

*Misty looks down at Carson still but alittle closer to him now. A grin playing at one courner of her mouth and the fire fully regained in her eyes. Yes Carson did something to her that braught her to life.*

"Oh I relize good and well Mr. Bank, good and well."

*Misty leans in closer to Carson and plats her lips to his. Taking in the moment and not wanting it to end. The sweet tast of his kiss, his arms wraped around her. Oh Carson how she enjoyed every moment with him.*

*Nate grins.*

"Two week...I mean scoops of Rasberry, and I'll take..."

*Nate looks at the menu for a moment.*

"Two scoops of the Cookie dough please."

*After geting the ice cream and handing Laura's her Nate directs them to a bench that is father away from people but still in the light and sits down across from Laura. Licking his ice cream than finally answers her questions.*

"Well when I was on the case in NC we had to track down a bunch of guys to killed a family in cold blood. The law there dident want to do anything about it. I got to see pictures of the family, how they were killed to get a better understanding. I even got taken to the home where it happend to look for clues anything. I've seen alot of things in my days, but see 3 innocent childrin dead was something I never want to have to see again. Its heart renching. Anyways, the father dident die right away and was in the hospetal I had to go and talk to him. and he said something to me. He told me sease everymoment I can. If I care about someone do what I can to show them. If I care bad enough for them, I'll find a way to make them understand. You wanted me to be more pushy so I could be around you and get you to do things with me thats what i am doing. As long as you dont mind, than I'll keep doing it so I can get a chanse to spend time with you. Even if you only ever see my as a friend Laura I will have these feels for you, and will accept the friendship so it dosent push you away from me. I care about you, and dont want you to hurt cuz I know you have in the past."

*Nate lifts his sunglass and puts them on the top of his head, his peacing eyes studding Laura's face. Everything he saw in NC had given him a new out look on things. He dident want to pass up a moment with out spending time with the two people he cared about the most his sister and Laura. Even if Laura never showed him affection back he wanted her to know his was there, and that even though she had a hard outer shell someone was willing to keep knocing till it cracked.*

*Aerith smiles at Wyatt thankful for his friendlyness. Looking out of the courner of her eyes she couldent help but study Wyatt's handsome face.*

"Well I was at her house once earlyer today, but I was driven there so I havent had a chanse to do it on my own. And look the one chanse I get I got myself lost."

*Aerith lets out a laugh.*

"Ya I bet it is nice here. When I was real young my family lived on a farm. But than my dad passed away in an accident and my mom remarried to a lawyer pritty high class and we moved to NYC. I dont really remember much about life befor NYC but, I dont know I guess you just always carry those things with you. And it reminds me of that time when I first got here. It was refreshing."

*Aerith relizes she had started to ramble again and rolls her eyes. Finally seeing the street sign she smile.*

"Hey here we go. My place is 130. and thx for giving me that number. Your a pritty cool guy Wyatt. Thank you."

*Grabing her own peace of paper she jots down a number and hands it to Wyatt.*

"Here's my cell number in case your ever bored or something. It'd be nice to have a friend who know where they are going around here. Thank you again and it was nice meeting you."

*Aerith lets out a long sigh that shows she really dident want to go inside right now. Hesatating her opens the door to the jeep just lingering for a moment.*

*As Scott takes Katie's hand her heart gives alittle jump. Katie smile grows alittle bit as she studys Scotts face for a long moment. Forgeting about the popcorn Kaite lets out a soft sigh and repositions herself so she is siting alittle closer to Scott now. Forgeting about the movies as well Katie cant break her eyes away from Scott. What was it that kept her eyes to his. For a bref moment Katie's lonlyness melted away.*

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