

Carson is stretched out on his back on the couch, waiting for Misty, and hears her coming back with her questioning. “I have no idea what we should go do,” he admits. “You’re the one who knows their way around here, not me.”

He laughs a little. “Though if I had to make a suggestion, I’d say somewhere to eat is definitely appealing, and I wouldn’t mind seeing the beach one more time before we left.”

Laura yells back down the hall as she gets dressed in her bedroom. “Yeah, that was Katie’s car…” She pulls her navy tee over her head. “She’s doing…well, she’s hanging in there….for the most part.”

She throws on her jeans and slips into her flipflops. Looking at herself in the mirror, she runs a hand through her hair and remains satisfied. She had to admit, if there was one thing Nate didn’t do, it was make her feel like she needed to spend an hour making herself “pretty.”

Laura ambles back down the hall. “From what I heard, Jason isn’t himself anymore, and it’s taking it’s toll on Katie. I can’t blame her…I just feel bad, and there seems like there’s nothing I can do but keep praying.”

She throws up her arms and then lets them drop as she sighs. “Well…if you want to get your lazy bum off my couch, I’m ready to go.”

Scott grins and shakes his head just a little at Katie. “Alright.” Going into the dark room, he points up the steps in the seating. “Halfway up is the best spot,” he suggests. “Trust me, I know.”

Once settled Scott puts the popcorn on his knee so they can share it, and the movie starts. There aren’t too many other people there, making the atmosphere nice. The movie offers just an intense enough edge to keep minds occupied and attention diverted, if only for a couple hours.

Halfway through the movie, Scott takes a sip of his water, and goes to retrieve another handful of popcorn from the half-empty bucket.

Wyatt chuckles. The jeep gives a little lurch as he releases the clutch, and they’re on their way to town. “Yeah, I know where Rockwood Ave. is. That’s only about seven blocks from my own street. We’ll be there in a jiffy.”

It’s quiet for several minutes, and Wyatt gives this newcomer a sidelong glance, taking in her pretty features. It was obvious that she wasn’t from anywhere around here. “I’m Wyatt Reese, by the way.”

Con receives Jamie’s warm kiss, and smiles down at her. “I don’t know what you’re thanking me for,” he comments. “From my perspective, it’s you that’s making this evening wonderful.”

Drawing her close, he wraps his arms around her, and this time doesn’t let the kiss end so quickly. His hands are so rough, but so gentle, holding her tight, and cradling her back and head. If ever a blissful moment, this was it.

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