looking at me anymore."

*Aerith lets out a sigh and takes another sip of her coffee. Why was she rambaling like this to Wyatt. She hadent even known him more than a few hours and she was telling him her who life story. There was something differnt about him though. Aerith smiles at the mention of time grabing her wallet to pay for her coffee.*

"Ya I guess I should get back before my grandmother has all of Nevada out looking for me. Though I do think it would be funny."

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