

Laura’s teary eyes go wide as Nate steps in front of them. What was he doing? What was he thinking?

Con stops in his tracks, taken off guard by Nate’s stance. Being startled doesn’t last long though, and in an instant, Con has let go of his sister and stepped closer to Nate, now looking down on him. His hands are balled into fists as the anger starts to surge through his veins. “I do have a problem with you,” he returns with ire. “This is the second time I’ve seen my sister upset around you, and I’m not one to wait around for it to happen a third time.”

A whole different fear rushes over Laura, and she reaches out to touch her brother’s back. “Con…please..”

Con grits his teeth, an inner battle suddenly waged. He was fighting that monster again, and he knew it. He was angry…and it was extremely dangerous.

He continues to stare at Nate. “I don’t want this to get out of hand any more than you do, Nate,” he hisses. “So let’s end it here. Stay away from Laura before I put you in the same category as the last guy who messed her up.”

Scott watches Katie leave, then makes it to his own house. It felt darker tonight…quieter… this evening had somehow changed his outlook, but he wasn’t quite sure how.

A bark greets him as he unlocks the front door, and he keeps his foot in the way to keep the feisty Boston Terrier from slipping outside. “Hey, baby,” he croons. “Miss me?”

After taking her out on a leash and getting back inside, he flops down in his small living room on the couch. Domino jumps up with him, crawling onto his chest to lay down and licking his chin before settling down.

Scott rubs her head absentmindedly, stroking her soft ears. “I just kissed another guy’s girlfriend tonight,” he muses aloud. “Domino, am I stupid, or what, hmm?”

Her eyes look at his face and her ears perk forward as if confused by the question. Scott shakes his head. But there was something…something there that warned him this wasn’t over yet.

Wyatt waits in his jeep until he sees Aerith makes it into the house. Before her door shuts though, he hears the loud voice, making out just a few words…enough to realize they were harsh. Frowning a little, Wyatt knows he needs to leave, and pulls away from the curb. He lifts up a short prayer.

At the news of Misty passing her test, Carson lets out a whoop and picks her up to spin her around. Setting her back down again, he plants a kiss on her lips, then looks her in the eye. “That is so awesome.” A new feeling welled up in him…he wasn’t sure he recognized it… Pride?

He laughs. “I’m tempted too. But I think we better head back one of these days at least.” He slings an arm around Misty’s shoulder and starts walking the sand again. “I say we get you your ticket and play the timeframe by ear. Reese is expecting us soon.”

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