

*As Nate watches Con and Jamie leave with Laura. Jamie had moved around to Laura's other side. For a long moment Nate stands replaying Con's words in his head a tad bit of fear runs though and chills him to the bone. Why was he standing there in fear. What was he so scaired of? So Con could hit him, mangle his face, but was Laura worth it? Proof...is that what this was about? Natie thinks alittle bit longer finally moving twords Con and the other again. Yes she was worth it. Jogging in front of them he stands causing them to stop.*

"Con if you have a problem with me why dont you tell me now. As far as I am conserned I dident do anything wrong and I think Laura can stick up for herself. You have known be for a better part of a year and you know darn well I wouldent NEVER do anything to harm anyone. So if you have a problem tell me here and now."

*Nate folds his arm across his chest. Con had bullyed him since he took intrest in his sister and now it was Nates turn to step up and not back down.*

*Katie shakes her head to Scott.*

"Please dont be sorry about the kiss. I know I'm not."

*Katie lets out a long sigh and hugs Scott back.*

"Ya I'll see you tomarrow. Thank you again Scotty. Even if you say I dont have to thank you."

*Katie gets into her car looking Scott's kiss lingering in the back of her mind still this car. it proved he cared his kiss it proved he liked her. A small smile comes to Katie face but soon is replaced with tears as she fell back into the darkness. Slowly she starts to pull out of the parking lot looking in the rearview mirror and giving a way to Scott. On her way home Katie's lonlyness returns hiting her hard. The feeling of a wall that was gone when she was with Scott was not back Causing Katie great pain all over. Finally making it home safe Katie limps into her bed room shuting her door behind her and calapsing on her bed from exsaustion.The battle wasent over, they feeling remained and Jason continues to blocking them. Knowing she was alone Katie lets out a long sharp yell as she cryed. Why...she dident understand why. Henry ambles into the room and jumps on the bed headbutting Katie making sure she was ok.*

*As the pull infront of Aerith's grandmothers place she opens the car door and steps out shuting it behind her. Turning she leans on the open window and smiles at Wyatt.*

"It was nice meeting you to Wyatt. Thanks for the Coffee, the ride, and the number for an auto shop. Well...see ya around."

*Aerith gives a wave as she heads up the walk. Opening the door a loud voice can be hurd.*

"Aerith where in tarnation were you girl?"

"My car broke down grandmother and I got a ride home."

"You got a ride hom from a stanger in this town. Are you stupid girl?"

"He was very nice and I think I have delt with rougher people than him in the city grandmother."

"Yep I was rigth your stupid. Now go run me my bath."

*The voice become muffled as Aerith shuts the door behind her disapearing from view.*

*As Misty hangs up her phone and rejoins Carson on the beach she has a smile on her face.*

"Well Mr.Banks I have some good new. I passed my test with flying colors. I got a 100%. I am good to go back home and continue to study. My house has also been sold. So...we can leave whenever now. Though I am temptied to just stay here with you forever."

*Misty cant help but grin and she gives Carson an excited hug. She was nervouse to go home cuz of the Agency but she was excited as well things would be ok.*

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