

*Katie looks back deep in Scott's eyes. I feeling forming in her. It was a sence of peace Scott omited. Katie couldent help but smile bigger as she looked back at him forgeting all alse. Katie wasent sure what to say but she liked the warm feeling that was inside her. The darkness had a bit of light in it. Katie wouldent run away, she would take one step at a time. Her mind screams at her about Jason. What about Jason? Katie dident know, the future was unclear. Katie loved Jason, she couldent deny that but something was changing. A storm was coming and Katie new it was going to hit fast and hard. As Katie studys Scott's eyes her heart jumps and patters. Her fingers tighten around his and her eyes dont break. So many questions run through them searching Scott's for answers. What was she doing she wasent sure. Was what she doing wrong, she dident know.*

"Scott, thank you."

*Is all she can manage to whisper as she gets lost in the sea of feelings, as Scott's eyes captavate her. What would happend next in this story of life. Katie dident know.*

*Misty turns as she walks bawards tword the door grinning at Carson.*

"You better watch it buddy. "

*Misty cant help but laugh turning around again.*

"Ok lets get something to eat before i take a bite out of your arm from hunger. Than OFF to the beach."

*Nate watches as Laura walks away. He could see the war raging inside of her. His heart went out. He dident know what to do to help. He only new he wanted to. Slowly Nate stands finishing off his cone and walks over to Laura every so slowly. Trying his hardest to not startle Laura, or cause her to feel fear Nate places his hands in her shoulders lightly. As he stood over her the smell of her hair filling his nose as she closed his eyes just standing there for a moment.Bringing his head down Nate rests his forhead on top of Laura's ehad as he whispers.*

"You dont have to say anything Laura. Its ok."

*Nate hands move over Laura's shouder and wrap around her in a comforting embrace as in the last moment of desparation he gives all his emotions to her, wanting to say more but not knowing the words. As Nate stands there something unusale for him happens. His own tear rolls down his face. Slowly Nate removes his arm from around Laura and turns her around to look her in the eye. Trying to shair his soul with her.*

"I promise Laura...."

*Nate words trail off as he closes his eyes again trying to regain himself.*

*Aerith stands in limbo for a long moment. Half in he car and half out. Continplating Wyatt's offer when is seems like Aerith was finally going to get out, she steps back in and slams the door behind her. What was she doing. Was she crazy? She had no idea who this stanger and she was opting to spend more time with him now.*

"I dont normaly do this Wyatt drive around with strangers, but...Sometimes I feel like I am with strangers at home. Anyways you dont seem so bad. Not considering what I am use to in the City. and you found my weakness coffee."

*Aerith turns quiet again looking out the window at the passing scenes lost in thought.*

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